2002 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Committee Approved)

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Workforce Services Training Payments (language only)

Item 108 #13s

Item 108 #13s

Commerce And Trade
Business Assistance, Department of

Page 71, after line 46, insert:
"F.  In the event the total awards to businesses eligible for reimbursement under the Industrial Employee Training Program are greater than the appropriation provided, the Department may either prorate the amount of reimbursement each business receives or request the Governor to transfer such sums as necessary from the Governor’s Development Opportunity Fund to this Item.  The Secretary of Commerce and Trade shall notify the Chairmen of the Senate Finance and House Appropriations Committees 30 days prior to the transfer of moneys from the Governor’s Development Opportunity Fund."

(This amendment permits the Department of Business Assistance to prorate reimbursements made under the workforce services training program and to request the Governor to use moneys from the Governor's Development Opportunity Fund to meet these expenses.)