2002 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Committee Approved)

Consolidation of Legislative Commissions

Item 1 #2h

Item 1 #2h

First Year - FY2003 Second Year - FY2004
Legislative Department
Virginia Commission On Youth FY2003 ($200,000) FY2004 ($200,000) GF
FY2003 -3.00 FY2004 -3.00 FTE

Page 12, line 14, strike "$312,485" and insert "$112,485".
Page 12, line 14, strike "$312,485" and insert "$112,485".
Page 12, after line 17, insert:
"The funding and positions for the Virginia Commission on Youth are hereby eliminated.  Nothwithstanding any other provision in law, responsibility for the activities undertaken by Commission on Youth are henceforth transferred to the Joint Commission on Healthcare."

(This amendment transfers the responsibilities and positions of the Virginia Commission on Youth to the Joint Commission on Health Care beginning in fiscal year 2003.)