2000 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

Chief Patron: Shuler
VPI Communications Center Capital Lease (language only)

Item C-118.10 #1h

Item C-118.10 #1h

Education: Higher Education
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

page 407, after line 1, insert:
"C-118.10.  The General Assembly herewith authorizes Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University to enter into a capital lease agreement to house its Communications Network Services program.  The facility to be provided may generally be described as approximately 33,000 net square feet of office and laboratory space,  suitable to advanced networking and computing services.  The annual cost of the lease agreement shall not exceed $608,000, and the term of said agreement shall not exceed 20 years.  The plans and specifications for the facility shall be approved by the University, and shall be generally consistent in quality and specifications for facilities constructed by the University as a state capital project on state-owned land.  The lease agreement shall further provide that the subject facilities shall convey to the Commonwealth, in fee simple, at the conclusion of the term of the agreement without additional cost."

(This amendment allows Virginia Tech to enter into a capital lease agreement to house its advanced communications programs.)