1999 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

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Land Records Task Force (language only)

Item 76 #6c

Item 76 #6c

Compensation Board

Page 61, after line 25, insert:
"F.  Notwithstanding the provisions of § 1 of the first enactment of Chapter 14 of the 1998 Acts of Assembly, the Task Force on Land Records Management established by the third enactment of Chapter 675 of the 1997 Acts of Assembly is continued in existence until June 30, 2000 for the purpose of advising the General Assembly regarding:
1.  Legislation (including legislation relating to indexing standards and the use of cover sheets in the recordation of instruments) necessary to implement the prior recommendations of the Task Force with respect to the automation of land records in circuit court clerk's offices and remote access to land records throughout the Commonwealth; and
2.  Sources and allocation of long-term funding necessary to implement the prior recommendations of the Task Force.
Any vacancies arising in the membership of the present Task force shall be filled in accordance with the provisions of §1 of the third enactment of Chapter 675 of the 1997 Acts of Assembly.  The Compensation Board may reimburse actual expenses incurred by the Council on Information Management in supporting the work of the Task Force from funds described in subsection C of 17.1-279."

(This amendment continues the Task Force on Land Records Management.)