1999 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

CIM Y2K Hotline

Item 513.2 #1c

Item 513.2 #1c

First Year - FY1999 Second Year - FY2000
Council On Information Management FY1999 $25,000 FY2000 $75,000 GF

Page 390, line 31, strike "$2,542,002" and insert "$2,567,002".
Page 390, line 31, strike "$3,236,549" and insert "$3,311,549".
Page 392, after line 31, insert:
"8.  Included in this appropriation is $25,000 the first year and $75,000 the second year which shall be used to establish a toll-free telecommunications "Hotline" to provide technical assistance to local government agencies and institutions regarding Year 2000 Computer Date Change issues.  Any amount for this program remaining at the end of the first year shall be carried forward to the second year, as the Director of the Project Office may request."

(This amendment is self-explanatory.)