1999 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

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Individual Development Accounts-SWVa

Item 404 #2c

Item 404 #2c

First Year - FY1999 Second Year - FY2000
Health And Human Resources
Social Services, Department of FY1999 $0 FY2000 $50,000 GF
FY1999 $0 FY2000 $200,000 NGF

Page 309, line 2, strike "$98,375,750" and insert "$98,625,750".

(This amendment provides state funds to People Incorporated, a non-profit human services agency in Southwest Virginia, to be used as match for new federal funds for Individual Development Accounts. The federal program is designed to encourage low-income families in saving for purposes such as home purchase, education, and business start-up. This amendment also provides funds from the federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) block grant for the same purposes.)