1999 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

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Health Commission Studies (language only)

Item 12 #3c

Item 12 #3c

Legislative Department
Joint Commission On Health Care

Page 11, at the beginning of line 8, insert "A."
Page 11, after line 27, insert:
"B.  As part of its ongoing responsibilities for making recommendations to the General Assembly regarding health care policy in the Commonwealth, the Joint Commission on Health Care shall review the efficiency, effectiveness, and outcomes of the Commonwealth's health workforce initiatives related to improving access to care in underserved areas.  The Joint Commission's ongoing review shall include the Area Health Education Center program; the various recruitment, scholarship and loan repayment programs; the activities of the Generalist Physician Initiative which relate to improving access to care in underserved areas; and, the activities of other related private, nonprofit community-based organizations.  The Joint Commission on Health Care's review of health workforce activities and initiatives shall include, but need not be limited to, (i) monitoring and analyzing the efficiency, effectiveness and outcomes of existing programs designed to recruit and retain primary care providers in underserved areas; (ii) identifying new, innovative programs that can increase the number of primary care providers locating in underserved areas; (iii) identifying effective workforce programs in other states that could be implemented in Virginia; (iv) recommending appropriate modifications to Virginia's overall health workforce efforts; and (v) recommending appropriate funding strategies.  The Joint Commission shall conduct its review and analysis in cooperation with the House Appropriations Committee and the Senate Finance Committee.  The Joint Commission also shall consult with and involve the Department of Health and the affected workforce programs and initiatives in its review activities.  The Joint Commission shall complete its initial review by November 1, 1999, and shall report its findings and recommendations to the Governor and the 2000 Session of the General Assembly."

(This amendment directs the Joint Commission on Health Care to review certain health workforce initiatives.)