| First Year - FY2023 | Second Year - FY2024 | Totals |
Office of Transportation | $10,998,522,561 $11,303,254,681 | $11,160,519,957 $11,260,734,564 | |
Secretary of Transportation | $1,023,114 | $1,023,114 | |
434 | Administrative and Support Services | $1,023,114 | $1,023,114 | |
Virginia Commercial Space Flight Authority | $23,380,866 | $21,848,572 | |
435 | Space Flight Support Services | $23,380,866 | $21,848,572 | |
Department of Aviation | $50,525,014 $47,060,864 | $42,333,339 $55,206,258 | |
436 | Financial Assistance for Airports | $32,748,695 $37,384,545 | $32,157,020 $37,063,512 | |
437 | Air Transportation System Planning, Regulation, Communication and Education | $3,861,228 | $3,861,228 $4,265,945 | |
438 | State Aircraft Flight Operations | $11,112,048 $3,012,048 | $3,512,048 $11,208,606 | |
439 | Administrative and Support Services | $2,803,043 | $2,803,043 $2,668,195 | |
Department of Motor Vehicles | $324,011,106 | $323,616,656 | |
440 | Ground Transportation Regulation | $219,245,172 | $218,850,722 | |
441 | Ground Transportation System Safety Services | $10,377,202 | $10,377,202 | |
442 | Administrative and Support Services | $94,388,732 | $94,388,732 | |
Department of Motor Vehicles Transfer Payments | $132,846,529 | $132,846,529 | |
443 | Ground Transportation System Safety Services | $23,255,029 | $23,255,029 | |
444 | Financial Assistance to Localities - General | $109,591,500 | $109,591,500 | |
Virginia Passenger Rail Authority | $341,267,073 | $274,075,784 | |
445 | Financial Assistance for Rail Programs | $341,267,073 | $274,075,784 | |
Department of Rail and Public Transportation | $858,432,414 | $864,402,978 | |
446 | Ground Transportation Planning and Research | $3,347,198 | $3,347,198 | |
447 | Financial Assistance for Public Transportation | $745,028,796 | $751,660,063 | |
448 | Financial Assistance for Rail Programs | $87,964,945 | $87,768,213 | |
449 | Administrative and Support Services | $22,091,475 | $21,627,504 | |
Department of Transportation | $8,098,923,262 $8,373,241,805 | $8,300,322,412 $8,253,351,067 | |
450 | Environmental Monitoring and Evaluation | $27,229,549 $17,968,133 | $27,600,315 $19,854,770 | |
451 | Ground Transportation Planning and Research | $94,878,980 $106,660,594 | $96,749,414 $143,155,722 | |
452 | Highway Construction Programs | $4,374,346,266 $4,397,375,885 | $4,593,972,346 $4,118,888,937 | |
453 | Highway System Maintenance and Operations | $2,165,233,529 $2,423,807,380 | $2,087,068,806 $2,407,931,900 | |
454 | Statewide Special Structures | $80,000,000 | $81,280,000 $85,040,000 | |
455 | Commonwealth Toll Facilities | $97,602,045 $74,590,000 | $99,268,786 | |
456 | Financial Assistance to Localities for Ground Transportation | $541,727,128 $567,102,275 | $548,996,955 $616,445,628 | |
457 | Non-Toll Supported Transportation Debt Service | $412,542,852 $386,831,538 | $455,335,793 $418,686,167 | |
458 | Administrative and Support Services | $305,362,913 $318,906,000 | $310,049,997 $344,079,157 | |
459 | Language Only | | |
Department of Transportation Transfer Payments | $884,465,897 $910,843,624 | $905,989,412 $1,032,602,445 | |
460 | Financial Assistance to Localities for Ground Transportation | $884,465,897 $910,843,624 | $905,989,412 $1,032,602,445 | |
Motor Vehicle Dealer Board | $3,291,294 | $3,291,294 | |
461 | Consumer Affairs Services | $304,791 | $304,791 | |
462 | Regulation of Professions and Occupations | $2,986,503 | $2,986,503 | |
Virginia Port Authority | $280,355,992 $287,855,992 | $290,769,867 $298,469,867 | |
463 | Economic Development Services | $7,830,786 $11,830,786 | $7,830,786 $11,830,786 | |
464 | Port Facilities Planning, Maintenance, Acquisition, and Construction | $121,067,624 | $125,881,499 | |
465 | Financial Assistance for Port Activities | $11,612,325 | $11,612,325 | |
466 | Administrative and Support Services | $139,845,257 $143,345,257 | $145,445,257 $149,145,257 | |