| First Year - FY2007 | Second Year - FY2008 | Totals |
Office of Health and Human Resources | $8,988,743,748 $9,008,735,378 | $9,430,560,688 $9,582,453,189 | |
Secretary of Health and Human Resources | $1,732,144 | $1,732,144 | |
278 | Administrative and Support Services | $1,732,144 | $1,732,144 | |
Comprehensive Services for At-Risk Youth and Families | $265,111,138 $269,375,350 | $286,119,904 $291,937,020 | |
279 | Protective Services | $265,111,138 $269,375,350 | $286,119,904 $291,937,020 | |
Department for the Aging | $49,409,005 | $49,409,082 $50,942,266 | |
280 | Individual Care Services | $30,806,751 | $30,806,751 | |
281 | Nutritional Services | $16,208,165 | $16,208,165 $17,212,165 | |
282 | Administrative and Support Services | $2,394,089 | $2,394,166 $2,923,350 | |
283 | Language Only | | |
Department for the Deaf and Hard-Of-Hearing | $1,560,673 | $1,560,882 $15,760,778 | |
284 | Social Services Research, Planning, and Coordination | $1,560,673 | $1,560,882 $15,760,778 | |
Department of Health | $527,285,138 $530,177,629 | $529,840,961 $535,427,433 | |
285 | Higher Education Student Financial Assistance | $1,808,196 | $1,808,196 $2,008,196 | |
286 | Emergency Medical Services | $28,384,800 | $30,109,800 | |
287 | Medical Examiner and Anatomical Services | $7,182,695 | $7,215,915 $7,521,771 | |
288 | Vital Records and Health Statistics | $6,969,168 | $7,414,168 | |
289 | Communicable Disease Prevention and Control | $46,624,833 | $46,903,019 $48,260,441 | |
290 | Health Research, Planning, and Coordination | $12,120,743 $12,521,344 | $12,120,743 $12,225,115 | |
291 | State Health Services | $98,978,581 | $98,878,581 $99,128,581 | |
292 | Community Health Services | $220,959,335 | $221,094,335 $221,446,267 | |
293 | Financial Assistance to Community Human Services Organizations | $12,116,296 $14,608,186 | $12,113,796 $15,055,686 | |
294 | Drinking Water Improvement | $36,422,690 | $36,422,690 $36,497,690 | |
295 | Environmental Health Hazards Control | $7,086,907 | $7,101,907 | |
296 | Emergency Preparedness | $33,882,053 | $33,882,053 | |
297 | Administrative and Support Services | $14,748,841 | $14,775,758 | |
Department of Health Professions | $22,880,937 $23,157,461 | $22,866,918 $23,412,064 | |
298 | Higher Education Student Financial Assistance | $65,000 | $65,000 | |
299 | Regulation of Professions and Occupations | $22,815,937 $23,092,461 | $22,801,918 $23,347,064 | |
Department of Medical Assistance Services | $5,319,664,837 $5,320,510,865 | $5,692,133,768 $5,759,976,809 | |
300 | Pre-Trial, Trial, and Appellate Processes | $10,180,391 $9,437,494 | $10,180,391 $11,549,689 | |
301 | Children's Health Insurance Program Delivery | $90,049,514 $82,938,843 | $102,699,621 $99,871,436 | |
302 | Medicaid Program Services | $5,029,321,523 $5,033,150,165 | $5,383,254,608 $5,451,198,787 | |
303 | Indigent Health Care Trust Fund | $9,285,831 | $9,285,831 | |
304 | Continuing Income Assistance Services | $1,400,000 | $1,400,000 | |
305 | Medical Assistance Services (Non-Medicaid) | $14,222,481 | $14,222,481 $14,252,481 | |
306 | Medical Assistance Services for Low Income Children | $67,154,269 $65,504,509 | $75,315,928 $74,146,205 | |
307 | Administrative and Support Services | $98,050,828 $104,571,542 | $95,774,908 $98,272,380 | |
Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services | $35,644,555 $35,890,472 | $37,984,798 $43,558,378 | |
308 | Regulation of Public Facilities and Services | $1,949,603 $2,055,355 | $1,949,603 $2,055,355 | |
309 | Inspection, Monitoring, and Auditing Services | $499,024 | $499,024 | |
310 | Language Only | | |
311 | Administrative and Support Services | $33,195,928 $33,336,093 | $35,536,171 $41,003,999 | |
Grants to Localities | $274,788,360 | $277,193,200 $281,217,145 | |
312 | Financial Assistance for Health Services | $274,788,360 | $277,193,200 $281,217,145 | |
Mental Health Treatment Centers | $316,625,666 | $316,645,648 | |
313 | Instruction | $45,435 | $45,435 | |
314 | Secure Confinement | $11,526,385 | $11,526,385 | |
315 | Pharmacy Services | $41,830,993 | $44,292,490 | |
316 | State Health Services | $181,985,397 | $179,543,882 | |
317 | Facility Administrative and Support Services | $81,237,456 | $81,237,456 | |
318 | Language Only | | |
Mental Retardation Training Centers | $214,171,047 $235,745,465 | $206,887,297 $234,642,007 | |
319 | Instruction | $7,784,455 | $7,784,455 | |
320 | Pharmacy Services | $4,804,733 | $4,804,733 | |
321 | State Health Services | $127,521,952 $149,096,370 | $120,238,202 $147,992,912 | |
322 | Facility Administrative and Support Services | $74,059,907 | $74,059,907 | |
323 | Language Only | | |
Virginia Center for Behavioral Rehabilitation | $7,516,302 $7,161,391 | $14,893,288 $13,861,500 | |
324 | Secure Confinement | $4,647,619 $4,292,708 | $12,024,605 $10,992,817 | |
325 | State Health Services | $2,040,176 | $2,040,176 | |
326 | Facility Administrative and Support Services | $828,507 | $828,507 | |
Department of Rehabilitative Services | $134,998,628 | $134,999,958 $136,419,958 | |
327 | Rehabilitation Assistance Services | $90,755,900 | $90,755,900 $91,615,900 | |
328 | Continuing Income Assistance Services | $35,436,635 | $35,436,635 $35,996,635 | |
329 | Administrative and Support Services | $8,806,093 | $8,807,423 | |
330 | Language Only | | |
Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center | $27,506,680 | $27,516,667 | |
331 | Rehabilitation Assistance Services | $19,903,732 | $19,903,732 | |
332 | Administrative and Support Services | $7,602,948 | $7,612,935 | |
Department of Social Services | $1,748,779,403 $1,739,026,354 | $1,789,704,516 $1,807,902,251 | |
333 | Program Management Services | $29,349,915 | $29,349,915 $29,724,255 | |
334 | Financial Assistance for Self-Sufficiency Programs and Services | $338,805,406 $339,951,890 | $341,518,480 $366,162,216 | |
335 | Financial Assistance for Local Social Services Staff | $316,733,934 | $316,843,934 | |
336 | Child Support Enforcement Services | $682,767,875 | $712,474,000 | |
337 | Adult Programs and Services | $44,754,968 $44,360,491 | $45,715,192 $47,304,949 | |
338 | Child Welfare Services | $166,829,535 $154,624,479 | $171,021,195 $162,169,437 | |
339 | Financial Assistance for Supplemental Assistance Services | $48,033,421 | $48,033,421 | |
340 | Financial Assistance to Community Human Services Organizations | $32,776,286 $34,476,286 | $33,326,286 $33,797,536 | |
341 | Regulation of Public Facilities and Services | $13,464,616 | $13,464,616 $13,458,654 | |
342 | Administrative and Support Services | $75,263,447 | $77,957,477 $77,933,849 | |
343 | Language Only | | |
344 | Language Only | | |
345 | Language Only | | |
Virginia Board for People with Disabilities | $1,975,276 | $1,974,869 $2,004,605 | |
346 | Social Services Research, Planning, and Coordination | $1,516,456 | $1,516,049 $1,545,785 | |
347 | Financial Assistance for Individual and Family Services | $458,820 | $458,820 | |
Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired | $36,993,539 | $36,996,368 $37,396,096 | |
348 | Statewide Library Services | $827,294 | $827,294 | |
349 | State Education Services | $1,551,434 | $1,551,434 | |
350 | Rehabilitation Assistance Services | $10,021,719 | $10,021,719 $10,421,447 | |
351 | Regional Office Support and Administration | $2,001,985 | $2,001,985 | |
352 | Rehabilitative Industries | $20,749,794 | $20,749,794 | |
353 | Administrative and Support Services | $1,841,313 | $1,844,142 | |
Virginia Rehabilitation Center for the Blind and Vision Impaired | $2,100,420 | $2,100,420 | |
354 | Rehabilitation Assistance Services | $1,218,050 $1,189,716 | $1,218,050 $1,189,716 | |
355 | Administrative and Support Services | $882,370 $910,704 | $882,370 $910,704 | |