Operating Policies |
4-0.01 Operating Policies |
Appropriations |
4-1.01 Prerequisites for Payment |
4-1.02 Withholding of Spending Authority |
4-1.03 Appropriation Transfers |
4-1.04 Appropriation Increases |
4-1.05 Reversion of Appropriations and Reappropriations |
4-1.06 Limited Adjustments of Appropriations |
4-1.07 Allotments |
Revenues |
4-2.01 Nongeneral Fund Revenues |
4-2.02 General Fund Revenue |
4-2.03 Indirect Costs |
Deficit Authorization and Treasury Loans |
4-3.01 Deficits |
4-3.02 Treasury Loans |
4-3.03 Long-Term Leases |
Capital Projects |
4-4.01 General |
4-4.02 Planning and Budgeting |
Special Conditions and Restrictions on Expenditures |
4-5.01 Transactions with Individuals |
4-5.02 Third Party Transactions |
4-5.03 Services and Clients |
4-5.04 Goods and Services |
4-5.05 Nonstate Agencies, Interstate Compacts and Organizational Memberships |
4-5.06 Delegation of Authority |
4-5.07 Lease, License or Use Agreements |
4-5.08 Semiconductor Manufacturing Performance Grant Programs |
4-5.09 Disposition of Surplus Real Property |
4-5.10 Surplus Property Transfers for Economic Development |
4-5.11 Seat of Government Traffic and Pedestrian Safety |
Positions and Employment |
4-6.01 Employee Compensation |
4-6.02 Employee Training and Study |
4-6.03 Employee Benefits |
4-6.04 Charges |
4-6.05 Selection of Applicants for Classified Positions |
4-6.06 Positions Governed By Chapters 933 and 943 of the 2006 Acts of Assembly |
Statewide Plans |
4-7.01 Manpower Control Program |
Reporting Requirements |
4-8.01 Governor |
4-8.02 State Agencies |
4-8.03 Local Governments |
Higher Education Restructuring |
4-9.01 Assessment of Institutional Performance |
4-9.02 Level II Authority |
4-9.03 Level III Authority |
4-9.04 Implement JLARC Recommendations |
4-11.00 Statement of Financial Condition |
4-12.00 Severability |
4-13.00 Conflict with other Laws |
4-14.00 Effective Date |