2024 1

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

Item 415 Amendments

First Year - FY2025Second Year - FY2026
Member Request
415#1hHB 466 - Concealed Handgun Permit Standards$100,000$0
415#2hHB 1198 - Concealed Handgun Permit Fees$1,000,000$1,000,000
415#3hHB 1169 - Virginia Critical Operation for a Disappeared Child$250,000$250,000
415#4hBackground Check Applications$200,000$200,000
415#5hHB 916 - Substantial Risk Order Reporting System$100,000$100,000
415#6hHB 62 - Annual Cruelty Conviction List$100,000$0
415#7hEnhanced Background Checks$0$1,000,000
415#8hHB 1325 - Criminal History Record Check for Transfer of Firearms$100,000$0
415#9hRequire Automatic Issuance of Concealed Handgun Permit After 90 Days$100,000$0
Committee Approved
415#1hHB 62 - Animal Cruelty Conviction List$196,360$0
415#2hHB 916 - Substantial Risk Order Reporting System$96,300$0
415#3hHB 799 - Fingerprint Submissions for Concealed Handgun Permits$349,666$182,542
415#4hHB 838 - Expungement of Police and Court Records$320,320$0
415#5hTechnical: Remove Unnecessary Appropriation Included in HB 30 as Introduced-$153,216-$182,896
415#6hHB 904 - Monthly Reports to Department of Elections$234,360$0
Floor Approved
415#1hHB 62 - Animal Cruelty Conviction List$196,360$0
415#2hHB 916 - Substantial Risk Order Reporting System$96,300$0
415#3hHB 799 - Fingerprint Submissions for Concealed Handgun Permits$349,666$182,542
415#4hHB 838 - Expungement of Police and Court Records$320,320$0
415#5hTechnical: Remove Unnecessary Appropriation Included in HB 30 as Introduced-$153,216-$182,896
415#6hHB 904 - Monthly Reports to Department of Elections$234,360$0
Conference Report
415#1cHB 916 - Substantial Risk Order Reporting System$96,300$0
415#2cExpungement of Police and Court Records (HB 838 & SB 504)$1,917,560$0