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Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

Item 349 Amendments

First Year - FY2025Second Year - FY2026
Member Request
349#1hHB 100: Civil Penalties for Child Labor Offenses$50,000$50,000
349#2hHB 160: Veteran Benefit Posters for the Workplace$50,000$50,000
349#3hHB 348: Paid Sick Leave $250,000$250,000
349#4hHB 990: Wage or Salary History of Prospective Employees$25,000$25,000
349#5hHB 335: Tipped Employees$50,000$50,000
349#6hHB 157: Minimum Wage for Farm Laborers and Temporary Foreign Workers $102,136$102,136
349#7hChild Labor Violation Enforcement$200,000$200,000
349#8hHB 370: Workplace Training on Harassment and Discrimination$50,000$50,000
349#9hHB 1284: Collective Bargaining for Emergency Service Personnel $500,000$500,000
Committee Approved
349#1hChild Labor Violation Enforcement$100,000$100,000
349#2hHB 335: Tipped Employees Workgroup$50,000$0
349#3hHB 139: Prevailing Wage Standards in Underground Infrastructure Work$110,000$110,000
Floor Approved
349#1hChild Labor Violation Enforcement$100,000$100,000
349#2hHB 335: Tipped Employees Workgroup$50,000$0
349#3hHB 139: Prevailing Wage Standards in Underground Infrastructure Work$110,000$110,000
Conference Report
349#1cChild Labor Violation Enforcement$100,000$100,000