2023 Special Session I

Budget Bill - HB6001 (Enrolled)

Central Capital Outlay

Item C-78

Item C-78

First Year - FY2023Second Year - FY2024
2020 VPBA Capital Construction Pool (18493)$1,060,000$0
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2023 $1,060,000FY2024 $0

A. In addition to the amounts previously provided in Item C-67, Chapter 1289, 2020 Acts of Assembly, $1,060,000 from the general fund the first year is provided to the Department of General Services "Construct Addition to Current State Records Center Building & Repurpose Workspace in Facility" project 18515 in order to retrofit current facility space with high-bay mobile compact shelving to increase storage capacity.

B. To supplement C-67.D of Chapter 552, 2021 Reconvened Special Session I, the Department of General Services (“DGS") has made the determination that the necessary water needs of the Piedmont Geriatric Hospital, Virginia Center for Behavioral Rehabilitation (Phases 1 and 2) and Nottoway Correctional Center (the “Identified Commonwealth Facilities") may be best satisfied through Prince Edward County owning and operating a water supply system consisting of the Sandy Creek reservoir, an intake system, a water treatment facility and related components (the “System") and all necessary water lines, pumps, tanks and other facilities to serve the Identified Commonwealth Facilities on a long-term basis (the “Commonwealth Line"). In order for the System to serve the Identified Commonwealth Facilities, the Commonwealth Line must be located in Nottoway and Prince Edward Counties and towns located within the boundaries of Nottoway and Prince Edward Counties (the “Localities"). DGS is hereby authorized to construct, provide and operate the Commonwealth Line in the Localities and to acquire by purchase, gift or power of eminent domain such lands, structures, rights-of-way, franchises, easements and other interests in lands of any person, association, partnership, corporation, railroad, public service, public utility, municipality or political subdivision to construct, provide and operate the Commonwealth Line in the Localities, all without obtaining the consent or permission of any locality or public body including but not limited to the Localities. Condemnation proceedings authorized by the preceding sentence shall be conducted, at the option of DGS, under the provisions of Chapter 2 or Chapter 3 of Title 25.1 of the Virginia Code. The ownership, construction and operation of the Commonwealth Line by DGS shall not be subject to any state or local permitting requirements or similar ordinances or regulations. Upon completion of construction of the Commonwealth Line, DGS is authorized to transfer ownership and/or operation of all or any part of the Commonwealth Line to one or more of the Localities, which transfer of ownership and/or operation to such Locality or Localities will not require the consent or permission of any locality or public body. The exercise of the power of eminent domain for the purposes provided herein shall be and is declared to be a public use of such property. This provision supplementing C-67.D of Chapter 552, 2021 Reconvened Special Session I, shall not be deemed to limit the ability of DGS to pursue the project contemplated herein or any other solution it later determines will meet the necessary water needs of the Identified Commonwealth Facilities.