2023 Special Session I

Budget Bill - HB6001 (Enrolled)

Department of Environmental Quality

Item 377

Item 377

First Year - FY2023Second Year - FY2024
Land Protection (50900)$30,278,763$30,278,763
Land Protection Permitting (50925)FY2023 $4,900,778FY2024 $4,900,778
Land Protection Compliance and Enforcement (50926)FY2023 $22,537,962FY2024 $22,537,962
Land Protection Outreach (50927)FY2023 $1,712,231FY2024 $1,712,231
Land Protection Planning and Policy (50928)FY2023 $1,127,792FY2024 $1,127,792
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2023 $2,898,164FY2024 $2,898,164
SpecialFY2023 $1,710,865FY2024 $1,710,865
Trust and AgencyFY2023 $11,770,389FY2024 $11,770,389
Dedicated Special RevenueFY2023 $7,556,402FY2024 $7,556,402
Federal TrustFY2023 $6,342,943FY2024 $6,342,943

Authority: Title 10.1, Chapters 11.1, 11.2, 12.1, 14, and 25; Title 44, Chapter 3.5, Code of Virginia.

A. It is the intent of the General Assembly that balances in the Virginia Environmental Emergency Response Fund be used to meet match requirements for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Superfund State Support Contracts.

B. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 10.1-1422.3, Code of Virginia, $1,807,575 in the first year and $1,807,575 in the second year from the Waste Tire Trust Fund, and $250,000 in the first year and $250,000 in the second year from the Hazardous Waste Management Permit Fund within the Department of Environmental Quality shall be used for the costs associated with the Department's land protection and water programs. Such funds may be used for the purposes set forth in § 10.1-1422.3, Code of Virginia, at the Director's discretion and only as available after funding other land protection and water programs.

C. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 10.1-1424.3, Code of Virginia, the phased prohibition on the use of polystyrene containers shall be delayed until July 1, 2028 and July 1, 2030 respectively. The Department of Environmental Quality shall conduct a recycling economic and environmental impact assessment in accordance with the Administrative Process Act including public participation and comment. The assessment shall consider the total lifecycle of human and environmental benefits and impacts of recycling pursuant to generally accepted frameworks and standards. The Department shall report its findings to the Governor and Chairs of the House and Senate Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources Committees by October 1, 2023.