2022 1

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

Item 404 Amendments

First Year - FY2023Second Year - FY2024
Member Request
404#1hEstablish Department of Corrections Office of the Ombudsman$3,438,383$1,598,383
404#2hHB 672 - Carnal Knowledge of a Brute Animal$50,000$0
404#3hIdentification and Assessment of Individuals with Disabilities$150,000$0
404#4hHB 399 - Sale or Possession of Undetectable Plastic Firearms and Components$50,000$0
404#5hHB 496 - Abuse and Neglect of Incapacitated Adults (Language Only)
404#7hHB 247 - Lowering Felony Larceny Threshold to $500$3,829,684$0
404#8hRequirement for Locking Device on Handguns (Language Only)
404#9hHB 1015 - Workplace Violence Protect Orders$50,000$0
404#10hRemove DOC Exemption from Payment of Local Service Charges$1,400,000$1,400,000
404#11hHB 554 - Larceny of a Catalytic Converter$50,000$0
404#12hData Request from Local Criminal Justice Agencies$50,000$50,000
404#13hHB 661 - Capital Murder for Killing of Law Enforcement Officer$50,000$0
404#14hBan the Use of Inauthentic Replica Documents$50,000$0
404#15hHB 1118 - Earned Sentence Credits$100,000$100,000
404#16hHB 549 - Earned Sentence Credits for Robbery$100,000$100,000
404#17hHB 543 - Board Rules Regarding Attorney Visitation of Clients$50,000$50,000
404#18hHB 1077 - False Statements for the Purposes of Determining Paternity$50,000$0
404#19hHB 725 - Hunting with Steel-Jawed Traps$50,000$0
404#20hCharging Victims of Sex Trafficking$50,000$0
404#21hFood Donors and Receivers Liability$50,000$0
404#22hHB 989 - Compensation of Local Jails for Costs of Incarceration$5,000,000$5,000,000
404#23hCertain Wire or Mail Fraud Offenses$50,000$0
404#24hHB 413 - Minor Victims of Sex Trafficking$50,000$0
404#25hTampering With or Destroying Cameras Within Correctional Facilities$50,000$0
404#26hHB 434 - Definition of Sexual Abuse$50,000$0
404#27hHB 497 - Misuse of Power of Attorney$50,000$0
404#28hHB 361 - Purchase of Marijuana for Minors$50,000$0
404#29hPenalties for Possession of Firearm without Serial Number$50,000$0
404#30hHB 123 - Tampering With Firefighting and EMS Equipment$50,000$0
404#31hHB 475 - Protective Orders Related to Sex Trafficking$50,000$0
404#32hHB 47 - Probation Terms and Sentences for Technical Violations$50,000$0
404#33hHB 597 - Concealed Handgun Permits$50,000$0
Committee Approved
404#1hCorrections Special Reserve Fund Deposit$646,751$0
404#2hHB 735 - Repeal Enhanced Earned Sentence Credit System-$7,909,652-$8,125,783
Floor Approved
404#1hCorrections Special Reserve Fund Deposit$646,751$0
404#2hHB 735 - Repeal Enhanced Earned Sentence Credit System-$7,909,652-$8,125,783