2021 Special Session I

Budget Bill - HB1800 (Introduced)

View Item amendments

Central Capital Outlay

Item C-68.50

Item C-68.50

First Year - FY2021Second Year - FY2022
2021 Capital Construction Pool (18540)$0$11,738,921
Fund Sources:  
Bond ProceedsFY2021 $0FY2022 $11,738,921

A. 1. The capital projects in paragraph C of this Item are hereby authorized and may be financed in whole or in part through bonds of the Virginia College Building Authority pursuant to § 23.1-1200 et seq., Code of Virginia, or the Virginia Public Building Authority pursuant to § 2.2-2263 et seq., Code of Virginia. Bonds of the Virginia College Building Authority issued to finance these projects may be sold and issued under the 21st Century College Program at the same time with other obligations of the Authority as separate issues or as a combined issue. The aggregate principal amounts shall not exceed $11,738,921 plus amounts needed to fund issuance costs, reserve funds, original issue discount, interest prior to and during the acquisition or construction and for one year after completion thereof, and other financing expenses, in accordance with § 2.2-2263, Code of Virginia.

2. From the list of projects included in paragraph C of this Item, the Director, Department of Planning and Budget, shall provide to the Chairmen of the Virginia College Building Authority and the Virginia Public Building Authority the specific projects, as well as the amounts for these projects, to be financed by each authority within the dollar limit established by this authorization.

3. Debt service on the projects contained in this Item shall be provided from appropriations to the Treasury Board.

4. The appropriations for the capital projects in this Item are subject to the conditions in § 2.0 F. of this act.

B. In addition to the appropriation and bond authorization authorized by this Item, the Director, Department of Planning and Budget, shall transfer unutilized Virginia College Building Authority (VCBA) and Virginia Public Building Authority (VPBA) bond authorization and appropriation from the projects listed below, in the amounts shown, to this project for funding the projects listed in paragraph C:

Agency No.

Project No.

Issuing Authority

Initial Authorization





Item C-174, Chapter 3, 2006 Acts of Assembly, Special Session I





Item C-108.40, Chapter 4, 2004 Acts of Assembly, Special Session I





Item C-71, Chapter 912, 1996 Acts of Assembly, as amended in Item C-131, Chapter 935, 1999 Acts of Assembly, and Item C-182, Chapter 814, 2002 Acts of Assembly





Item C-69, Chapter 912, 1996 Acts of Assembly, as amended in Item C-130, Chapter 464, 1998 Acts of Assembly, Item C-181, Chapter 1073, 2000 Acts of Assembly; Item C-123.35, Chapter 1042, 2003 Acts of Assembly, and Item C-166, Chapter 4, 2004 Acts of Assembly, Special Session I





Item C-164, Chapter 1073, 2000 Acts of Assembly, as amended in Item C-122.45, Chapter 1042, 2003 Acts of Assembly, Item C-273, Chapter 547, 2007 Acts of Assembly, and Item C-119, Chapter 879, 2008 Acts of Assembly





Item C-129, Chapter 879, 2008 Acts of Assembly


C. There is hereby appropriated $11,738,921 the first year from bond proceeds of the Virginia College Building Authority or the Virginia Public Building Authority to provide funds for the construction and other capital costs of the following projects:


Agency Title

Project Title



Wilson Workforce and Rehabilitation Center

Emergency Replacement of HVAC System Mary Switzer Building


Virginia Museum of Fine Arts

Replace Life and Safety Components


Eastern Virginia Medical School

Replace Two Hofheimer Hall Air Handling Units


Eastern Virginia Medical School

Install Lewis Hall Emergency Generator


Gunston Hall

Reconstruct East Yard Enslaved Quarter


Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired

Replace Roof, Virginia Industries for the Blind, Charlottesville Plant