2020 2

Budget Bill - SB5015 (Introduced)

Item 313 Amendments

First Year - FY2021Second Year - FY2022
Committee Approved
313#1sCapture Savings from Lower Medicaid Managed Care Rates-$112,288,866-$146,903,364
313#2sAdministrative Costs of Live-In Caretaker Exemption (Language Only)
313#3sModify CARES Act Disbursement for Nursing Facilities (Language Only)
313#4sAdjust Health Care Fund for Tobacco Tax Modifications (Language Only)
313#5sRedirect Funds for Developmental Disability Waiver Slots for Provider Rates$0-$14,186,754
313#6sModify Effective Date for Medicaid Adult Dental Benefit and Administrative Transfer Authority (Language Only)
313#7sModify Effective Date for Overtime Allowance for Personal Care Attendants (Language Only)
313#8sModify Effective Date to Eliminate the 40 Quarter Work Requirement for Lawful Permanent Residents (Language Only)
313#9sModify Effective Date of Developmental Disability Waiver Providers Rate Increase (Language Only)
313#10sModify Effective Date of Managed Care Durable Medical Equipment Limitation (Language Only)
313#11sModify Effective Date for Rate Change for Anesthesiologists (Language Only)
313#12sModify Effective Date of Rate Increase for Skilled and Private Duty Nursing (Language Only)
313#13sExtend Temporary Add-on for Nursing Facility Rates$22,305,570$0
313#14sCreate New Service Area for Graduate Medical Education Residency Slots (Language Only)
313#15sAllow Telehealth and Virtual Learning for Certain DD Waiver Services (Language Only)
Floor Request
313#16sAllow for 15 Minute Billing Increments for Personal Care (Language Only)
313#17sTelephonic Supervisory Visits by a Licensed Nurse (Language Only)
Floor Approved
313#1sCapture Savings from Lower Medicaid Managed Care Rates-$112,288,866-$146,903,364
313#2sAdministrative Costs of Live-In Caretaker Exemption (Language Only)
313#3sModify CARES Act Disbursement for Nursing Facilities (Language Only)
313#4sAdjust Health Care Fund for Tobacco Tax Modifications (Language Only)
313#5sRedirect Funds for Developmental Disability Waiver Slots for Provider Rates$0-$14,186,754
313#6sModify Effective Date for Medicaid Adult Dental Benefit and Administrative Transfer Authority (Language Only)
313#7sModify Effective Date for Overtime Allowance for Personal Care Attendants (Language Only)
313#8sModify Effective Date to Eliminate the 40 Quarter Work Requirement for Lawful Permanent Residents (Language Only)
313#9sModify Effective Date of Developmental Disability Waiver Providers Rate Increase (Language Only)
313#10sModify Effective Date of Managed Care Durable Medical Equipment Limitation (Language Only)
313#11sModify Effective Date for Rate Change for Anesthesiologists (Language Only)
313#12sModify Effective Date of Rate Increase for Skilled and Private Duty Nursing (Language Only)
313#13sExtend Temporary Add-on for Nursing Facility Rates$22,305,570$0
313#14sCreate New Service Area for Graduate Medical Education Residency Slots (Language Only)
313#15sAllow Telehealth and Virtual Learning for Certain DD Waiver Services (Language Only)
313#16sTelephonic Supervisory Visits by a Licensed Nurse (Language Only)