2020 Special Session I

Budget Bill - HB5005 (Chapter 56)

Item 4-14

Item 4-14


This act is effective on July 1, 2020 on its passage as provided in § 1-214, Code of Virginia.


23. That the authority and responsibilities of the Secretary of Technology included in the Code of Virginia shall be executed by the Secretary of Administration and the Secretary of Commerce and Trade pursuant to Item 66 and Item 111 of this act. Any authority or responsibilities of the Secretary of Technology not referenced in Item 66 and Item 111 of this act shall be executed by either the Secretary of Administration or the Secretary of Commerce and Trade as determined by the Governor.

34. That any authority or responsibilities of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Investment Authority and the Center for Innovative Technology not referenced in Item 135 of this Act shall be executed by the Virginia Innovation Partnership Authority and the non-profit entity established in legislation to be considered by the 2020 General Assembly.

45. That § 16.1-69.48:2 of the Code of Virginia is amended and reenacted as follows:

§ 16.1-69.48:2. Fees for services of district court judges and clerks and magistrates in civil cases.

Fees in civil cases for services performed by the judges or clerks of general district courts or magistrates in the event any such services are performed by magistrates in civil cases shall be as provided in this section, and, unless otherwise provided, shall be included in the taxed costs and shall not be refundable, except in case of error or as herein provided.

For all court and magistrate services in each distress, detinue, interrogatory summons, unlawful detainer, civil warrant, notice of motion, garnishment, attachment issued, or other civil proceeding, the fee shall be $30 $36. No such fee shall be collected (i) in any tax case instituted by any county, city or town or (ii) in any case instituted by a school board for collection of overdue book rental fees. Of the fees collected under this section, $10 of each such fee collected shall be apportioned to the Courts Technology Fund established under § 17.1-132.

The judge or clerk shall collect the foregoing fee at the time of issuing process. Any magistrate or other issuing officer shall collect the foregoing fee at the time of issuing process, and shall remit the entire fee promptly to the court to which such process is returnable, or to its clerk. When no service of process is had on a defendant named in any civil process other than a notice of motion for judgment, such process may be reissued once by the court or clerk at the court's direction by changing the return day of such process, for which service by the court or clerk there shall be no charge; however, reissuance of such process shall be within three months after the original return day.

The clerk of any district court may charge a fee for making a copy of any paper of record to go out of his office which is not otherwise specifically provided for. The amount of this fee shall be set in the discretion of the clerk but shall not exceed $1 for the first two pages and $.50 for each page thereafter.

The fees prescribed in this section shall be the only fees charged in civil cases for services performed by such judges and clerks, and when the services referred to herein are performed by magistrates such fees shall be the only fees charged by such magistrates for the prescribed services.

56. a. In anticipation of the collection of taxes and revenues of the Commonwealth, for fiscal years 2021 and 2022, the Treasury Board is hereby authorized, by and with the consent of the Governor, to sell and issue, pursuant to Article X, Section 9 (a)(2) of the Constitution of Virginia, as the case may be, at one time or from time to time, tax and revenue anticipation notes ("9(a)(2) Notes") of the Commonwealth, including 9(a)(2) Notes issued as commercial paper. The proceeds of such 9(a)(2) Notes, excluding amounts needed to fund issuance costs, reserve funds, and other financing expenses, shall be used exclusively for the purpose of providing funds, together with any other available funds, to help manage the cash flow impact of actual or potential reductions of tax and other revenues or increases in expenses related to or resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, and including the payment of operating expenses incurred or to be incurred in anticipation of the collection of taxes and revenues by the Commonwealth.

b. In addition, in anticipation of the collection of taxes and revenues of the Commonwealth, and its counties, cities and towns, for fiscal years 2021 and 2022, the Treasury Board is hereby authorized, by and with the consent of the Governor, to sell and issue, pursuant to Article X, Section 9 (d) of the Constitution of Virginia, as the case may be, at one time or from time to time, tax and revenue anticipation notes of the Commonwealth ("9(d) Notes" and together with the 9(a)(2) Notes authorized in the foregoing paragraph, "Notes")), including 9(d) Notes issued as commercial paper. The proceeds of such 9(d) Notes, excluding amounts needed to fund issuance costs, reserve funds, and other financing expenses, shall be used exclusively for the purpose of providing funds, together with any other available funds, to help manage the cash flow impact of actual or potential reductions of tax and other revenues or increases in expenses related to or resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, and including the payment of operating expenses incurred or to be incurred in anticipation of the collection of taxes and revenues by the Commonwealth and its counties, cities and towns, and to purchase or acquire similar notes issued by, or otherwise to assist, cities, counties and towns of the Commonwealth for such purpose. The Governor is authorized to select the counties, cities and towns to participate in the undertakings authorized hereunder and direct the distribution of 9(d) Note proceeds to the particular counties, cities and town, and shall, after consultation with all interested parties, develop a guidance document governing eligibility and priority criteria.

c. The Treasury Board is authorized to issue Notes hereunder in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $500,000,000 for the benefit of the Commonwealth and in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $250,000,000 for the benefit of counties, cities and towns, plus in either case amounts needed to fund issuance costs, reserve funds, capitalized interest, and other financing expenses.

d. 9(a)(2) Notes shall mature at such time or times within twelve months from their date or dates, and 9(d) Notes shall mature at such time or times not exceeding two years from their date or dates.

e. The full faith and credit of the Commonwealth shall be pledged to any 9(a)(2) Notes issued under the provisions of this Item. 9(d) Notes issued under the provisions of this item shall not be deemed to constitute a debt of the Commonwealth of Virginia or a pledge of the full faith and credit of the Commonwealth, but such obligations shall be payable solely, subject to appropriation by the General Assembly, from amounts appropriated from time to time by the General Assembly and from amounts paid by counties, cities and towns that issue bonds, notes or obligations with respect to this Item. There is hereby appropriated a sum sufficient to the Treasury Board for the purpose of paying the debt service on the Notes.

f. The Virginia Resources Authority is authorized to purchase and acquire through proceeds of 9(d) Notes bonds, notes or obligations of counties, cities and towns of the Commonwealth issued for the purposes authorized hereunder and establish the interest rates and repayment terms of such bonds, notes or obligations in accordance with a memorandum of agreement with the Treasury Board and the Authority shall recover its reasonable costs and expenses for doing so from the proceeds of such Notes and for its role in the administration and management of such proceeds.

g. Each county, city, and town is hereby authorized to issue bonds, notes or obligations for the purposes set forth in paragraph (b) above. The authority of any county, city, and town to contract and to issue bonds, notes or obligations pursuant to such authorization is in addition to any existing authority to contract and issue bonds, notes or obligations, anything in the laws of the Commonwealth, including any local charter, to the contrary notwithstanding. The provisions of Virginia Code § 15.2-2659 and § 62.1-216.1 shall apply, mutatis mutandis, with respect to any bond, note or obligation issued by a county, city or town hereunder.

h. The proceeds, including any premium, of the Notes shall be deposited in a special account in the state treasury and, together with the investment income thereon, shall be disbursed by the State Treasurer from time to time for paying all or any part of the expenses or undertakings as set forth in paragraphs (a) and (b) above. The Notes shall be dated and may be made redeemable before their maturity or maturities at such price or prices or within such price parameters, all as may be determined by the Treasury Board, by and with the consent of the Governor, and shall be in such form, shall bear interest at such rate or rates, either at fixed rates or at rates established by formula or other method, and may contain such other provisions, all as determined by the Treasury Board or, when authorized by the Treasury Board, the State Treasurer. The principal of and premium, if any, and the interest on Notes shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of America. Notes may be certificated or uncertificated as determined by the Treasury Board. The Treasury Board may contract for services of such registrars, transfer agents, or other authenticating agents as it deems appropriate to maintain a record of the persons entitled to the Notes. Notes issued in certificated form may be issued under a system of book entry for recording the ownership and transfer of ownership of rights to receive payments on the Notes. The Treasury Board shall fix the authorized denomination or denominations of the Notes and the place or places of payment of certificated Notes, which may be at the Office of the State Treasurer or at any bank or trust company within or without the Commonwealth. The Treasury Board may sell Notes in such manner, by competitive bidding, negotiated sale, or private placement with private lenders or governmental agencies, and for such price or within such price parameters as it may determine, by and with the consent of the Governor, to be in the best interest of the Commonwealth. In the discretion of the Treasury Board, Notes may be issued at one time or from time to time. Certificated Notes shall be signed on behalf of the Commonwealth by the Governor and by the State Treasurer, or shall bear their facsimile signatures, and shall bear the lesser seal of the Commonwealth or a facsimile thereof. If the Notes bear the facsimile signature of the State Treasurer, they shall be signed by such administrative assistant as the State Treasurer shall determine or by such registrar or paying agent as may be designated to sign them by the Treasury Board. If any officer whose signature or facsimile signature appears on any Notes ceases to be such officer before delivery, such signature or facsimile signature shall nevertheless be valid and sufficient for all purposes the same as if such officer had remained in office until such delivery, and any Note may bear the facsimile signature of, or may be signed by, such persons as at the actual time of execution are the proper officers to sign such Note, although at the date of such Note, such persons may not have been such officers.

i. The Treasury Board is authorized to create debt service and sinking funds for the payments of the principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Notes and other funds or reserves desirable or required by any purchaser. Pending the application of the proceeds of the Notes to the purpose for which they have been authorized and the application of funds set aside for the purpose to the payment of Notes, they may be invested by the State Treasurer in securities that are legal investments under the laws of the Commonwealth for public funds and sinking funds, as the case may be. Whenever the State Treasurer receives interest from the investment of the proceeds of Notes, such interest shall become a part of the principal of the Notes and shall be used in the same manner as required for principal of the Notes.

7.a. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, upon the declaration by the Governor of a state of emergency pursuant to § 44-146.17, Code of Virginia, in response to a communicable disease of public health threat as defined in § 44-146.16, Code of Virginia, electric companies subject to regulation of the State Corporation Commission (“Commission"), natural gas suppliers subject to the regulation of the Commission, electric and gas municipal utilities, and water suppliers and wastewater service providers, subject to the regulation of Commission or constituting a municipal utility ("utilities") are prohibited from disconnecting service to residential customers for non-payment of bills or fees until the Governor determines that the economic and public health conditions have improved such that the prohibition does not need to be in place, or until at least 60 days after such declared state of emergency ends, whichever is sooner. "Municipal utility" means a utility providing electric, gas, or water or wastewater service that is owned or operated by a city, county, town, authority, or other political subdivision of the Commonwealth. The utilities shall notify all customers who are at least 30 days in arrears of this utility disconnection moratorium, which may be by bill insert or bill notice.

b. No more than 60 days after the enactment of this act, the utilities shall notify all customers who are at least 30 days in arrears of the COVID-19 Relief Repayment Plan (Repayment Plan), which may be by bill insert or bill notice, such notice shall include eligibility, billing information, applicable financial assistance resources, and contact information where customers may file an initial complaint on Repayment Plan related disputes. All utilities within 60 days after the enactment of this act must offer customers a Repayment Plan for past due accounts while the universal prohibition on service disconnections is in effect that includes, at minimum, the following provisions:

1. The Repayment Plan shall not require any new deposits, down payments, fees, late fees, interest charges, or penalties, nor shall such plan accrue any fees, interest, or penalties, including prepayment penalties;

2. The Repayment Plan shall amortize the repayment of a customer's utility debt over a minimum period of 6 months and up to 24 months for each utility. The utility will work with the customer to establish a Repayment Plan that meets the requirements of this clause 7.b. and that the customer determines is sustainable and affordable for them. A customer may satisfy the Repayment Plan in part or in full at any time; and

3. The utilities shall not apply eligibility criteria, such as installment plan history. However, the utilities may require the customer to attest to the utility or to a third party chosen by the utility that the customer has experienced a financial hardship resulting directly or indirectly from the public health emergency or that they have experienced a hardship to pay during the public health emergency.

4. If a utility reports to a consumer reporting agency or debt collector regarding a consumer who is on a Repayment Plan, the utility shall report the account as “current" in accordance with the Public Law 116-136: Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act. If the provisions of Public Law 116-136: Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act expire prior to the end of the universal moratorium established in clause 7.a., the utility may only resume reporting any default on the Repayment Plan at the end of the universal moratorium established in clause 7.a.

5. However, no utility that has received an order exempting it from the provisions of this clause 7.a. shall disconnect from service a customer who is making timely payments under the Repayment Plan at the time of the order and until such time as a customer ceases to make timely payments under the Repayment Plan. A utility that has received an order exempting it from the provisions of this clause 7.a. shall attempt to establish a Repayment Plan with its customers prior to any disconnection of service.

c. Nothing herein shall limit or prevent the utilities or the residential customers from applying or seeking debt relief or mitigation from any available resource, from entering into another payment plan offered by the utility, or from renegotiating the terms of the Repayment Plan.

d. In accordance with the provisions of Item 479.10, paragraph B.5. of this act, utilities shall use any funding allocated from the federal Coronavirus Relief Funds of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act (P.L. 116-136) to provide direct subsidy payments on behalf of customers whose accounts are over 30 days in arrears, provided such use meets eligibility requirements pursuant to United States Department of the Treasury guidance. In applying these funds to customer accounts, utilities shall prioritize providing financial assistance to customers who are over 60 days in arrears prior to using the funds to assist customers with accounts 31 to 60 days in arrears. To the extent possible, utilities shall use available funding to cover one-hundred percent of the customer's arrearage.

In addition to the funds provided in Item 479.10, paragraph B.2. of this act, where applicable, utilities must accept financial assistance from other utility assistance programs funded with federal Coronavirus Relief Funds from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act (P.L. 116-136) for customers who are at least 30 days in arrears. To the extent possible, utilities must direct customers in writing to these resources when establishing a Repayment Plan.

e. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this clause 7 or any other provision of law, if a utility subject to regulation of the Commission has accounts receivable arrearages for Virginia customers that exceed 2% of an investor-owned electric utility's, or 1% of any other utility's, annual Virginia jurisdictional operating revenues, then the utility may obtain relief from the moratorium established in clause 7.a. by filing an informational letter notice with the clerk of the Commission, stating such facts to demonstrate the exceedance and contemporaneously tendering associated workpapers to the staff of the Commission.  The Commission staff shall verify the information as filed by the utility and shall file a verification letter with the Clerk of the Commission.  The Commission, upon receipt of a favorable verification letter, shall issue a final order within five days. Upon issuance of an order, a utility shall thereafter be exempt from the moratorium provisions of this clause 7.a.

f. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this clause 7 or any other provision of law, if a utility subject to this clause 7 but not subject to regulation of the Commission has accounts receivable arrearages that exceed 1% of the utility's annual operating revenues, then the utility may obtain relief from the moratorium established in clause 7.a. if (i) the utility provides a written analysis stating such facts to demonstrate the exceedance to staff of the governing body, (ii) the utility contemporaneously makes available for public inspection associated workpapers verifying such facts to staff of the governing body, and (iii) the governing body verifies the exceedance, provides public notice, takes public comment on, and votes to approve that the exceedance is accurate in an open public meeting. In the event of an affirmative vote of the utility's governing body, the utility shall thereafter be exempt from the moratorium provisions of this clause 7.a.

g. The Commission shall allow for the timely recovery of bad debt obligations, reasonable late payment fees suspended, and prudently incurred implementation costs resulting from a Repayment Plan for electric, gas, water, or wastewater utilities, including through a rate adjustment clause or through base rates, however, the Commission shall exclude from recovery all costs associated with any jurisdictional customer balances forgiven by a Phase II utility pursuant to paragraph j. below. The Commission may apply any applicable earnings test in the Commission rules governing utility rate applications and annual informational filings when assessing the recovery of such costs. The Commission shall also require the utilities subject to regulation by the Commission to submit information on the status of customer accounts, including (a) the number and value of outstanding aged account balances, categorized by customer type; (b) the number and value of associated collections from customers, categorized by customer type; (c) the number and value of associated additions to aged accounts receivable balances, categorized by customer type; (d) the number and value of aged accounts receivable balances, net of collections and additions; (e) the number, total value, and average debt of accounts that are participating in the Repayment Plan, or another repayment plan as set forth by the utility; (f) the number of accounts removed from the Repayment Plan, or another repayment plan as set forth by the utility, categorized by reason; (g) the amount of and average debt still remaining for customer accounts removed from the Repayment Plan or another repayment plan as set forth by the utility; (h) the carrying costs of the debt for accounts participating in a repayment plan and any associated administrative costs incurred; (i) the number, total value, and average debt of customer accounts receiving direct assistance by the funds provided in Item 479.10, paragraph B.2. of this act, categorized by days in arrears and customer account type; (j) the cumulative level of customer arrearages by locality; and (k) any cost recorded as regular asset authorized by that certain order of the Commission in Case Number PUR-2020-00074. The Commission shall provide the Chairs of the House Committees on Labor and Commerce and Appropriations, the Senate Committees on Commerce and Labor and Finance and Appropriations, and the Secretary of Commerce and Trade an aggregated anonymized report by utility containing such compiled information by December 31, 2020, within 90 days of the expiration of the universal prohibition established in clause 7.a., and annually, on or before December 31st, thereafter for the following two years. The report due on December 31, 2020 shall cover the period from March 16, 2020 through December 15, 2020. The report due within 90 days of the end of the universal prohibition established in clause 7.a. shall cover the period from December 16, 2020 to the end of the universal prohibition established in clause 7.a. Annual reports shall cover the period from the end of the universal prohibition established in clause 7.a. to December 16th of the year the report is due.

h. Utilities not subject to regulation by the Commission shall submit information on the status of customer accounts to the Commission on Local Government managed by the Department of Housing and Community Development, including (a) the number and value of accounts that are at least 30 days in arrears; (b) the number and value of accounts that are at least 60 days in arrears; (c) the number, total value, and average debt of accounts that are participating in the Repayment Plan, or another repayment plan as set forth by the utility; (d) the number of accounts removed from the Repayment Plan, or another repayment plan as set forth by the utility, categorized by reason; (e) the amount of and average debt still remaining for accounts removed from the Repayment Plan or another repayment plan as set forth by the utility; (f) the carrying costs of the debt for accounts participating in a repayment plan and any associated administrative costs incurred; (g) the number, total value, and average debt of accounts offset by the funds provided in Item 479.10, paragraph B.2. of this act and local programs using Coronavirus Relief Funds, categorized by days in arrears, customer account type, and Coronavirus Relief Fund type; and, (h) the cumulative level of customer arrearages by locality. The Commission on Local Government shall provide the Chairs of the House Committees on Labor and Commerce and Appropriations, the Senate Committees on Commerce and Labor and Finance and Appropriations, and the Secretary of Commerce and Trade an aggregated anonymized report by utility containing such compiled information by December 31, 2020, within 90 days of the expiration of the universal prohibition established in clause 7.a., and annually, on or before December 31st, thereafter for the following two years. The report due on December 31, 2020 shall cover the period from March 16, 2020 through December 15, 2020. The report due within 90 days of the end of the universal prohibition established in clause 7.a. shall cover the period from December 16, 2020 to the end of the universal prohibition established in clause 7.a. Annual reports shall cover the period from the end of the universal prohibition established in clause 7.a. to December 16th of the year the report is due.

i. The reports required in paragraphs g. and h. of this clause 7 are not eligible for deferral or delay as permitted under Item 4-8.01, a.4.a. of this act.

j. Within 60 days after the enactment of this act, a Phase II Utility shall forgive all such utility's jurisdictional customer balances more than 30 days in arrears as of September 30, 2020.

1. In the utility's 2021 triennial review, any forgiven amounts shall be excluded from the utility's cost of service for purposes of determining any test period earnings and determining any future rates of the utility. In determining any customer bill credits, in the utility's 2021 triennial review, the Commission shall first offset any forgiven amounts against the total earnings for the 2017 through 2020 test periods that are determined to be above the utility's authorized earnings band. Such offset shall be made prior to any offset to customer bill credits by customer credit reinvestment offsets.

2. Each Phase II Utility shall, no later than December 31, 2020, submit a report to the Governor, the Chairs of the House Committees on Labor and Commerce and Appropriations, and the Senate Committees on Commerce and Labor and Finance and Appropriations, and the Chair of the Commission on Electric Utility Regulation, detailing all actions by it pursuant to this act to forgive customer balances.

8.a. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, upon the declaration by the Governor of a state of emergency pursuant to § 44-146.17 of the Code of Virginia in response to a communicable disease of public health threat as defined in § 44-146.16 of the Code of Virginia, no landlord shall terminate a residential tenancy, or take any action to obtain possession of a dwelling unit, for non-payment of rent through December 31, 2020, unless such eligible tenant refuses to apply for Virginia Rent and Mortgage Relief Program assistance and refuses to cooperate with the landlord in applying for rental assistance through the Virginia Rent and Mortgage Relief Program. Such landlords and tenants must also comply with the following:

1. For an owner who owns more than four rental dwelling units or more than a 10 percent interest in more than four rental dwelling units, whether individually or through a business entity, in the Commonwealth, if rent is unpaid when due, the landlord shall serve upon the tenant, pursuant to § 55.1-1202, a written notice informing the tenant of the total amount due and owed. The written notice shall also inform the tenant that if the tenant provides to the landlord a signed statement certifying that the tenant has experienced additional expenses or a loss of income due to the declared state of emergency, the tenant may, but is not required to, enter into a payment plan under which the tenant shall be required to pay the total amount due and owed in equal monthly installments over a period of the lesser of six months or the time remaining under the rental agreement. The total amount due and owed under a payment plan shall not include any late fees, and no late fees shall be assessed during any time period in which a tenant is making timely payments under a payment plan. If the tenant fails to pay in full, enter into a written payment plan with the landlord, or pay any installment required by the plan, the landlord may not terminate the tenancy nor take any action to obtain possession of the dwelling unit until the provisions of subsection 8.b. are effectuated on January 1, 2021. However, during the time the provisions of this subsection 8.a. are in effect, the landlord may proceed to obtain possession of the premises as provided in § 55.1-1251 in the event that the tenant refuses to apply for Virginia Rent and Mortgage Relief Program assistance and refuses to cooperate with the landlord in applying for rental assistance through the Virginia Rent and Mortgage Relief Program, as described in subsection 8.a.2. below. Nothing in this subsection shall preclude a tenant from availing himself of any other rights or remedies available to him under the law, nor shall the tenant's eligibility to participate or participation in any rent relief program offered by a nonprofit organization or under the provisions of any federal, state, or local law, regulation, or action prohibit the tenant from taking advantage of the provisions of this subsection.

2. If rent is unpaid when due, or if a payment under the terms of a payment plan is unpaid when due, the landlord shall serve upon the tenant, pursuant to § 55.1-1202, a written notice informing the tenant of the Virginia Rent and Mortgage Relief Program and information on how to reach 2-1-1 Virginia to determine any additional federal, state, and local rent relief programs. The written notice shall also inform the tenant that the owner, landlord, or owner's licensed agent will apply for rental assistance with the Virginia Rent and Mortgage Relief Program on behalf of the tenant, or the landlord will cooperate with the tenant's application for rental assistance with the Virginia Rent and Mortgage Relief Program, or with another federal, state, or local rent relief program, by providing required documentation for such application, including the W-9 IRS form and any supporting affidavit. If the tenant refuses to apply for Virginia Rent and Mortgage Relief Program assistance and refuses to cooperate with the landlord in applying for rental assistance through the Virginia Rent and Mortgage Relief Program, the landlord may may proceed to obtain possession of the premises as provided in § 55.1-1251 for non-payment of rent, during such time the provisions of 8.a. are in effect. Before January 1, 2021, a landlord may not terminate a tenancy nor take action to obtain possession of a dwelling unit based solely on failure to receive written approval from the Virginia Rent and Mortgage Relief Program or any other federal, state, or local rent relief program.  After the provisions of subsection 8.b. are effectuated on January 1, 2021, the landlord may terminate the tenancy or take action to obtain possession of the dwelling unit based on failure to receive written approval from the Virginia Rent and Mortgage Relief Program or any other federal, state, or local rent relief program, but only in compliance with the applicable provisions of subsection 8.b.3. For any application by the owner, landlord, owner's licensed agent, or the tenant to the Virginia Rent and Mortgage Relief Program or any other federal, state, or local rent relief program, the administrator of the Virginia Rent and Mortgage Relief Program or the administrator of any other federal, state, or local rent relief program shall work diligently to process such application within fourteen days of submission of such application.

b. Beginning January 1, 2021, notwithstanding any other provision of law, upon the declaration by the Governor of a state of emergency pursuant to § 44-146.17 of the Code of Virginia in response to a communicable disease of public health threat as defined in § 44-146.16 of the Code of Virginia, no landlord shall terminate a residential tenancy, or take any action to obtain possession of a dwelling unit, for non-payment of rent due to lost income or additional expenses resulting from the declared state of emergency until such time the declared state of emergency ends, except as follows:

1. For an owner who owns four or fewer rental dwelling units in the Commonwealth, if rent is unpaid when due and the tenant fails to pay rent within fourteen days after written notice is served on him, pursuant to § 55.1-1202, notifying the tenant of his nonpayment and of the landlord's intention to obtain possession of the premises if the rent is not paid within the fourteen-day period, the landlord may proceed to obtain possession of the premises as provided in § 55.1-1251, provided that the landlord also complies with subsection 3. below.

2. For an owner who owns more than four rental dwelling units or more than a 10 percent interest in more than four rental dwelling units, whether individually or through a business entity, in the Commonwealth, if rent is unpaid when due, the landlord shall serve upon the tenant, pursuant to § 55.1-1202, a written notice informing the tenant of the total amount due and owed. The written notice shall also inform the tenant that if the tenant provides to the landlord a signed statement certifying that the tenant has experienced additional expenses or a loss of income due to the declared state of emergency, the tenant may, but is not required to, enter into a payment plan under which the tenant shall be required to pay the total amount due and owed in equal monthly installments over a period of the lesser of six months or the time remaining under the rental agreement. The total amount due and owed under a payment plan shall not include any late fees, and no late fees shall be assessed during any time period in which a tenant is making timely payments under a payment plan. The written notice shall also inform the tenant that if the tenant fails to either pay the total amount due and owed or enter into the payment plan offered, or an alternative payment arrangement acceptable to the landlord, within fourteen days of receiving the written notice from the landlord, the landlord may proceed to obtain possession of the premises as provided in § 55.1-1251. If the tenant fails to pay in full or enter into a written payment plan with the landlord within fourteen days of when the notice is served on him, the landlord may proceed to obtain possession of the premises as provided in § 55.1-1251, provided that the landlord also complies with subsection 3. below. If the tenant enters into a payment plan and, after the plan becomes effective, fails to pay any installment required by the plan within fourteen days of its due date, the landlord may proceed to obtain possession of the premises as provided in § 55.1-1251, provided that he has sent the tenant a new notice, pursuant to § 55.1-1202, advising the tenant of the landlord's intention to obtain possession of the premises unless the tenant pays the total amount due and owed as stated on the notice within fourteen days of receipt and provided that the landlord complies with subsection 3. below. The option of entering into a payment plan or alternative payment arrangement pursuant to this subdivision may only be utilized once during the time period of the rental agreement. Nothing in this subsection shall preclude a tenant from availing himself of any other rights or remedies available to him under the law, nor shall the tenant's eligibility to participate or participation in any rent relief program offered by a nonprofit organization or under the provisions of any federal, state, or local law, regulation, or action prohibit the tenant from taking advantage of the provisions of this subsection.

3. If rent is unpaid when due, or if a payment under the terms of a payment plan is unpaid when due, the landlord shall serve upon the tenant, pursuant to § 55.1-1202, a written notice informing the tenant of the Virginia Rent and Mortgage Relief Program and information on how to reach 2-1-1 Virginia to determine any additional federal, state, and local rent relief programs. The written notice shall also inform the tenant that the owner, landlord, or owner's licensed agent will apply for rental assistance with the Virginia Rent and Mortgage Relief Program on behalf of the tenant, or the landlord will cooperate with the tenant's application for rental assistance with the Virginia Rent and Mortgage Relief Program, or with another federal, state, or local rent relief program, by providing required documentation for such application, including the W-9 IRS form and any supporting affidavit. Unless the tenant has communicated to the landlord that they are applying for rental assistance funds, the landlord shall apply for rental assistance on behalf of the tenant to the Virginia Rent and Mortgage Relief program, or another federal, state, or local rental assistance program no later than fourteen days from the time the written notice is served.  If the tenant refuses to apply for rental assistance and refuses to cooperate with the landlord in applying for rental assistance through the Virginia Rent and Mortgage Relief Program, or with another federal, state, or local rent relief program, the landlord may take action to obtain possession of a dwelling unit for non-payment of rent as provided in § 55.1-1251. If the landlord or the tenant does not receive written approval from the Virginia Rent and Mortgage Relief Program or any other federal, state, or local rent relief program within forty-five days of when the application for assistance is made by the tenant or the landlord, the landlord may proceed to obtain possession of the premises as provided in § 55.1-1251. For any subsequent application by the owner, landlord, owner's licensed agent, or the tenant to the Virginia Rent and Mortgage Relief Program or any other federal, state, or local rent relief program, the administrator of the Virginia Rent and Mortgage Relief Program or the administrator of any other federal, state, or local rent relief program shall work diligently to process such application within fourteen days of submission of such application. If the landlord or tenant does not receive written approval from the Virginia Rent and Mortgage Relief program or any other federal, state, or local rent relief program within fourteen days of submission of the subsequent application, the landlord may proceed to obtain possession of the premises as provided in § 55.1-1251. If the tenant does not qualify for the Virginia Rent and Mortgage Relief Program or any other federal, or state rent relief program, or there are no longer funds available from these sources, then the provisions of this subsection, 8.b.3. do not apply.

c. If a landlord reports to a consumer reporting agency or debt collector regarding a tenant who is participating in the repayment plan or receiving assistance from a federal, state, or local rent relief program, the landlord shall report the account as “current" in accordance with the Public Law 116-136: Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act.

d. If a tenant is complying with a written payment plan with the landlord or has resolved any non-payment of rent, the landlord cannot take any action to obtain possession of a dwelling unit for non-payment of rent.

e. Nothing in this section relieves either the landlord or the tenant from their obligations to maintain the dwelling as those obligations are set forth in Article 2 and Article 3 of Chapter 12 of Title 55.1.

f. Nothing in this section shall void any judgment for possession validly obtained by a landlord prior to the effective date of this section; however, the court shall not issue a writ of execution thereunder, following the effective date, unless it complies with the provisions of this Section 8.

9. That §§ 8.01-3, 24.2-306, 24.2-309.2, 30-263, 30-264, and 30-265 of the Code of Virginia are amended and reenacted and that the Code of Virginia is amended by adding in Title 30 a chapter numbered 62 consisting of sections numbered 30-391 through 30-400 as follows:

§ 8.01-3. Supreme Court may prescribe rules; effective date and availability; indexed, and annotated; effect of subsequent enactments of General Assembly.

A. The Supreme Court, subject to §§ 17.1-503 and 16.1-69.32, may, from time to time, prescribe the forms of writs and make general regulations for the practice in all courts of the Commonwealth; and may prepare a system of rules of practice and a system of pleading and the forms of process and may prepare rules of evidence to be used in all such courts. This section shall be liberally construed so as to eliminate unnecessary delays and expenses.

B. The Supreme Court, subject to § 30-399, shall enact rules and procedures as may be necessary for implementing the requirements of Article II, Section 6-A of the Constitution of Virginia, empowering the Supreme Court to establish congressional or state legislative districts as provided for in that section.

B. C. New rules and amendments to rules shall not become effective until 60 days from adoption by the Supreme Court, and shall be made available to all courts, members of the bar, and the public.

C. D. The Virginia Code Commission shall publish and cause to be properly indexed and annotated the rules adopted by the Supreme Court, and all amendments thereof by the Court, and all changes made therein pursuant to subsection D E.

D. E. The General Assembly may, from time to time, by the enactment of a general law, modify or annul any rules adopted or amended pursuant to this section. In the case of any variance between a rule and an enactment of the General Assembly such variance shall be construed so as to give effect to such enactment.

E. F. Any amendment or addition to the rules of evidence shall be adopted by the Supreme Court on or before November 15 of any year and shall become effective on July 1 of the following year unless the General Assembly modifies or annuls any such amendment or addition by enactment of a general law. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Supreme Court, at any time, may amend the rules to conform with any enactment of the General Assembly and correct unmistakable printer's errors, misspellings, unmistakable errors to statutory cross-references, and other unmistakable errors in the rules of evidence.

F. G. When any rule contained in the rules of evidence is derived from one or more sections of the Code of Virginia, the Supreme Court shall include a citation to such section or sections in the title of the rule.

§ 24.2-306. Changes not to be enacted within 60 days of general election; notice requirements.

A. No change in any local election district, precinct, or polling place shall be enacted within 60 days next preceding any general election. Notice shall be published prior to enactment in a newspaper having general circulation in the election district or precinct once a week for two successive weeks. The published notice shall state where descriptions and maps of proposed boundary and polling place changes may be inspected.

B. Notice of any adopted change in any election district, town, precinct, or polling place other than in the location of the office of the general registrar shall be mailed to all registered voters whose election district, town, precinct, or polling place is changed at least 15 days prior to the next general, special, or primary election in which the voters will be voting in the changed election district, town, precinct, or polling place. Notice of a change in the location of the office of the general registrar shall be given by posting on the official website of the county or city, by posting at not less than 10 public places, or by publication once in a newspaper of general circulation in the county or city within not more than 21 days in advance of the change or within seven days following the change.

C. Each county, city, and town shall comply with the applicable requirements of law, including §§ 24.2-304.3 and 30-264 30-395, and send copies of enacted changes, including a Geographic Information System (GIS) map showing the new boundaries of the districts or precincts, to the local electoral board, the Department, and the Division of Legislative Services. Any county, city, or town that does not have GIS capabilities may request the Department of Elections to create on its behalf a GIS map showing the boundaries of the new districts or precincts, and the Department of Elections shall create such a map.

§ 24.2-309.2. Election precincts; prohibiting precinct changes for specified period of time.

No county, city, or town shall create, divide, abolish, or consolidate any precincts, or otherwise change the boundaries of any precinct, effective during the period from February 1, 2019, to May 15, 2021, except as (i) provided by law upon a change in the boundaries of the county, city, or town, (ii) the result of a court order, (iii) the result of a change in the form of government, or (iv) the result of an increase or decrease in the number of local election districts other than at-large districts. Any ordinance required to comply with the requirements of § 24.2-307 shall be adopted on or before February 1, 2019.

If a change in the boundaries of a precinct is required pursuant to clause (i), (ii), (iii), or (iv), the county, city, or town shall comply with the applicable requirements of law, including §§ 24.2-304.3 and 30-264 30-395, and send copies of the ordered or enacted changes to the State Board of Elections and the Division of Legislative Services.

This section shall not prohibit any county, city, or town from adopting an ordinance revising precinct boundaries after January 1, 2021. However, no revisions in precinct boundaries shall be implemented in the conduct of elections prior to May 15, 2021.

§ 30-263. Joint Reapportionment Committee; membership; terms; quorum; compensation and expenses.

A. The Joint Reapportionment Committee (the Joint Committee) is established in the legislative branch of state government. The Joint Committee shall consist of five members of the Committee on Privileges and Elections of the House of Delegates and three members of the Committee on Privileges and Elections of the Senate appointed by the respective chairmen of the two committees. Members shall serve terms coincident with their terms of office.

B. The Joint Committee shall elect a chairman and vice-chairman from among its membership. A majority of the members of the Joint Committee shall constitute a quorum. The meetings of the Joint Committee shall be held at the call of the chairman or whenever the majority of the members so request.

C. The Joint Committee shall supervise activities required for the tabulation of population for the census and for the timely reception of precinct population data for reapportionment, and perform such other duties and responsibilities and exercise such supervision as may promote the orderly redistricting of congressional, state legislative, and local election districts.

D. Members shall receive such compensation as provided in § 30-19.12 and shall be reimbursed for all reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties as provided in §§ 2.2-2813 and 2.2-2825. Funding for the costs of compensation and expenses of the members shall be provided by the Office of the Clerk of the House of Delegates and the Office of Clerk of the Senate for their respective members.

§ 30-264. Staff to Joint Reapportionment Committee.

A. The Division of Legislative Services (the Division) shall serve as staff to the Joint Reapportionment Committee. The Director of the Division, or his designated representative, shall serve as the state liaison with the United States Bureau of the Census on matters relating to the tabulation of the population for reapportionment purposes pursuant to United States Public Law 94-171. The governing bodies, electoral boards, and registrars of every county and municipality shall cooperate with the Division in the exchange of all statistical and other information pertinent to preparation for the census.

B.  The Division shall maintain the current election district and precinct boundaries of each county and city as a part of the General Assembly's computer-assisted mapping and redistricting system. Whenever a county or city governing body adopts an ordinance that changes an election district or precinct boundary, the local governing body shall provide a copy of its ordinance, along with Geographic Information System (GIS) maps and other evidence documenting the boundary, to the Division.

C.  The provisions of Article 2 24.2-302et seq.) of Chapter 3 of Title 24.2, including the statistical reports referred to in that article, shall be controlling in any legal determination of a district boundary.

§ 30-265. Reapportionment of congressional and state legislative districts; United States Census population counts.

For the purposes of redrawing the boundaries of the congressional, state Senate, and House of Delegates districts after the United States Census for the year 2020 and every 10 years thereafter, the General Assembly Virginia Redistricting Commission established pursuant to Chapter 62 of Title 30 shall use the population data provided by the United States Bureau of the Census, as adjusted by the Division of Legislative Services pursuant to § 24.2-314. The census data used for this apportionment purpose shall not include any population figure which is not allocated to specific census blocks within the Commonwealth, even though that population may have been included in the apportionment population figures of the Commonwealth for the purpose of allocating United States House of Representatives seats among the states.



§ 30-391. Virginia Redistricting Commission.

A. The Virginia Redistricting Commission is established in the legislative branch of state government. It shall be convened in the year 2020 and every 10 years thereafter for the purpose of establishing districts for the United States House of Representatives and for the Senate and the House of Delegates of the General Assembly.

B. As used in this chapter:

"Census data" means the population data received from the United States Bureau of the Census pursuant to P.L. 94-171.

"Commission" means the Virginia Redistricting Commission established pursuant to this chapter.

"Committee" means the Redistricting Commission Selection Committee established pursuant to § 30-393.

"Partisan public office" means (i) an elective or appointive office in the executive or legislative branch or in an independent establishment of the federal government; (ii) an elective office in the executive or legislative branch of the government of the Commonwealth, or an office that is filled by appointment and is exempt from the Virginia Personnel Act (§ 2.2-2900 et seq.); or (iii) an office of a county, city, or other political subdivision of the Commonwealth that is filled by an election process involving nomination and election of candidates on a partisan basis.

"Political party office" means an elective office in the national or state organization of a political party, as defined in § 24.2-101.

§ 30-392. Membership; terms; vacancies; chairman; quorum; compensation and expenses.

A. The Virginia Redistricting Commission shall consist of 16 commissioners that include eight legislative commissioners and eight citizen commissioners as follows: two commissioners shall be members of the Senate of Virginia, representing the political party having the highest number of members in the Senate and appointed by the President pro tempore of the Senate; two commissioners shall be members of the Senate, representing the political party having the next highest number of members in the Senate and appointed by the leader of that political party; two commissioners shall be members of the House of Delegates, representing the political party having the highest number of members in the House of Delegates and appointed by the Speaker of the House of Delegates; two commissioners shall be members of the House of Delegates, representing the political party having the next highest number of members in the House of Delegates and appointed by the leader of that political party; and eight citizen commissioners who shall be selected by the Redistricting Commission Selection Committee pursuant to § 30-394. No appointing authority shall appoint himself to serve as a legislative commissioner or a citizen commissioner.

B. Legislative commissioners selected to serve as commissioners of the Commission shall be appointed by the respective authorities no later than December 1 of the year ending in zero and shall continue to serve until their successors are appointed. In making its appointments, the appointing authorities shall endeavor to have their appointees reflect the racial, ethnic, geographic, and gender diversity of the Commonwealth. Appointments to fill vacancies, other than by expiration of a term, shall be for the unexpired terms. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment, such that the proper partisan balance of the Commission is maintained.

C. Citizen commissioners selected to serve as commissioners of the Virginia Redistricting Commission shall be selected by the Redistricting Commission Selection Committee as provided in § 30-394. In making its selections, the Committee shall ensure the citizen commissioners are, as a whole, representative of the racial, ethnic, geographic, and gender diversity of the Commonwealth. Citizen commissioners shall be appointed no later than January 15 of the year ending in one and shall continue to serve until their successors are appointed. Appointments to fill vacancies, other than by expiration of a term, shall be for the unexpired terms. Vacancies shall be filled by the Commission selecting a replacement from the list submitted pursuant to subsection E of § 30-394 from which the commissioner being replaced was selected and shall require an affirmative vote of a majority of the commissioners, including at least one commissioner representing or affiliated with each political party.

D.  Legislative commissioners shall receive such compensation as provided in § 30-19.12, and citizen commissioners shall receive such compensation as provided in § 2.2-2813 for their services. All members shall be reimbursed for all reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties as provided in §§ 2.2-2813 and 2.2-2825. All such compensation and expense payments shall come from existing appropriations to the Commission.

E.  By February 1 of the year ending in one, the Commission shall hold a public meeting at which it shall select a chairman from its membership. The chairman shall be a citizen commissioner and shall be responsible for coordinating the work of the Commission. A majority of the commissioners appointed, which majority shall include a majority of the legislative commissioners and a majority of the citizen commissioners, shall constitute a quorum.

F.  All meetings and records of the Commission shall be subject to the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (§ 2.2-3700 et seq.), except as provided in subsection E of § 30-394. All records and documents of the Commission, or any individual or group performing delegated functions of or advising the Commission, related to the Commission's work, including internal communications and communications from outside parties, shall be considered public information.

G.  Commissioners, staff of the Commission, and any other advisor or consultant to the Commission shall not communicate with any person outside the Commission about matters related to reapportionment or redistricting outside of a public meeting or hearing. Written public comments submitted to the Commission, staff of the Commission, or any other advisor or consultant to the Commission shall not be a violation of this subsection.

H. In the event the Commission hires a lawyer or law firm, the Commission as an entity shall be considered the client of the lawyer or the law firm. No individual commissioner or group of commissioners shall be considered to be the client of the lawyer or the law firm.

§ 30-393. Redistricting Commission Selection Committee; chairman; quorum; compensation and expenses.

A. There shall be a Redistricting Commission Selection Committee established for the purpose of selecting the citizen commissioners of the Virginia Redistricting Commission. This committee shall consist of five retired judges of the circuit courts of Virginia.

B. By November 15 of the year ending in zero, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Virginia shall certify to the Speaker of the House of Delegates, the leader in the House of Delegates of the political party having the next highest number of members in the House of Delegates, the President pro tempore of the Senate of Virginia, and the leader in the Senate of Virginia of the political party having the next highest number of members in the Senate of Virginia a list of at least 10 retired judges of the circuit courts of Virginia who are willing to serve on the Committee, and no retired judge who is a parent, spouse, child, sibling, parent-in-law, child-in-law, or sibling-in-law of, or a cohabitating member of a household with, a member of the Congress of the United States or of the General Assembly shall be included in such list. In compiling this list, the Chief Justice shall give consideration to the racial, ethnic, geographic, and gender diversity of the Commonwealth. These members shall each select a judge from the list and shall promptly, but not later than November 20, communicate their selection to the Chief Justice, who shall immediately notify the four judges selected. In making their selections, the members shall give consideration to the racial, ethnic, geographic, and gender diversity of the Commonwealth. Within three days of being notified of their selection, the four judges shall select, by a majority vote, a judge from the list prescribed herein to serve as the fifth member of the Committee, who shall serve as the chairman of the Committee.

A majority of the Committee members, which majority shall include the chairman, shall constitute a quorum.

The judges of the Committee shall serve until their successors are appointed. If a judge cannot, for any reason, complete his term, the remaining judges shall select a replacement from the list prescribed herein.

C. Members of the Committee shall receive compensation for their services and shall be allowed all reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties as provided in §§ 2.2- 2813 and 2.2-2825. The compensation and expenses of members and all other necessary expenses of the Committee shall be provided from existing appropriations to the Commission.

D.  All meetings and records of the Committee shall be subject to the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (§ 2.2-3700 et seq.), except as provided in subsection E of § 30-394.

E.  Notwithstanding the provisions of § 1-210 regarding the computation of time, if an act required by this section is to be performed on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, or any day or part of a day on which the government office where the act to be performed is closed, the act required shall be performed on the first business day immediately preceding the Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, or day on which the government office is closed.

§ 30-394. Citizen commissioners; application process; qualifications; selection.

A.  Within three days following the selection of the fifth member of the Committee, the Committee shall adopt an application and process by which residents of the Commonwealth may apply to serve on the Commission as citizen commissioners. The Division of Legislative Services shall assist the Committee in the development of the application and process.

The application for service on the Commission shall require applicants to provide personal contact information and information regarding the applicant's race, ethnicity, gender, age, date of birth, education, and household income. The application shall require an applicant to disclose, for the period of three years immediately preceding the application period, the applicant's (i) voter registration status; (ii) preferred political party affiliation, if any, and any political party primary elections in which he has voted; (iii) history of any partisan public offices or political party offices held or sought; (iv) employment history, including any current or prior employment with the Congress of the United States or one of its members, the General Assembly or one of its members, any political party, or any campaign for a partisan public office, including a volunteer position; and (v) relevant leadership experience or involvements with professional, social, political, volunteer, and community organizations and causes.

The application shall require an applicant to disclose information regarding the partisan activities and employment history of the applicant's parent, spouse, child, sibling, parent-in-law, child-in-law, or sibling-in-law, or any person with whom the applicant is a cohabitating member of a household, for the period of three years immediately preceding the application period.

The Committee may require applicants to submit three letters of recommendation from individuals or organizations.

The application process shall provide for both paper and electronic or online applications. The Committee shall cause to be advertised throughout the Commonwealth information about the Commission and how interested persons may apply.

B. To be eligible for service on the Commission, a person shall have been a resident of the Commonwealth and a registered voter in the Commonwealth for three years immediately preceding the application period. He shall have voted in at least two of the previous three general elections. No person shall be eligible for service on the Commission who:

1. Holds, has held, or has sought partisan public office or political party office;

2. Is employed by or has been employed by a member of the Congress of the United States or of the General Assembly or is employed directly by or has been employed directly by the United States Congress or by the General Assembly;

3.  Is employed by or has been employed by any federal, state, or local campaign;

4. Is employed by or has been employed by any political party or is a member of a political party central committee;

5. Is a lobbyist registered pursuant to Article 3 (§ 2.2-418 et seq.) of Chapter 4 of Title 2.2 or a lobbyist's principal as defined in § 2.2-419 or has been such a lobbyist or lobbyist's principal in the previous five years; or

6. Is a parent, spouse, child, sibling, parent-in-law, child-in-law, or sibling-in-law of a person described in subdivisions 1 through 5, or is a cohabitating member of a household with such a person.

C. The application period shall begin no later than December 1 of the year ending in zero and shall end four weeks after the beginning date. During this period, interested persons shall submit a completed application and any required documentation to the Division of Legislative Services. All applications shall be reviewed by the Division of Legislative Services to ensure an applicant's eligibility for service pursuant to subsection B, and any applicant who is ineligible for service shall be removed from the applicant pool.

The Division of Legislative Services shall make available the application for persons to use when submitting a paper application and shall provide electronic access for electronic submission of applications.

D.  Within two days of the close of the application period, the Division of Legislative Services shall provide to the Speaker of the House of Delegates, the leader in the House of Delegates of the political party having the next highest number of members in the House of Delegates, the President pro tempore of the Senate of Virginia, and the leader in the Senate of Virginia of the political party having the next highest number of members in the Senate of Virginia the applications and documentation submitted by those applicants who are eligible for service on the Commission pursuant to subsection B and submitted complete applications, including any required documentation.

E.  By January 1 of the year ending in one, those persons receiving the applications pursuant to subsection D shall each submit to the Committee a list of at least 16 citizen candidates for service on the Commission. In selecting citizen candidates, they shall give consideration to the racial, ethnic, geographic, and gender diversity of the Commonwealth.

They shall notify the Division of Legislative Services of the citizen candidates submitted to the Committee for consideration, and the Division of Legislative Services shall promptly provide to the Committee the applications and documentation for each citizen candidate being considered. Only the applications and documentation for each citizen candidate shall be maintained as public records.

F.  Within two weeks of receipt of the lists of citizen candidates and related materials pursuant to subsection E, but no later than January 15, the Committee shall  select,  by a majority vote in  a  public  meeting, two citizen members from each list submitted. In making its selections, the Committee shall ensure the citizen commissioners are, as a whole, representative of the racial, ethnic, geographic, and gender diversity of the Commonwealth. The Committee shall promptly notify those eight citizens of their selection to serve as a citizen commissioner of the Commission.

No member of the Committee shall communicate with a member of the General Assembly or the United States Congress, or any person acting on behalf of a member of the General Assembly or the United States Congress, about any matter related to the selection of citizen commissioners after receipt of the lists submitted pursuant to subsection E.

G. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 1-210 regarding the computation of time, if an act required by this section is to be performed on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, or any day or part of a day on which the government office where the act to be performed is closed, the act required shall be performed on the first business day immediately preceding the Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, or day on which the government office is closed.

§ 30-395. Staff to Virginia Redistricting Commission; census liaison.

A. The Division of Legislative Services shall provide staff support to the Commission. Staff shall perform those duties assigned to it by the Commission. The Director of the Division of Legislative Services, or his designated representative, shall serve as the state liaison with the United States Bureau of the Census on matters relating to the tabulation of the population for reapportionment purposes pursuant to P.L. 94-171. The governing bodies, electoral boards, and registrars of every county and municipality shall cooperate with the Division of Legislative Services in the exchange of all statistical and other information pertinent to preparation for the census.

B. The Division of Legislative Services shall maintain the current election district and precinct boundaries of each county and city as a part of the Commission's computer-assisted mapping and redistricting system. Whenever a county or city governing body adopts an ordinance that changes an election district or precinct boundary, the local governing body shall provide a copy of its ordinance, along with Geographic Information System (GIS) maps and other evidence documenting the boundary, to the Division of Legislative Services.

C. The provisions of Article 2 (§ 24.2-302 et seq.) of Chapter 3 of Title 24.2, including the statistical reports referred to in that article, shall be controlling in any legal determination of a district boundary.

§ 30-396. Public participation in redistricting process.

A.  All meetings and hearings held by the Commission shall be adequately advertised and planned to ensure the public is able to attend and participate fully. Meetings and hearings shall be advertised in multiple languages as practicable and appropriate.

B.   Prior to proposing any plan for districts for the United States House of Representatives, the Senate, or the House of Delegates and prior to voting to submit such plans to the General Assembly, the Commission shall hold at least three public hearings in order to receive and consider comments from the public. Public hearings may be held virtually and any public hearings that are held in person shall be conducted in different parts of the Commonwealth.

C.  The Commission shall establish and maintain a website or other equivalent electronic platform. The website shall be available to the general public and shall be used to disseminate information about the Commission's activities. The website shall be capable of receiving comments and proposals by citizens of the Commonwealth. Prior to voting on any proposed plan, the Commission shall publish the proposed plans on the website.

D.   All data used by the Commission in the drawing of districts shall be available to the public on its website. Such data, including census data, precinct maps, election results, and shapefiles, shall be posted within three days of receipt by the Commission.

§ 30-397. Proposal and submission of plans for districts.

A. The Commission shall submit to the General Assembly plans for districts for the Senate and the House of Delegates of the General Assembly no later than 45 days following the receipt of census data.

To be submitted as a proposed plan for districts for members of the Senate, a plan shall receive affirmative votes of at least six of the eight legislative commissioners, including at least three of the four legislative commissioners who are members of the Senate, and at least six of the eight citizen commissioners.

To be submitted as a proposed plan for districts for members of the House of Delegates, a plan shall receive affirmative votes of at least six of the eight legislative commissioners, including at least three of the four legislative commissioners who are members of the House of Delegates, and at least six of the eight citizen commissioners.

B.  The Commission shall submit to the General Assembly plans for districts for the United States House of Representatives no later than 60 days following the receipt of census data or by the first day of July of that year, whichever occurs first.

To be submitted as a proposed plan for districts for members of the United States House of Representatives, a plan shall receive affirmative votes of at least six of the eight legislative commissioners and at least six of the eight citizen commissioners.

C.  If the Commission fails to submit a plan for districts by the deadline set forth in subsection A or B, the Commission shall have 14 days following its initial failure to submit a plan to the General Assembly. If the Commission fails to submit a plan for districts to the General Assembly by this date, the districts shall be established by the Supreme Court of Virginia pursuant to § 30-399.

D.  All plans submitted pursuant to this section shall comply with the criteria and standards set forth in § 24.2-304.04.

§ 30-398. Consideration of plans by the General Assembly; timeline.

A. All plans for districts for the Senate and the House of Delegates shall be embodied in and voted on as a single bill.

B. All bills embodying plans for districts for the United States House of Representatives, the Senate, or the House of Delegates shall be voted on by the General Assembly in accordance with the provisions of Article IV, Section 11 of the Constitution of Virginia, except no amendments shall be permitted. All bills embodying a plan that are approved by both houses shall become law without the signature of the Governor and, pursuant to Article II, Section 6 of the Constitution of Virginia, shall take effect immediately.

C.  Within 15 days of receipt of any plan for districts, the General Assembly shall take a vote on a bill embodying such plan. If the General Assembly fails to adopt the bill by this deadline, the Commission shall submit a new plan for districts within 14 days of the General Assembly's failure to adopt the bill. Within seven days of receipt of such plan, the General Assembly shall take a vote on the bill embodying the plan, and if the General Assembly fails to adopt the plan by this deadline, the districts shall be established by the Supreme Court of Virginia pursuant to § 30-399.

D.  If the Commission submits a plan for districts pursuant to subsection C of § 30-397, the General Assembly shall take a vote on such plan within seven days of its receipt. If the General Assembly fails to adopt the plan by this deadline, the districts shall be established by the Supreme Court of Virginia pursuant to § 30-399.

§ 30-399. Establishment of districts by the Supreme Court of Virginia.

A.  In the event the Commission fails to submit a plan for districts by the deadline set forth in subsection A or B of § 30-397, or the General Assembly fails to adopt a plan for districts by the deadline set forth in subsection C or D of § 30-398, the Supreme Court of Virginia (the Court) shall be responsible for establishing the districts.

B.  The Court shall, not later than March 1 of a year ending in one, enact rules and procedures as may be necessary for implementing the requirements of Article II, Section 6-A of the Constitution of Virginia, empowering the Court to establish congressional or state legislative districts as provided for in that section. In enacting such rules and procedures, the Court shall follow the provisions of this section.

C.  Public participation in the Court's redistricting deliberations shall be permitted. Such public participation may be through briefings, written submissions, hearings in open court, or any other means as may be prescribed by the Court.

D.  The Division of Legislative Services shall make available staff support and technical assistance to the Court to perform those duties as may be requested or assigned to it by the Court.

E.  Any plan for congressional or state legislative districts established by the Court shall adhere to the standards and criteria for districts set forth in Article II, Section 6 of the Constitution of Virginia and § 24.2-304.04.

F.  The Court shall appoint two special masters to assist the Court in the establishment of districts. The two special masters shall work together to develop any plan to be submitted to the Court for its consideration.

Within one week of the Commission's failure to submit plans or the General Assembly's failure to adopt plans, the leaders in the House of Delegates having the highest and next highest number of members in the House of Delegates and the leaders in the Senate of Virginia having the highest and next highest number of members in the Senate of Virginia shall each submit to the Court a list of three or more nominees, along with a brief biography and resume for each nominee, including the nominee's particular expertise or experience relevant to redistricting. The Court shall then select, by a majority vote, one special master from the lists submitted by the legislative leaders of the political party having the highest number of members in their respective chambers and one special master from the lists submitted by the legislative leaders of the political party having the next highest number of members in their respective chambers. The persons appointed to serve as special masters shall have the requisite qualifications and experience to serve as a special master and shall have no conflicts of interest. In making its appointments, the Court shall consider any relevant redistricting experience in the Commonwealth and any practical or academic experience in the field of redistricting. The Court shall be reimbursed by the Commonwealth for all costs, including fees and expenses, related to the appointment or work of the special master from funds appropriated for this purpose.

G.  Any justice who is a parent, spouse, child, sibling, parent-in-law, child-in-law, or sibling-in- law of, or a cohabitating member of a household with, a member of the Congress of the United States or of the General Assembly shall recuse himself from any decision made pursuant to this section, and no senior justice designated pursuant to § 17.1-302 shall be assigned to the case or matter to serve in his place.

§ 30-400. Remedial redistricting plans.

If any congressional or state legislative district established pursuant to this chapter or the provisions of Article II, Sections 6 and 6-A of the Constitution of Virginia is declared unlawful or unconstitutional, in whole or in part, by order of any state or federal court, the Commission shall be convened to determine and propose a redistricting plan to remedy the unlawful or unconstitutional district.

10. That an emergency exists and the provisions of Enactment 9 of this act shall become effective on November 15, 2020, contingent upon the passage of an amendment to the Constitution of Virginia on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November 2020, establishing the Virginia Redistricting Commission by amending Section 6 of Article II and adding in Article II a new section numbered 6-A. If such amendment is not approved by the voters, the provisions of this act shall not become effective.

6911. That the provisions of the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth sixth, seventh, and eighth enactments of this act shall expire at midnight on June 30, 2022.

712. That the provisions of the fourth enactment fifth, ninth, and tenth enactments of this act shall have no expiration date.