2020 Special Session I

Budget Bill - HB5005 (Introduced)

View Item amendments

The College of William and Mary in Virginia

Item 160

Item 160 (Not set out)

First Year - FY2021Second Year - FY2022
Educational and General Programs (10000)$227,490,351$227,490,351
Higher Education Instruction (100101)FY2021 $125,621,500FY2022 $125,621,500
Higher Education Research (100102)FY2021 $1,391,200FY2022 $1,391,200
Higher Education Public Services (100103)FY2021 $21,500FY2022 $21,500
Higher Education Academic (100104)FY2021 $32,582,800FY2022 $32,582,800
Higher Education Student Services (100105)FY2021 $9,721,000FY2022 $9,721,000
Higher Education Institutional Support (100106)FY2021 $28,191,900FY2022 $28,191,900
Operation and Maintenance Of Plant (100107)FY2021 $29,960,451FY2022 $29,960,451
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2021 $49,738,886FY2022 $49,738,886
Higher Education OperatingFY2021 $168,089,414FY2022 $168,089,414
Debt ServiceFY2021 $9,662,051FY2022 $9,662,051

Authority: Title 23.1, Chapter 28, Code of Virginia.

A. This Item includes general and nongeneral fund appropriations to support institutional initiatives that help meet statewide goals described in the Restructured Higher Education Financial and Administrative Operations Act of 2005 (Chapters 933 and 945, 2005 Acts of Assembly).

B. As Virginia's public colleges and universities approach full funding of the base adequacy guidelines and as the General Assembly strives to fully fund the general fund share of the base adequacy guidelines, these funds are provided with the intent that, in exercising their authority to set tuition and fees, the Board of Visitors shall take into consideration the impact of escalating college costs for Virginia students and families. In accordance with the cost-sharing goals set forth in § 4-2.01 b. of this act, the Board of Visitors is encouraged to limit increases on tuition and mandatory educational and general fees for in-state, undergraduate students to the extent possible.

C. Out of this appropriation, $245,000 the first year and $245,000 the second year from the general fund is designated to support the Lewis B. Puller Jr. Veterans Benefits Clinic.

D. Out of this appropriation, $287,850 and two positions the first year and $287,850 and two positions the second year from the general fund is designated to develop a specialization in military and veterans counseling within the existing clinical mental health counseling degree program and a post-graduate certificate in veterans counseling.

E. The College of William and Mary may extend the authority granted to it under the Restructured Higher Education Financial and Administrative Operations Act (Title 23.1, Chapter 10, Code of Virginia) to Richard Bland College in a manner that is consistent with the Management Agreement By and Between the Commonwealth of Virginia and the College of William and Mary in Virginia, executed November 15, 2005 and subsequently amended to the provisions of the memorandum of understanding related to financial operations and other related administrative areas as executed by the presidents of both institutions on November 15, 2017 and as may subsequently be amended.

F. The appropriation for the fund source Higher Education Operating in this Item shall be considered a sum sufficient appropriation, which is an estimate of the amount of revenues to be collected for the educational and general program under the terms of the management agreement between the College of William and Mary and the Commonwealth, as set forth in Chapters 933 and 943 of the 2006 Acts of Assembly.

G. 1. Out of this appropriation, $1,221,670 the first year and $1,221,670 the second year from the general fund is designated to address increased degree production in Data Science and Technology, Science and Engineering, Healthcare, and Education.

2. Degree production shall be measured for Bachelors, Masters, Doctorates and First Professional awards as follows:

a. Data Science and Technology awards shall be based on completion data contained in the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia, C-16 completion report;

b. Science and Engineering awards shall be based on completion data contained in the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV), C-1 A1 completion report for the following programs Biological and Biomedical Science (26), Engineering (14) less those already counted in paragraph 2 a., Engineering Technologies (15), and Physical Sciences (42);

c. Healthcare awards shall be based on completion data contained in the SCHEV C-1 A1 completion report for the Health Professions and Related Programs (51); and

d. Education awards shall be based on completion data contained in the SCHEV C-1 A1 completion report for the Education Programs (13).

3. The College of William and Mary is expected to maintain increases in:

a. Data Science and Technology awards of 20 annually over the base year.

b. Science and Engineering awards of 15 annually over the base year.

c. Education awards of 5 annually over the base year.

d. The 2016-17 year will serve as the base year for these purposes.

4. SCHEV shall report on the progress toward these goals to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees annually beginning August 2020.

H. Out of this appropriation, $250,000 and two positions the first year and $250,000 and two positions the second year from the general fund is designated for the development of the Public Policy's Whole of Government program. This program will provide a hybrid Master of Public Policy degree that will allow the first year to be completed online.

I. The 4-VA, a public-private partnership among George Mason University, James Madison University, the University of Virginia, Virginia Tech, Old Dominion University, Virginia Military Institute, Virginia Commonwealth University, the College of William and Mary, and CISCO Systems, Inc., utilizes emerging technologies to promote collaboration and resource sharing to increase access, reduce time to graduation and reduce unit cost while maintaining and enhancing quality. Instructional talent across the eight institutions is leveraged in the delivery of programs in foreign languages, science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The 4-VA Management Board can expand this partnership to additional institutions as appropriate to meet the goals of the 4-VA initiative. It is expected that funding will be pooled by the management board as required to support continuing efforts of the 4-VA priorities and projects.