2020 Special Session I

Budget Bill - HB5005 (Chapter 56)

Compensation Board

Item 75.10

Item 75.10

Notwithstanding the provisions set forth in this Act, the amounts listed below associated with increased general fund spending within this agency shall be immediately unallotted upon enactment of these appropriations from the applicable Items of this agency and any other relevant Item of this act. Further, notwithstanding the provisions of this Act, any language associated with the spending listed below shall not be applicable unless, after such unallotment, a base amount of funding remains to which such language would be applicable or unless such language previously appeared in Chapter 854, 2019 Acts of Assembly. Any amounts referenced within any other Items of this Act that reflect or include the spending amounts listed below shall have no effect. These amounts shall remain unallotted until re-enacted by the General Assembly after acceptance of a revenue forecast that confirms the revenues estimated within this Act. No agency shall spend, commit, or otherwise obligate the amounts listed below from any source of funds for any of the purposes stated below or any other funds that may be unallotted.

FY 2021

FY 2022

Establish a minimum of three staff in each Circuit Court Clerk's office



Fund 25 percent of the staffing need in Sheriffs' offices



Fund 25 percent of the staffing need in the Commonwealth's Attorneys offices



Fund position to address agency information technology needs



Provide salary adjustment for Commissioners of Revenue



Provide salary adjustment for Treasurers' offices



Provide technology funding to Circuit Court Clerks' offices



Additional funding for Statewide Automated Victim Network System (SAVIN)



Adjust salary for circuit court clerks



Adjust entry-level salary increases for regional jail officers



Adjust salary of constitutional office staff based on increases in locality population



Agency Total

