2020 1

Budget Bill - HB30 (introduced)

Item 86 Amendments

First Year - FY2021Second Year - FY2022
Member Request
86#1sEarly Voting$90,000$90,000
86#2sElecton Official Certification Program Staff$190,399$190,399
86#3sVoter Referendum, School Modernization (SB 6)$150,000$0
86#4sForm of Ballot: Party Identification of Certain Candidates; Constitutional Offices$50,000$50,000
86#5sSB 466: Voter Registration Lists$50,000$50,000
86#6sAssistance to Local Governments with Election Security (Language Only)
86#7sRanked Choice Voting Administrative Costs$60,000$0
86#8sState Board of Elections Membership Increase$6,800$6,800
86#9sProhibited Campaign Finance Contributions$50,000$50,000
86#10sRegistrar Compensation Adjustment$3,500,000$3,500,000
86#11sConstitutional Amendment (First Resolution); Political Reform$0$250,000
86#12sNo Excuse Absentee Voting$5,000,000$5,000,000
86#13sCosts Associated with Early Voting$500,000$500,000
86#14sCampaign Violation Compliance and Reporting$58,790$58,790
Committee Approved
86#1sState Board of Elections Membership Increase$6,800$6,800
Floor Approved
86#1sState Board of Elections Membership Increase$6,800$6,800