2020 1

Budget Bill - HB30 (introduced)

Item 152 Amendments

First Year - FY2021Second Year - FY2022
Member Request
152#1sVirginia Sea Grant - Coastal & Marine Workforce Development & Retention in State Agencies$288,000$288,000
152#2sSCHEV - Internship Program Inclusion (Language Only) (Language Only)
152#3sSCHEV - Innovative Internship Fund and Program $300,000$1,300,000
152#4sSCHEV - Guidance to Postsecondary Success$1,500,000$1,500,000
152#5sSCHEV - Review of Higher Education Cost Efficiency & Outcomes Partnerships$150,000$150,000
152#6sSCHEV - Internship Program Inclusion (Language Only) (Language Only)
152#7sHigher Education - Wind and Solar$50,000$50,000
152#8sSCHEV - Office of the Qualified Education Loan Ombudsman$100,000$50,000
Committee Approved
152#1sSCHEV - Financial Aid Award Policies Study (Language Only)
152#2sHigher Education Cost Study$150,000$150,000
152#3sSCHEV - Innovative Internship Fund and Program $300,000$1,300,000
152#4sSCHEV - Guidance to Postsecondary Success$250,000$250,000
152#5sSCHEV - Office of the Qualified Education Loan Ombudsman$100,000$50,000
Floor Approved
152#1sSCHEV - Financial Aid Award Policies Study (Language Only)
152#2sHigher Education Cost Study$150,000$150,000
152#3sSCHEV - Innovative Internship Fund and Program $300,000$1,300,000
152#4sSCHEV - Guidance to Postsecondary Success$250,000$250,000
152#5sSCHEV - Office of the Qualified Education Loan Ombudsman$100,000$50,000