2020 1

Budget Bill - SB30 (Introduced)

Item 57 Amendments

First Year - FY2021Second Year - FY2022
Member Request
57#1sComputer Trespass$50,000$50,000
57#2gHardware/Software Licenses and Maintenance Agreements Costs$250,000$250,000
57#3gInformation Technology Support Staff Increase$321,067$321,067
Committee Approved
57#1sHardware and Software Licenses and Maintenance Agreements Costs$250,000$250,000
57#2sRestore Language Prohibiting Outside Entity Funding for OAG Staff (Language Only)
Floor Approved
57#1sHardware and Software Licenses and Maintenance Agreements Costs$250,000$250,000
57#2sRestore Language Prohibiting Outside Entity Funding for OAG Staff (Language Only)