2020 1

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

Item 402 Amendments

First Year - FY2021Second Year - FY2022
Member Request
402#1hHB 1254 - Redistricting and Reallocation of Prison Populations$50,000$50,000
402#2hHB 453 - Trespass with Unmanned Aircraft System$50,000$0
402#3hHB 1192 - Aboveground Hazardous Storage Tanks$50,000$0
402#4hHB 900 - Firearm Possession Following Certain Misdemeanor Convictions$50,000$0
402#5hHB 269 - Legalization of Marijuana$50,000$0
402#6hPayment in Lieu of Taxes$1,600,000$1,600,000
402#7hHB 323 - Definition of Sexual Abuse$50,000$0
402#8hHB 899 - Restricted Firearm Ammunition$50,000$0
402#9hHB 1083 - Access to Firearms by Minors$50,000$0
402#10hHB 252 - Sexual Abuse of Minor (Language Only)
402#11hHB 253 - Sex Offender Registry$50,000$0
402#12hHB 298 - Misdemeanor Sexual Offenses$50,000$0
402#13hHB 87 - Possession of Non-Retail Marijuana$50,000$0
402#14hHB 288 - Definition of Sexual Abuse$50,000$0
402#15hHB 832 - Athlete Agent Registration$50,000$0
402#16hHB 459 - Firearm Possession$50,000$0
402#17hHB 458 - Possession of Firearms, Fugitives (Language Only)
402#18hHB 1211 - Information for IDs$50,000$0
402#19hHB 793 - Conditional Release$50,000$0
402#20hHB 625 - Protective Orders, Family Abuse$50,000$0
402#21hHB 157 - Stationary Vehicles$50,000$0
402#22hHB 818 - Assault of officers$160,177$0
402#23hHB 856 - Protective Orders, Firearms$50,000$0
402#24hHB 853 - Access to Firearms$50,000$0
402#25hHB 412 - Expand Definition of Household Member$50,000$0
402#26hHB 1288 - Possession of Firearms, Certain Priors$50,000$0
402#27hHB 251 - Violations of Prostitution Related Crimes$50,000$0
402#28hRemove Woodrum Funding-$250,000-$250,000
402#29hHB 1524 - Prostitution-Related Crimes$50,000$0
402#30gWoodrum Funding for Electronic Gaming Device Violations$50,000$0
402#31hHB 470 - Protective Orders on Behalf of Incapacitated Persons$50,000$0
402#33hHB 1553 - Debt Settlement Providers$50,000$0
Committee Approved
402#1hHouse Bills with Sentencing Impacts$800,000$0
402#2hProposed Second Year Bonuses$0-$1,033,440
Floor Approved
402#1hHouse Bills with Sentencing Impacts$800,000$0
402#2hProposed Second Year Bonuses$0-$1,033,440
Conference Report
402#1cCorrections Special Reserve Fund Deposit$750,000$0
402#2cModify Funding for Electronic Health Records-$2,995,132-$1,000,000
402#3cReport on Costs to Assume Management of Correctional Facility (Language Only)
402#4cTechnical: Set Out Funding for Additional Jail Death Investigators (Language Only)
402#5cModify Healthcare Services Delivery Study$0-$500,000
402#6cEvaluate Options for Increased Programs in Restrictive Housing (Language Only)