Authority: Title 23.1, Chapter 29, Code of Virginia.
A. Out of this appropriation, $150,000 the first year and $150,000 the second year from the general fund is designated for Tidewater Community College to support an apprenticeship program for Virginia's shipyard workers. All general fund amounts appropriated for this apprenticeship program shall be used to provide scholarships to shipyard workers enrolled in the program. The conditions for receiving a scholarship shall be those conditions described in § 23.1-2912, Code of Virginia.
B. Funding in this Item shall be allocated for the Virginia Guarenteed Assistance Program, the Commonwealth Award and need-based student financial assistance for industry-based certifications or related programs that do not qualify for other sources of student financial assistance.
C. Up to 15 percent of the funding in this item may be used to support Virginia Guaranteed Assistance Program eligible students for (1) priority funding who are enrolled in Data Science and Technology, Science and Engineering, Healthcare and Education programs and (2) as a grant for students in innovative internship programs provided that the institutions has at least one private sector partner and the grant is matched equally by the partner with non-state funding and / or the institution from private funds.
D. 1. Out of this appropriation, $72,540,937 the first year and $72,540,937 the second year from the general fund is designated for the Get Skilled, Get a Job, Give Back Program. The Program will offer financial assistance to low- and middle-income Virginia residents who are eligible for in-state tuition pursuant to §23.1, Code of Virginia, and who are enrolled in a program at a Virginia public associate degree-granting institution that leads to an occupation in a high-demand field and that is approved by the Chief Workforce Development Advisor as advised by the Board of Workforce Development or other council established by the General Assembly or the Governor. Such high-demand field shall mean a discipline or field in which there is a shortage of skilled workers to fill current job vacancies or anticipated additional job openings. The Chief Workforce Development Advisor will update the high demand occupation list annually.
2. In order to be eligible for financial assistance under this Program at a qualified public institution, an applicant shall:
a. Receive a total household income less than or equal to four hundred percent of the Federal Poverty Level or equivalent Expected Family Contribution;
b. Be enrolled or accepted for enrollment as a full-time or part-time student at an approved institution in an approved program specific to a high-demand field and shall be enrolled in a minimum of six credit hours per semester;
c. Have submitted complete applications for federal and state student financial aid programs for which they may be eligible; and
d. Complete and agree to the Community Engagement Agreement. The Community Engagement Agreement shall be developed by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia and shall require students to complete two hours of work experience, community service or public service—excluding political activities—per each enrolled credit hour of coursework by the end of the academic term. Community service, public service or work experience shall align to work readiness competencies of the institutions.
3. In order to remain eligible for financial assistance under this Program at an approved institution, a participating student shall:
a. Demonstrate reasonable progress to complete their specific program of study to earn an associate degree in three years;
b. Not exceed 150 percent of required credits of certificate or degree;
c. Maintain the required grade point average and satisfactory academic progress established by federal Higher Education Act of 1965 Title IV requirements and;
d. Fulfill the required hours of work experience, community service or public service—excluding political activities—per each enrolled credit hour of coursework, pursuant to the Community Engagement Agreement.
4. Payments out of this appropriation shall provide (i) grants up to the amount necessary to pay for the last-dollar cost of the enrolled institution's tuition, mandatory fees, and textbook costs for eligible students, (ii) a Student Support Incentive Grant up to $2,500 per year for eligible students who are enrolled full-time and qualify for full Federal Pell Grants, and (iii) a Performance Payment to the institution when a Student Support Incentive Grant recipient reaches 30 credits hours and earns a degree.
a. Each Student Support Incentive Grant shall be distributed to eligible students on a semester basis. An eligible student may receive up to $1,000 per semester and up to $500 per Summer Term.
b. From these funds, the Virginia Community College System Office shall provide to each Virginia public associate degree-granting institution a Performance Payment of up to $500 per eligible student receiving a Student Support Incentive Grant that successfully completes 30 credit hours and additional $400 per eligible student receiving a Student Support Incentive Grant that earns an associate degree.
5. Funds out of this appropriation may be used for marketing and public awareness efforts to increase participation in the program.
6. a. No later than September 1 of each year, each Virginia public associate degree-granting institution shall submit to the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia and the Virginia Community College System a report with data from the previous fiscal year on program participation and completion, including data on what high-demand fields are supported by students at each institution.
b. The Council and System shall work collaboratively to compile the data provided by each public associate degree-granting institution and report such data, in aggregate and by institution, to the Governor, the Chairmen of the Senate Finance Committee, the House Appropriations Committee, the Senate Education and Health Committee, and the House Education Committee.