2020 Session

Budget Bill - HB30 (Chapter 1289)

Department of General Services

Item 77

Item 77

First Year - FY2021Second Year - FY2022
Real Estate Services (72700)$72,138,370$73,494,163
Statewide Leasing and Disposal Services (72705)FY2021 $72,138,370FY2022 $73,494,163
Fund Sources:  
Internal ServiceFY2021 $72,138,370FY2022 $73,494,163

Authority: Title 2.2, Chapter 11, Article 4, § 2.2-1156, Code of Virginia.

A. Out of this appropriation, $72,138,370 the first year and $73,494,163 the second year for Statewide Leasing and Disposal Services is sum sufficient and amounts shown are estimates from an internal service fund which shall be paid from revenues from rent payments or fees to be paid by state agencies and institutions for their occupancy of facilities and management of real property transactions, including, but not necessarily limited to, leases of non-state owned office space throughout the Commonwealth for use by such agencies and institutions. Also included are funds to pay costs associated with the disposal of state-owned real property and interests therein. In implementing the program, the Department of General Services may utilize brokerage services, portfolio management strategies, personnel policies, and compensation practices generally consistent with prevailing industry best practices.

B.1. The costs paid for each sale of state-owned property shall be returned to the fund upon sale of the property in an amount calculated at 115 percent of such costs.

2. The rate charged for administration of single-agency leases shall be three percent of lease costs and the rate for administration of master leases shall be four percent of lease costs. Fees approved in accordance with § 4-5.03 of this act may also be charged for one-time transactions.

C. The Department of General Services shall issue guidelines to ensure that site selection for new state facilities is accomplished in a way that is consistent with the Principles of Sustainable Community Investment identified in Executive Order 69 (2008) and Executive Order 82 (2009).

D. The Department of General Services shall honor all existing leases and contracts and manage the property located at the Center for Innovative Technology Complex at 2214 Rock Hill Road, Herndon, Virginia, as part of its real estate services operation. However, the Department of General Services shall allow the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Investment Authority to continue to manage and maintain the facility unless otherwise directed by the Governor.

E. To affect implementation of Chapter 678, 2019 Acts of Assembly, the correct Tax Map Parcel is 211-130-1.