Committee Approved | | |
1#1h | Higher Education Joint Subcommittee (Language Only) |
1#2h | Funding for Clerks' Offices - GA Operations | $1,500,000 | $2,250,000 |
1#3h | HB 1415 - Henrietta Lacks Commission | $20,000 | $20,000 |
1#4h | Authorize DLS to Support WW I and WWII Commission (Language Only) |
1#5h | Clarify Appointment Authority (Language Only) |
Floor Approved | | |
1#1h | Higher Education Joint Subcommittee (Language Only) |
1#2h | Funding for Clerks' Offices - GA Operations | $1,500,000 | $2,250,000 |
1#3h | HB 1415 - Henrietta Lacks Commission | $20,000 | $20,000 |
1#4h | Authorize DLS to Support WW I and WWII Commission (Language Only) |
1#5h | Clarify Appointment Authority (Language Only) |
Senate Committee Approved | | |
1#1s | Joint Subcommittee on the Virginia Preschool Initiative (Language Only) |
1#2s | Sexual Harassment Training | $50,000 | $50,000 |
1#3s | HE Jt Sub – Statewide HE Finance Plan (Language Only) |
1#4s | Joint Subcommittee on Local Fiscal Stress (Language Only) |
1#5s | HE Jt Sub - Agreement Process and Potential Pilots (Language Only) |
1#6s | General Assembly Operations | $2,400,000 | $2,500,000 |
1#7s | Final Report of Private Day Placement Workgroup (Language Only) |
1#8s | Recommendations for Healthcare Policy Integration (Language Only) |
1#9s | Technical: Correct Embedded Salary Figures (Language Only) |