2017 1

Budget Bill - HB1500 (Introduced)

Item 364 Amendments

First Year - FY2017Second Year - FY2018
Member Request
364#1hLake Arrowhead Dam Funding$400,000$0
364#2hLincolnshire Dam Funding$0$300,000
364#3hFully Fund Ag BMP Requirements$0$43,434,326
364#4hProvide Ag BMP Funding$0$10,000,000
364#5hUse WQIF Reserve for Ag BMPs$0$8,274,474
364#6hUse WQIF Reserve for Ag BMPs$0$8,274,474
364#7hSWCD Engineering Support$0$200,000
364#8hEncourage Resource Mgmt Plans (Language Only)
364#9hNatural Heritage Program Funding$0$2,448,129
364#10hReflect Increased Dedication of Recordation Fee to NRCF (Language Only)
Committee Approved
364#1hAppropriate WQIF Reserve for Ag BMPs (Language Only)
364#2hEncourage Resource Mgmt Plans (Language Only)
364#3hReview Methods to Stabilize Ag BMP Funding (Language Only)
Floor Approved
364#1hAppropriate WQIF Reserve for Ag BMPs (Language Only)
364#2hEncourage Resource Mgmt Plans (Language Only)
364#3hReview Methods to Stabilize Ag BMP Funding (Language Only)
Conference Report
364#1cAdditional Implementation of RMPs (Language Only)
364#2cAppropriate WQIF Reserve for Ag BMPs (Language Only)
364#3cReview Methods to Stabilize Ag BMP Funding (Language Only)