2017 Session

Budget Bill - SB900 (Introduced)

View Item amendments

Virginia Information Technologies Agency

Item 433

Item 433

First Year - FY2017Second Year - FY2018
Information Technology Planning and Quality Control (82800)$4,047,041
Information Technology Investment Management (ITIM) Oversight Services (82801)FY2017 $1,653,483FY2018 $1,653,567
Enterprise Development Services (82803)FY2017 $2,393,558
FY2018 $1,488,622
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2017 $2,033,955
FY2018 $2,034,039
Internal ServiceFY2017 $0FY2018 $2,034,039
Dedicated Special RevenueFY2017 $2,013,086FY2018 $1,108,150

Authority: Title 2.2, Chapter 20.1, Code of Virginia.

A.1. Notwithstanding the provisions of §§ 2.2-1509, 2.2-2007 and 2.2-2017, Code of Virginia, the scope of formal reporting on major information technology projects in the Recommended Technology Investment Projects (RTIP) report is reduced. The efforts involved in researching, analyzing, reviewing, and preparing the report will be streamlined and project ranking will be discontinued. Project analysis will be targeted as determined by the Chief Information Officer (CIO) and the Secretary of Technology. Information on major information technology investments will continue to be provided General Assembly members and staff. Specifically, the following tasks will not be required, though the task may be performed in a more streamlined fashion: (i) The annual report to the Governor, the Secretary, and the Joint Commission on Technology and Science; (ii) The annual report from the CIO for submission to the Secretary, the Information Technology Advisory Council, and the Joint Commission on Technology and Science on a prioritized list of Recommended Technology Investment Projects (RTIP Report); (iii) The development by the CIO and regular update of a methodology for prioritizing projects based upon the allocation of points to defined criteria and the inclusion of this information in the RTIP Report; (iv) The indication by the CIO of the number of points and how they were awarded for each project recommended for funding in the RTIP Report; (vi) The reporting, for each project listed in the RTIP, of all projected costs of ongoing operations and maintenance activities of the project for the next three biennia following project implementation, a justification and description for each project baseline change, and whether the project fails to incorporate existing standards for the maintenance, exchange, and security of data; and (vii) The reporting of trends in current projected information technology spending by state agencies and secretariats, including spending on projects, operations and maintenance, and payments to Virginia Information Technologies Agency.

2. Notwithstanding any other provision of law and effective July 1, 2015, the Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA) shall maintain and update quarterly a list of major information technology projects that are active or are expected to become active in the next fiscal year and have been approved and recommended for funding by the Secretary of Technology. Such list shall serve as the official repository for all ongoing information technology projects in the Commonwealth and shall include all information required by § 2.2-1509.3 (B)(1)-(8), Code of Virginia. VITA shall make such list publically available on its website, updated on a quarterly basis, and shall submit electronically such quarterly update to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees and the Director, Department of Planning and Budget, in a format mutually agreeable to them. To ensure such list can be maintained and updated quarterly, state agencies with major information technology projects that are active or are expected to become active in the next fiscal year shall provide in a timely manner all data and other information requested by VITA.

3. The Health Care Reform program office has been established by the Secretary of Health and Human Resources to address the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), the Patient Protection and Patient Affordability Act (PPACA), and the Medicaid Information Technology Architecture (MITA). This program will be generating approximately 23 major as well as non-major projects and the total cost of the program over seven years is expected to be $93,043,146 with a cost to the Commonwealth of $9,773,220. Projects will be established over the next four years. The seven year costs include six years of operational expenses associated with the provider incentive program that sunsets in 2021. New recurring Medicaid expenses are also reflected in the seven year cost estimates. The projects and cost estimates in this paragraph include efforts to modernize eligibility determination systems within the Department of Social Services.

B. Out of this appropriation, $2,267,388 the first year from the general fund shall be used to pay the outstanding balance of the working capital advance previously provided to the Virginia Enterprise Applications Program for the development of enterprise applications for the Commonwealth.