Item 298 | First Year - FY2017 | Second Year - FY2018 |
Environmental Health Hazards Control (56500) | $10,628,997 $10,428,997 | $10,628,997 $10,404,104 |
State Office of Environmental Health Services (56501) | FY2017 $4,237,495 $4,037,495 | FY2018 $4,237,495 $4,012,602 |
Shellfish Sanitation (56502) | FY2017 $2,604,771 | FY2018 $2,604,771 |
Bedding and Upholstery Inspection (56503) | FY2017 $811,178 | FY2018 $811,178 |
Radiological Health and Safety Regulation (56504) | FY2017 $2,975,553 | FY2018 $2,975,553 |
Fund Sources: | | |
General | FY2017 $5,420,854 $5,220,854 | FY2018 $5,420,854 $5,079,961 |
Special | FY2017 $2,487,986 | FY2018 $2,487,986 $2,603,986 |
Dedicated Special Revenue | FY2017 $1,430,613 | FY2018 $1,430,613 |
Federal Trust | FY2017 $1,289,544 | FY2018 $1,289,544 |
Authority: §§ 2.2-4002 B 16; 28.2-800 through 28.2-825; and 32.1-212 through 32.1-245, Code of Virginia.
A. Out of this appropriation, $12,500 the first year and $12,500 the second year from the general fund shall be provided for the activities of the Sewage Appeals Review Board.
B. The Department of Health shall report on the agency's activities to assess the sources of bacterial contamination in shellfish waters and to develop data in support of conditional management plans to allow for the safe harvest of shellfish from contaminated areas. The department shall report on such activities and data development efforts to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees by October 1, 2016.
C. The State Health Commissioner is authorized to develop and implement a shellfish facility inspection fee based on facility type such that a crab processor "C" facility inspection fee shall not exceed $600, a shellfish shucker-packer facility inspection fee shall not exceed $600, a shellfish repacker facility inspection fee shall not exceed $600, a shellfish shellstock shipper facility inspection fee shall not exceed $300, a shellfish reshipper facility inspection fee shall not exceed $300, and a shellfish depuration process facility inspection fee shall not exceed $1,500. Such fees are to be collected from all establishments that are subject to inspection by the Department of Health pursuant to §§ 28.2-800 through 28.2-825, Code of Virginia. This fee structure shall be subject to the approval of the Secretary of Health and Human Resources.