Authority: §§ 32.1-111.1 through 32.1-111.16, 32.1-116.1 through 32.1-116.3, and 46.2-694 A 13, Code of Virginia.
A. Out of this appropriation, $25,000 the first year and $25,000 the second year from special funds shall be provided to the Department of State Police for administration of criminal history record information for local volunteer fire and rescue squad personnel (pursuant to § 19.2-389 A 11, Code of Virginia).
B.1. Distributions made under § 46.2-694 A 13 b (iii), Code of Virginia, shall be made only to nonprofit emergency medical services organizations.
2. Out of the distribution made from paragraph 1, from the special emergency medical services fund for the Virginia Rescue Squad Assistance Fund, $840,000 the first year and $840,000 the second year shall be used for the purchase of new ambulance stretcher retention systems as required by the federal General Services Administration.
C. Out of this appropriation, $1,045,375 the first year and $1,045,375 the second year from the Virginia Rescue Squad Assistance Fund and $2,052,723 the first year and $2,052,723 the second year from the special emergency medical services fund shall be provided to the Department of State Police for aviation (med-flight) operations.
D. The State Health Commissioner shall review current funding provided to trauma centers to offset uncompensated care losses, report on feasible long-term financing mechanisms, and examine and identify potential funding sources on the federal, state and local level that may be available to Virginia's trauma centers to support the system's capacity to provide quality trauma services to Virginia citizens. As sources are identified, the commissioner shall work with any federal and state agencies and the Trauma System Oversight and Management Committee to assist in securing additional funding for the trauma system.
E. Notwithstanding any other provision of law or regulation, the Board of Health shall not modify the geographic or designated service areas of designated regional emergency medical services councils in effect on January 1, 2008, or make such modifications a criterion in approving or renewing applications for such designation or receiving and disbursing state funds.
F. Notwithstanding any other provision of law or regulation, funds from the $0.25 of the $4.25 for Life fee shall be provided for the payment of the initial basic level emergency medical services certification examination provided by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT). The Board of Health shall determine an allocation methodology upon recommendation by the State EMS Advisory Board to ensure that funds are available for the payment of initial NREMT testing and distributed to those individuals seeking certification as an Emergency Medical Services provider in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
G. Out of this appropriation, up to $400,000 the first year and up to $400,000 the second year from the Virginia Rescue Squad Assistance Fund shall be used for grants to emergency medical services organizations to purchase 12-lead electrocardiograph monitors.
H. Out of this appropriation, $90,000 the first year and $90,000 the second year from the Virginia Rescue Squad Assistance Fund shall be provided for national background checks on persons applying to serve as a licensed provider in a licensed emergency medical services agency. The Office of Emergency Medical Services may transfer funding to the Office of State Police for national background checks as necessary.