2017 Session

Budget Bill - HB1500 (Enrolled)

Christopher Newport University

Item 153

Item 153

First Year - FY2017Second Year - FY2018
Higher Education Auxiliary Enterprises (80900)
     a sum sufficient, estimated at
Food Services (80910)FY2017 $15,727,071FY2018 $15,977,571
Bookstores And Other Stores (80920)FY2017 $709,300FY2018 $709,300
Residential Services (80930)FY2017 $28,788,680FY2018 $28,788,680
Parking And Transportation Systems And Services (80940)FY2017 $1,734,901FY2018 $1,734,901
Student Unions And Recreational Facilities (80970)FY2017 $5,774,978FY2018 $5,774,978
Recreational And Intramural Programs (80980)FY2017 $165,737FY2018 $165,737
Other Enterprise Functions (80990)FY2017 $12,177,323FY2018 $12,317,323
Intercollegiate Athletics (80995)FY2017 $8,868,919FY2018 $8,868,919
Fund Sources:  
Higher Education OperatingFY2017 $55,857,589FY2018 $56,248,089
Debt ServiceFY2017 $18,089,320FY2018 $18,089,320

Authority: Title 2323.1, Chapter 5.314, Code of Virginia.