2016 1

Budget Bill - SB30 (Introduced)

Item 475 Amendments

First Year - FY2017Second Year - FY2018
Member Request
475#1sDCR/VALORS (SB353)$270,000$270,000
475#2sVA Law Officers' Retirement System $3,033,000$3,033,000
475#3sEMVS - Provide GF Support for a Two-Percent Salary Increase$0$1,204,524
475#4sVA Law Officers' Retirement System - Town of Independence$1,250$10,000
Committee Approved
475#2sReduce Employer's Share of State Health Plan Premiums-$5,884,370$0
475#3sCompensation Action$47,913,585$8,589,610
475#4sState Police Salary Compression Initiative$4,000,000$4,000,000
475#5sAdjust Group Life Rate for Teachers (Language Only)
Floor Approved
475#2sReduce Employer's Share of State Health Plan Premiums-$5,884,370$0
475#3sCompensation Action$47,913,585$8,589,610
475#4sState Police Salary Compression Initiative$4,000,000$4,000,000
475#5sAdjust Group Life Rate for Teachers (Language Only)