2016 1

Budget Bill - SB30 (Introduced)

Item 315 Amendments

First Year - FY2017Second Year - FY2018
Member Request
315#1sTransitional Services for High-Risk Individuals$3,500,000$3,500,000
315#2sMobile Crisis Intervention Services$5,969,817$5,456,543
315#3sChild Psychiatry and Children's Crisis Response Services$3,325,000$3,325,000
315#4sMedical Detoxification Capacity$4,000,000$4,000,000
315#5sPeer Supports Specialists$3,600,000$3,600,000
315#6sReport on Outpatient Mental Health Services for Youth (Language Only)
315#7sChild Psychiatry and Children's Crisis Response Services$3,325,000$3,325,000
315#8sPermanent Supportive Housing $2,142,900$7,143,000
315#9sMobile Crisis Intervention Services$5,969,817$5,456,543
315#10sExpand Programs of Assertive Community Treatment $5,700,000$5,700,000
315#11sExpand Medication Assisted Treatment$4,100,000$4,100,000
315#12sDetoxification Medication Kits$2,500,000$0
315#13sIncrease Psychiatric Resources$3,500,000$3,500,000
315#14sExpand Psychiatric Resources$3,500,000$3,500,000
315#15sRecovery Residences$1,350,000$1,350,000
315#16sFamily Supports for Non-Waiver Individuals$1,000,000$1,000,000
Committee Approved
315#1sRestore Funding for Community Services Boards Reflecting Reversal of Medicaid Expansion$12,143,442$29,144,262
315#2sReport on Outpatient Mental Health Services for Youth (Language Only)
315#3sReport on Mobile Crisis Intervention Services (Language Only)
315#4sCorrect Base Funding for Prince William ARC-$250,000-$250,000
315#5sFund Transition Costs with One-Time Trust Fund Monies (Language Only)
315#6sIncrease Funding for Child Psychiatry and Children's Crisis Response Services$2,500,000$2,500,000
315#7sPermanent Supportive Housing $2,142,900$2,142,900
315#8sFund Three Programs of Assertive Community Treatment (PACT) Teams$2,850,000$2,850,000
315#9sContinue Funding for Alternate Transportation for TDOs in Southwest VA$895,000$0
315#10sTransfer funds for administrative costs of forensic housing programs-$83,619-$111,492
Floor Approved
315#1sRestore Funding for Community Services Boards Reflecting Reversal of Medicaid Expansion$12,143,442$29,144,262
315#2sReport on Outpatient Mental Health Services for Youth (Language Only)
315#3sReport on Mobile Crisis Intervention Services (Language Only)
315#4sCorrect Base Funding for Prince William ARC-$250,000-$250,000
315#5sFund Transition Costs with One-Time Trust Fund Monies (Language Only)
315#6sIncrease Funding for Child Psychiatry and Children's Crisis Response Services$2,500,000$2,500,000
315#7sPermanent Supportive Housing $2,142,900$2,142,900
315#8sFund Three Programs of Assertive Community Treatment (PACT) Teams$2,850,000$2,850,000
315#9sContinue Funding for Alternate Transportation for TDOs in Southwest VA$895,000$0
315#10sTransfer funds for administrative costs of forensic housing programs-$83,619-$111,492