2016 1

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

Item 207 Amendments

First Year - FY2017Second Year - FY2018
Member Request
207#1hVCU - Commonwealth Center for Advanced Logistics$250,000$250,000
207#2hVCU - Commonwealth Center for Advanced Logistics Modeling$125,000$125,000
207#3hVCU - Council on Economic Education$56,325$56,325
207#4hVCU - Theatre Partnership$125,000$125,000
Committee Approved
207#1hVCU - Repurpose New Funding-$3,090,610-$3,090,610
207#2hVCU - HAC Access and Affordability$5,462,450$7,860,670
Floor Approved
207#1hVCU - Repurpose New Funding-$3,090,610-$3,090,610
207#2hVCU - HAC Access and Affordability$5,462,450$7,860,670
Conference Report
207#1cVCU - Fund Substance Abuse Fellowship Program at the VCU School of Medicine $25,000$180,000
207#2cVCU - Fund Council on Economic Education$56,325$56,325
207#3cVCU - Access and Affordability$1,279,502$3,283,761
207#4cVCU - Initiatives$500,000$500,000