2016 1

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

Item 196 Amendments

First Year - FY2017Second Year - FY2018
Member Request
196#1hUVA - Theatre Partnership$125,000$125,000
196#2hUVA - Blandy Farm$67,800$69,830
196#3hUVA - Virginia Foundation for the Humanities$250,000$250,000
196#4hUVA - Enrollment Growth$8,739,447$11,168,485
196#5hUVA - IT Security Enhancement$7,766,800$5,236,300
Committee Approved
196#1hUVA - HAC Access and Affordability$4,173,418$6,180,511
196#2hUVA - Repurpose New Funding-$1,651,960-$1,651,960
Floor Approved
196#1hUVA - HAC Access and Affordability$4,173,418$6,180,511
196#2hUVA - Repurpose New Funding-$1,651,960-$1,651,960
Conference Report
196#1cUVA - Access and Affordability$2,005,428$3,682,812
196#2cUVA - Nurse Practitioner Telemedicine Pilot Program$200,000$200,000
196#3cUVA - Fund Blandy Farm$67,800$69,830