Member Request | | |
139#1h | Incentive Funding for Contracted Partnerships | $3,927,286 | $4,071,215 |
139#2h | Additional Assistant Principals | $69,327,515 | $71,630,308 |
139#3h | Local Composite Index Formula Change | $126,001,892 | $144,770,021 |
139#4h | Dual Enrollment for Home-school Students (Language Only) |
139#5h | Supplemental Funding for Purchase of EpiPens | $200,000 | $200,000 |
139#6h | First Year 2% Teacher Salary Incentive | $83,326,300 | $166,526 |
139#7h | COCA for Support Positions | $32,800,000 | $40,612,900 |
139#8h | Increase ESL Teachers | $15,434,076 | $16,460,147 |
139#9h | Dedicate Portion of At-Risk Add-on (Language Only) |
139#10h | Increase Governor's School Funding Cap | $234,883 | $317,014 |
139#11h | Increase VPI Per Pupil Funding | $1,384,811 | $2,802,775 |
139#12h | Work Group to Review Use of Chromebooks (Language Only) |
139#13h | Academic Year Governor's School | -$246,780 | -$394,092 |
139#14h | Survey School Divisions for Education Technology Grant Funds Use (Language Only) |
139#15h | Parental Choice Education Saving Account - Transfer from Divisions (Language Only) |
139#16h | Virginia Virtual School - Transfer Based on Statewide SOQ PPA (Language Only) |
139#17h | New Prevailing SOQ for Instructional Aides | $156,000,000 | $156,000,000 |
139#18h | Bridging Communities Governor's STEM Academy | $500,000 | $500,000 |
139#19h | SOQ Funding Formula Model Change | $40,000,000 | $40,000,000 |
139#20h | COCA for Support Positions | $40,612,935 | $0 |
139#21h | Reduce VRS Rates | $0 | -$27,529,500 |
139#22h | Provision for Certain School Personnel to Exercise Concealed Carry Permit on School Grounds (Language Only) |
139#23h | Regional CTE Center Planning Start-up Funding | $100,000 | $0 |
Committee Approved | | |
139#1h | Expand Local Flexibility for Salary Increase (Language Only) |
139#2h | Update Lottery Proceeds Revenue Estimated from FY 2016 Carry Forward Balance | $20,295,920 | $0 |
139#3h | Technical Update for Data Corrections Since December | -$9,850,181 | -$9,663,367 |
139#4h | Regional CTE Center Planning Start-up Funding | $100,000 | $0 |
139#5h | Technical Update for Sales Tax Mid-Year Forecast | -$4,815,138 | -$4,815,138 |
139#6h | Language Clarification - School Breakfast (Language Only) |
139#7h | Re-purpose Additional Instructional Positions to Lottery PPA | -$42,738,796 | -$96,458,533 |
139#8h | Re-purpose At-Risk Add-on Range Increase | -$24,676,052 | -$24,909,556 |
139#9h | Lottery Proceeds Fund Per Pupil Allocations | $85,249,444 | $157,173,376 |
139#10h | Additional General Fund Revenue for Lottery PPA | $0 | $10,000,000 |
139#11h | Reinstate Literary Funds for VRS (Language Only) |
139#12h | Correction for Group Life Rate | $1,709,940 | $0 |
139#13h | Academic Year Governor's School | -$1,859,617 | -$3,726,499 |
139#14h | Remove FY16 to FY17 Hold Harmless Funding | -$3,803,288 | $0 |
139#15h | Parental Choice Education Saving Account (Language Only) |
139#16h | Technical Correction - Free Lunch Date Reference (Language Only) |
139#17h | Technical Correction - Removes Language Related to Budget Reduction and Clarifies In-State (Language Only) |
139#18h | Dual Enrollment for Home-school Students (Language Only) |
139#19h | Virginia Virtual School - Transfer of Statewide Average SOQ PPA (Language Only) |
139#20h | Work Group to Review Use of Chromebooks (Language Only) |
Floor Request | | |
139#21h | Two-Year Moratorium on Installation of Synthetic Turf (Language Only) |
139#22h | Clarifies No Charge for Full-Day Kindergarten (Language Only) |
Floor Approved | | |
139#1h | Expand Local Flexibility for Salary Increase (Language Only) |
139#2h | Update Lottery Proceeds Revenue Estimated from FY 2016 Carry Forward Balance | $20,295,920 | $0 |
139#3h | Technical Update for Data Corrections Since December | -$9,850,181 | -$9,663,367 |
139#4h | Regional CTE Center Planning Start-up Funding | $100,000 | $0 |
139#5h | Technical Update for Sales Tax Mid-Year Forecast | -$4,815,138 | -$4,815,138 |
139#6h | Language Clarification - School Breakfast (Language Only) |
139#7h | Re-purpose Additional Instructional Positions to Lottery PPA | -$42,738,796 | -$96,458,533 |
139#8h | Re-purpose At-Risk Add-on Range Increase | -$24,676,052 | -$24,909,556 |
139#9h | Lottery Proceeds Fund Per Pupil Allocations | $85,249,444 | $157,173,376 |
139#10h | Additional General Fund Revenue for Lottery PPA | $0 | $10,000,000 |
139#11h | Reinstate Literary Funds for VRS (Language Only) |
139#12h | Correction for Group Life Rate | $1,709,940 | $0 |
139#13h | Academic Year Governor's School | -$1,859,617 | -$3,726,499 |
139#14h | Remove FY16 to FY17 Hold Harmless Funding | -$3,803,288 | $0 |
139#15h | Parental Choice Education Saving Account (Language Only) |
139#16h | Technical Correction - Free Lunch Date Reference (Language Only) |
139#17h | Technical Correction - Removes Language Related to Budget Reduction and Clarifies In-State (Language Only) |
139#18h | Dual Enrollment for Home-school Students (Language Only) |
139#19h | Virginia Virtual School - Transfer of Statewide Average SOQ PPA (Language Only) |
139#20h | Work Group to Review Use of Chromebooks (Language Only) |
Conference Report | | |
139#1c | Salary Increase | $48,958,057 | $2,152,513 |
139#2c | Governor's Schools Funding Cap | $137,445 | $141,762 |
139#3c | Additional General Fund Revenue for Lottery PPA | $0 | $10,000,000 |
139#4c | Reinstate Literary Funds for VRS (Language Only) |
139#5c | Correction for Group Life Rate | $1,709,940 | $0 |
139#6c | Academic Year Governor's School | -$489,723 | -$2,046,357 |
139#7c | Remove FY16 to FY17 Hold Harmless Funding | -$3,810,280 | $0 |
139#8c | Direct Aid - Sales Tax (SB444) | $275,188 | $275,190 |
139#9c | Technology Notes Debt Service Savings (Language Only) |
139#10c | Technical Correction - Free Lunch Date Reference (Language Only) |
139#11c | Technical Correction - Removes Language Related to Budget Reduction and Clarifies Residency (Language Only) |
139#12c | Dual Enrollment for Home-school Students (Language Only) |
139#13c | Virginia Virtual School - Transfer of Statewide Average SOQ PPA (Language Only) |
139#14c | Update Lottery Proceeds Revenue Estimated from FY 2016 Carry Forward Balance | $20,295,920 | $0 |
139#15c | Work Group to Review Use of Technology Devices in the Classrooms in Lieu of Computer Labs (Language Only) |
139#16c | Technical Update for Manassas City Vocational Education PPA | $201,016 | $211,867 |
139#17c | Technical Update for AY Governor School - Southwest Va | $34,437 | $0 |
139#18c | Technical - K-3 Class Size Reduction Adjustment | $55,835 | $0 |
139#19c | Technical Update for Data Corrections Since December | -$9,850,181 | -$9,663,367 |
139#20c | Regional CTE Center Planning Start-up Funding | $100,000 | $0 |
139#21c | Technical Update for Sales Tax Mid-Year Forecast | -$4,815,138 | -$4,815,138 |
139#22c | Cost of Competing Adjustment (COCA) for Support Positions | $16,983,975 | -$23,211,783 |
139#23c | At-Risk Add-On Range to 1% - 13% | -$17,725,435 | -$17,794,543 |
139#24c | Language Clarification - School Breakfast (Language Only) |
139#25c | Re-purpose Additional Instructional Positions to 2% Raise in FY17 & Lottery PPA in FY18 | -$42,738,796 | -$96,458,533 |
139#26c | Virginia Preschool Initiative Per Pupil Amount | $1,444,553 | $1,449,620 |
139#27c | Lottery Proceeds Fund Per Pupil Allocations | $16,287,699 | $147,165,094 |