2016 Session
Budget Bill - HB29 (Introduced)
| First Year - FY2015 | Second Year - FY2016 |
Total For Office of Public Safety and Homeland Security | $2,735,442,327 | $2,816,146,443 $2,818,144,947 |
General Fund Positions | 17,809.82 | 17,828.82 17,853.82 |
Nongeneral Fund Positions | 2,308.18 | 2,334.18 |
Position Level | 20,118.00 | 20,163.00 20,188.00 |
Fund Sources: |
General | $1,790,976,868 | $1,821,269,030 $1,822,841,199 |
Special | $159,521,838 | $156,230,410 $156,345,745 |
Commonwealth Transportation | $9,337,444 | $9,337,444 |
Enterprise | $597,331,789 | $651,275,793 $651,586,793 |
Trust and Agency | $10,020,000 | $10,020,000 |
Dedicated Special Revenue | $27,963,975 | $28,663,975 |
Federal Trust | $140,290,413 | $139,349,791 |