2016 Session
Budget Bill - HB29 (Enrolled)
| First Year - FY2015 | Second Year - FY2016 |
Total For Office of Education | $17,215,668,176 | $17,697,583,674 $17,665,675,751 |
General Fund Positions | 18,426.24 | 18,419.14 |
Nongeneral Fund Positions | 38,931.79 | 39,072.19 |
Position Level | 57,358.03 | 57,491.33 |
Fund Sources: |
General | $7,270,128,231 | $7,480,723,653 $7,441,528,108 |
Special | $42,289,946 | $39,296,341 |
Higher Education Operating | $7,889,877,621 | $7,999,613,743 |
Commonwealth Transportation | $1,098,946 | $1,047,697 |
Enterprise | $5,328,468 | $5,328,468 |
Internal Service | $290,000 | $290,000 |
Trust and Agency | $744,088,791 | $890,455,413 $897,743,035 |
Debt Service | $325,963,669 | $327,925,405 |
Dedicated Special Revenue | $11,519,457 | $11,519,457 |
Federal Trust | $925,083,047 | $941,383,497 |