2016 Session

Budget Bill - HB29 (Enrolled)

Department of Health

Item 295

Item 295 (Not set out)

First Year - FY2015Second Year - FY2016
Administrative and Support Services (49900)$17,409,803$17,545,396
General Management and Direction (49901)FY2015 $4,879,700FY2016 $4,911,265
Information Technology Services (49902)FY2015 $6,521,906FY2016 $6,542,287
Accounting and Budgeting Services (49903)FY2015 $2,796,247FY2016 $2,879,894
Human Resources Services (49914)FY2015 $1,883,887FY2016 $1,883,887
Procurement and Distribution Services (49918)FY2015 $1,328,063FY2016 $1,328,063
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2015 $13,376,146FY2016 $13,511,739
SpecialFY2015 $3,572,172FY2016 $3,572,172
Federal TrustFY2015 $461,485FY2016 $461,485

Authority: §§ 3.2-5206 through 3.2-5216, 32.1-11.3 through 32.1-16 through 32.1-23, 35.1-1 through 35.1-7, and 35.1-9 through 35.1-28, Code of Virginia.

A. The State Comptroller is hereby authorized to provide a line of credit of up to $200,000 to the Department of Health to cover the actual costs of expanding the availability of vital records through the Department of Motor Vehicles, to be repaid from administrative processing fees provided under Code of Virginia, § 32.1-273 until such time as the line of credit is repaid.

B. Out of this appropriation, $350,000 the first year and $150,000 the second year from the general fund shall be provided for agency costs related to onboarding to ConnectVirginia, transition costs to convert the agency's node on ConnectVirginia to the state agency node, and provide support to other state agencies in their onboarding efforts.