2014 2

Budget Bill - HB5002 (Introduced)

Item 6 Amendments

First Year - FY2015Second Year - FY2016
Committee Proposed
6#1hHB 1211 - Va. Conflict of Interest and Ethics Advisory Council$70,000$70,000
6#2hDLS - Exp. to Support Uniform Law Commission Meeting (Language Only)
Committee Approved
6#1hHB 1211 - Va. Conflict of Interest and Ethics Advisory Council$70,000$70,000
6#2hDLS - Exp. to Support Uniform Law Commission Meeting (Language Only)
Floor Approved
6#1hHB 1211 - Va. Conflict of Interest and Ethics Advisory Council$70,000$70,000
6#2hDLS - Exp. to Support Uniform Law Commission Meeting (Language Only)