2014 Special Session I

Budget Bill - HB5004 (Introduced)

Central Capital Outlay

Item C-43

Item C-43

First Year - FY2015Second Year - FY2016
Capital Outlay Project Pool (17967)$75,973,000$20,000,000
Fund Sources:  
Bond ProceedsFY2015 $75,973,000FY2016 $20,000,000

A. 1. The capital projects in paragraph B. of this item are hereby authorized and may be financed in whole or in part through bonds of the Virginia College Building Authority pursuant to § 23-30.24 et seq., Code of Virginia, or the Virginia Public Building Authority pursuant to § 2.2-2263, Code of Virginia. Bonds of the Virginia College Building Authority issued to finance these projects may be sold and issued under the 21st Century College Program at the same time with other obligations of the Authority as separate issues or as a combined issue. The aggregate principal amounts will not exceed $53,473,000 plus amounts to fund related issuance costs, and other financing expenses, in accordance with § 2.2-2263 of the Code of Virginia.

2. From the list of projects included in paragraph B of this item, the Director of the Department of Planning and Budget shall provide the Chairmen of the Virginia College Building Authority and the Virginia Public Building Authority with the specific projects, as well as the amounts for these projects, to be financed by each authority within the dollar limit established by this authorization.

3. Debt service on the projects contained in this item shall be provided from appropriations to the Treasury Board.

4. The appropriations for said capital projects are contained in this item and are subject to the conditions in § 2-0 F of this act.

B. It is hereby appropriated $53,473,000 from bond proceeds in the first year for the projects listed in this section.


Project Title

Department of General Services

Make Critical Repairs and Improvements to Consolidated Lab

Department of General Services

Replace Roof on DGS Westmoreland Plaza Building

Department of State Police

Rehabilitate South Hill and Emporia Area Offices

Department of Forestry

Construct Garages for Fire Dozers and Transports

Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services

Abate Environmental Hazards

Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services

Replace Facility Roofs and Building Envelopes

Department of Corrections

Upgrade Operational and Security Systems – Keen Mountain Correctional Center

Department of Corrections

Replace and Enhance Security Controls and Surveillance Systems – Sussex I and II

Department of Corrections

Replace Fire Alarm Systems

C. 1. A total of $20,000,000 plus amounts to fund related issuance costs, and other financing expenses is hereby authorized for issuance in the second year by the Virginia Public Building Authority pursuant to § 2.2-2263, Code of Virginia for water quality projects as set out in this paragraph.

2.  There is hereby appropriated $20,000,000 in the second year from such bond proceeds, for the Stormwater Local Assistance Fund, established in Item 363 of this act and administered by the Department of Environmental Quality.   In accordance with the purpose of the Fund, the bond proceeds shall be used to provide grants solely for capital projects meeting all pre-requirements for implementation, including but not limited to: i) new stormwater best management practices; ii) stormwater best management practice retrofits; iii) stream restoration; iv) low impact development projects; v) buffer restoration; vi) pond retrofits; and vii) wetlands restoration. Such grants shall be in accordance with eligibility determinations made by the Department of Environmental Quality.

3. This appropriation is subject to the conditions in § 2-0 F of this act.

4. Except as provided for in paragraph C.3. of this item, the provisions of §§ 2.0 and 4-4.01 of this act and the provisions of § 2.2-1132, Code of Virginia, shall not apply to projects supported in the program.

D. 1.  A total of $22,500,000 plus amounts to fund related issuance costs, and other financing expenses is hereby authorized for issuance in the first year by the Virginia Public Building Authority pursuant to Sec. 2.2-2263, Code of Virginia, for improvements to the Fort Monroe property as set out in this paragraph.

2. There is hereby appropriated $22,500,000 in the first year from such bond proceeds for improvements to Fort Monroe.  The Department of General Services shall act as fiscal agent for the bond proceeds allocated to this capital project.  The Fort Monroe Authority is authorized to use a portion of these proceeds to secure the services of a project manager for overseeing and coordinating the on-site efforts involving the various repairs and renovation activities at Fort Monroe.  The project manager shall work in consultation and coordination with the Department of General Services as this project proceeds towards completion.

3. This appropriation is subject to the conditions in § 2-0 F of this act.

4. Except as provided for in paragraph D.3. of this item, the provisions of §§ 2.0 and 4-4.01 of this act and the provisions of § 2.2-1132, Code of Virginia, shall not apply to activity executed under this project.