2014 Special Session I

Budget Bill - HB5003 (Introduced)

Item 4-15

Item 4-15


2. That no provision of this act shall be construed or interpreted to cause the expiration of any provision of Chapter 896 of the Acts of Assembly of 2007 pursuant to the 22nd enactment of such Chapter.

3. That the provisions of the first enactment of this act shall expire at midnight on June 30, 2016. The provisions of the second enactment of this act shall have no expiration date.

4. That the appropriations and language contained in the first enactment of this act shall be further amended as follows:

Amendment 1)  Item 6 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 10, line 18, strike "$6,186,998" and insert "$6,486,998".

        Page 10, line 18, strike "$6,187,288" and insert "$6,487,288".

        Page 10, line 35, strike "$6,166,977" and insert "$6,466,977".

        Page 10, line 35, strike "$6,167,260 " and insert "6,467,260".

        Page 10, after line 31, insert:

        "D. Out of the amounts appropriated for this item, $300,000 in the first year and $300,000 in the second year from the general fund is provided to support the Virginia Conflict of Interest and Ethics Advisory Council created pursuant to the passage of House Bill 1211 and Senate Bill 649 of the 2014 General Assembly Session."

Amendment 2)  Item 50 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 36, after line 32, insert:

        "C.  On or before June 30, 2015 and June 30, 2016, the Director, Department of Planning and Budget shall revert to the general fund amounts estimated at $750,000 the first year and $750,000 the second year from general fund balances in Judicial Department agencies, representing savings from anticipated vacant judgeships.

        D.  On or before June 30, 2015 and June 30, 2016, the Director, Department of Planning and Budget shall revert to the general fund amounts estimated at $300,000 the first year and $300,000 the second year from general fund balances in the Indigent Defense Commission."

Amendment 3)  Item 81 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 66, after line 14, insert:

        “K.1.  Effective July 1, 2015, local school divisions may elect to begin participating in the state employee health plan.  The Department of Human Resource Management shall develop an actuarial analysis of expected premiums and costs of the state employee health plan to include those local school divisions that have certified to DHRM a desire to participate in the state employee health plan.  School boards who elect to opt into the state employee health plan must adopt a resolution stating their desire to participate in the state employee health plan beginning in either the fiscal year 2016 or fiscal year 2017 plan year. A copy of that resolution must be provided to the Department of Human Resource Management no later than July 1, 2014.  In addition, each local school division that elects to participate shall provide required rating information as specified by the Department of Human Resource Management's actuary by July 1, 2014.  Due to existing contracts in place and to assist in transition, some local school divisions may have a short first plan year.

        2.  The Department of Human Resource Management shall develop guidelines and procedures for including the employees of local school divisions in the state employee health plan.  If a local school board elects to participate in the state employee health plan, (i) such participation shall continue for three consecutive plan years; (ii) after such three-year period, the local school board shall be required to make an irrevocable election whether to continue participation in the state employee health plan; (iii) the total cost of such participation shall be borne by the local school board and the employees of the school division; and (iv) the school division shall not be allowed to offer any health benefit plans other than those offered to state employees.

        3.  School divisions shall be responsible for establishing the employer and employee share of the total state health insurance plan costs paid to the Commonwealth.  In addition, school divisions electing to opt out of the state health insurance plan after at least three consecutive years in the plan shall be responsible for all remaining costs associated with their participation in the plan, including those incurred but not yet received as of June 30th of the fiscal year they exit the state plan.

        4.  The Director, Department of Planning and Budget, shall administratively increase nongeneral fund appropriations as required to implement the enrollment of school divisions electing to participate in the state health insurance plan.

        5.  The Department of Human Resource Management shall provide a copy of the actuary's analysis to the Governor and the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees no later than January 1, 2015.”

Amendment 4)  Item 82 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 67, after line 7, insert:

        "G. Of money appropriated for the state employee health insurance fund, $250,000 the first year and $500,000 the second year shall be held separate and apart from the fund to pay for any required fees due to the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute."

Amendment 5)  Item 83 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 67, line 22, strike "$7,188,150" and insert "$7,319,300".

        Page 67, line 31, strike "$2,830,751" and insert "$2,961,901".

        Page 68, after line 8, insert:

        "G.  Out of this appropriation, $131,150 the first year from the general fund is provided to advertise the Constitutional amendment for House Bill 46 of the 2014 Session of the General Assembly, pursuant to § 30-19.9, Code of Virginia, for consideration by the voters during the November 4, 2014 election."

Amendment 6)  Item 84 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 68, line 30, strike "$43,363" and insert "$44,664".

        Page 68, line 31, strike "$47,647" and insert "$49,076".

        Page 68, line 32, strike "$52,220" and insert "$53,787".

        Page 68, line 33, strike "$58,359" and insert "$60,110".

        Page 68, line 34, strike "$63,914" and insert "$65,831".

        Page 68, line 35, strike "$84,476" and insert "$87,010".

        Page 69, line 25, strike "$2,007" and insert "$2,067".

        Page 69, line 26, strike "$3,007" and insert "$3,097".

        Page 69, line 27, strike "$4,009" and insert "$4,129".

        Page 69, line 28, strike "$5,012" and insert "$5,162".

        Page 69, line 29, strike "$6,012" and insert "$6,192".

        Page 69, line 30, strike "$7,030" and insert "$7,241".

        Page 69, line 31, strike "$8,023" and insert "$8,264".

        Page 69, line 32, strike "$9,020" and insert "$9,291".

Amendment 7)  Item 101 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 79, line 39, strike "$77,274,499" and insert "$71,774,499".

        Page 79, line 42, strike "$77,024,499" and insert "$71,524,499".

        Page 81, line 6, strike "$19,342,000" and insert "$13,842,000".

Amendment 8)  Item 101 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 79, line 39, strike "$59,321,491" and insert "60,321,491"

        Page 79, line 42, strike "$59,071,491" and insert "60,071,491"

        Page 83, after line 6, insert

        "N. Out of this appropriation, $1,000,000 the first year from the general fund shall be provided to Fairfax County to support efforts to host an international athletic competition in 2015.  The funds shall be used in accordance with a memorandum of understanding between the Commonwealth and Fairfax County."

Amendment 9)  Item 101 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 79, line 39, strike "$59,321,491" and insert "$60,821,491".

        Page 79, line 39, strike "$77,274,499" and insert "$78,774,499".

        Page 79, line 42, strike "$59,071,491" and insert "$60,571,491".

        Page 79, line 42, strike "$77,024,499" and insert "$78,524,499".

        Page 83, after line 6, insert:

        "N. Out of this appropriation, $1,500,000 the first year and $1,500,000 the second year from the general fund shall be transferred to the Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy for deposit to the Biofuels Production Fund for grants as provided for in House Bill 1025, as adopted by the 2014 Session of the General Assembly."

Amendment 10)  Item 115 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 89, line 34, strike "$3,422,557" and insert "$3,622,557".

        Page 89, line 37, strike "$1,370,685" and insert "$1,570,685".

        Page 90, after line 3, insert:

        "D. Out of this appropriation, $200,000 the first year from the general fund shall be provided to comply with the provisions of HB1261 and SB615, as adopted by the 2014 Session of the General Assembly."

Amendment 11)  Item 121 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 94, line 36, strike "$591,454,834" and insert "$593,354,834".

        Page 94, line 36, strike "$604,574,168" and insert "$606,374,168".

        Page 94, line 41, strike "$585,899,834" and insert "$587,799,834".

        Page 94, line 41, strike "$599,019,168" and insert "$600,819,168".

Amendment 12)  Item 126 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 96, line 22, strike "$21,625,218" and insert "$22,025,218"

        Page 96, line 22, strike "$21,625,560" and insert "$22,025,560"

        Page 96, line 24, strike "$21,625,218" and insert "$22,025,218"

        Page 96, line 24, strike "$21,625,560" and insert "$22,025,560"

        Page 97, after line 45, insert:

        "L. Out of the amounts  for Tourist Promotion shall be provided $400,000 the first year and $400,000 the second year from the general fund to promote and market tourism between the Commonwealth and China in accordance with a signed memorandum of understanding entered into with the Virginia Tourism Corporation."

Amendment 13)  Item 127 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 99, line 3, strike "$1,233,474" and insert "$633,474".

        Page 99, line 5, strike "$1,233,474" and insert "$633,474".

        Page 99, strike lines 29 through 35.

        Page 99, line 36, strike "D." and insert "C.".

        Page 99, line 40, strike "E." and insert "D.".

        Page 99, line 49, strike "F." and insert "E.".

Amendment 14)  Item 130 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 102, line 16, strike the first "$40,029,088" and insert "$37,129,088".

        Page 102, line 16, strike the second "$40,029,088" and insert "$37,129,088".

        Page 102, line 18, strike the first "$29,333,282" and insert "$26,433,282".

        Page 102, line 18, strike the second "$29,333,282" and insert "$26,433,282".

        Page 102, line 22, strike the first "$28,080,678" and insert "$25,180,678".

        Page 102, line 22, strike the second "$28,080,678" and insert "$25,180,678".

Amendment 15)  Item 135 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 104, line 45, strike the first "$13,103,349" and insert "$15,503,349".

        Page 104, line 45, strike the second "$13,103,349" and insert "$15,503,349".

        Page 104, line 48, strike the first "$13,103,349" and insert "$15,503,349".

        Page 104, line 48, strike the second "$13,103,349" and insert "$15,503,349".

        Page 107, strike lines 23 through 43 and insert:

        "R. a. Out of this appropriation, $2,400,000 the first year and $2,400,000 the second year from the general fund is provided for start-up grants of up to $300,000 per school per year, depending on the extended school year model adopted. First priority shall be given to the school divisions awarded planning grants in FY 2014 and the College Readiness Center pilot. Next priority shall be given to schools based on need, based on state accreditation ratings or similar federal designations.

        b. In the case of any school division with schools that are in Denied Accreditation status that apply for funds, the school division shall also consult with the Superintendent of Public Instruction or designee on all recommendations regarding instructional programs or instructional personnel prior to submission to the local board for approval.

        c. Out of this appropriation, $613,312 the first year and $613,312 the second year from the general fund is provided for planning grants of no more than $50,000 each for local school divisions pursuing the creation of new year-round school programs for divisions or individual schools in support of the findings from the 2012 JLARC review.  School divisions must submit applications to the Department of Education by August 1 of each year.  Priority shall be given to schools based on need, based on state accreditation ratings or similar federal designations. Applications shall include evidence of commitment to pursue implementation in the upcoming school year.  If balances exist, existing extended school year programs may be eligible to apply for remaining funds.

        Page 113, after line 14, insert:

        "18. Beginning with the 2016-18 biennium, the Department of Education shall account for extended school year models in the rebenchmarking of the Standards of Quality by providing the state share for the additional days of instruction provided.

Amendment 16)  Item 135 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 104, line 45, strike the first "$13,103,349" and insert "$13,477,125".

        Page 104, line 45, strike the second "$13,103,349" and insert "$13,477,125".

        Page 104, line 48, strike the first "$13,103,349" and insert "$13,477,125".

        Page 104, line 48, strike the second "$13,103,349" and insert "$13,477,125".

        Page 104, line 50, strike the first "$373,776" and insert "$747,552".

        Page 104, line 51, strike the second "$373,776" and insert "$747,552".

Amendment 17)  Item 135 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 107, line 47, delete "The Opportunity Education".

        Page 107, delete lines 48 and 49.

Amendment 18)  Item 136 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 107, line 50, strike "$6,168,046,960" and insert "$6,168,325,530".

        Page 107, line 50, strike "$6,217,037,169" and insert "$6,217,322,198".

        Page 108, line 1, strike "$5,556,723,582" and insert "$5,557,002,152".

        Page 108, line 1, strike "$5,602,327,344" and insert "$5,602,612,373".

Amendment 19)  Item 136 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 107, line 50, strike "$6,168,046,960" and insert "$6,170,010,885".

        Page 107, line 50, strike "$6,217,037,169" and insert "$6,219,293,295".

        Page 108, line 1, strike "$5,556,723,582" and insert "$5,558,687,507".

        Page 108, line 1, strike "$5,602,327,344" and insert "$5,604,583,470".

        Page 120, line 13, strike "$348,900,000" and insert "$350,460,000".

        Page 120, line 13, strike "$361,100,000" and insert "$362,860,000".

        Page 120, line 19, strike "$232,500,000" and insert "$233,520,000".

        Page 120, line 20, strike "$240,700,000" and insert "$241,850,000".

        Page 120, line 28, strike "$122,600,000" and insert "$123,140,000".

        Page 120, line 29, strike "$126,900,000" and insert "$127,510,000".

Amendment 20)  Item 136 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 107, line 50, strike "$6,168,046,960" and insert "$6,163,046,960".

        Page 107, line 50, strike "$6,217,037,169" and insert "$6,209,537,169".

        Page 108, line 1, strike "$5,556,723,582" and insert "$5,551,723,582".

        Page 108, line 1, strike "$5,602,327,344" and insert "$5,594,827,344".

        Page 109, line 2, strike the first "$7,500,000" and insert "$2,500,000".

        Page 109, line 2, strike the second "$7,500,000" and insert "$0".

        Page 109, line 3, strike "$28,460,518" and insert "$23,460,518".

        Page 109, line 3, strike "$28,669,511" and insert "$21,169,511".

        Page 136, line 14, strike the first "$7,500,000" and insert "$2,500,000".

        Page 136, line 14, strike "and $7,500,000 the second year".

        Page 136, line 22, after "2014", strike the remainder of the line and insert ".".

        Page 136, line 23, strike "year."

        Page 137, line 9, after "2015", strike the remainder of the line and insert ".".

        Page 137, strike line 10.

Amendment 21)  Item 136 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 107, line 50, strike "$6,168,046,960" and insert "$6,168,128,396".

        Page 107, line 50, strike "$6,217,037,169" and insert "$6,217,086,958".

        Page 108, line 1, strike "$5,556,723,582" and insert "$5,556,805,018".

        Page 108, line 1, strike "$5,602,327,344" and insert "$5,602,377,133".

Amendment 22)  Item 136 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 107, line 50, strike "$6,168,046,960" and insert "$6,170,362,391".

        Page 107, line 50, strike "$6,217,037,169" and insert "$6,219,270,500".

        Page 107, line 52, strike “$5,582,642,932 and insert “$5,585,088,356”.

        Page 107, line 52, strike “$5,630,768,185” and insert “$5,633,133,572”.

        Page 107, line 54, strike “$28,460,519” and insert “$28,330,526”.

        Page 107, line 54, strike “$28,669,512” and insert “$28,537,456”.

        Page 108, line 1, strike "$5,556,723,582" and insert "$5,559,039,013".

        Page 108, line 1, strike "$5,602,327,344" and insert "$5,604,560,675".

        Page 108, line 29, strike “$53,203,694” and insert “$55,649,118”.

        Page 108, line 29, strike “$60,804,331” and insert “$63,169,718”.

        Page 108, line 40, strike “$5,582,642,932” and insert “$5,585,088,356”.

        Page 108, line 40, strike “$5,630,768,185” and insert “$5,633,133,572”.

        Page 108, line 43, strike “$15,841,713” and insert “$15,711,721”.

        Page 108, line 43, strike “$16,050,706” and insert “$15,918,651”.

        Page 109, line 3, strike “$28,460,518” and insert “$28,330,526”.

        Page 109, line 3, strike $28,669,511” and insert “$28,537,456”.

        Page 109, line 25, strike “$120,826,766” and insert “$123,269,671”.

        Page 109, line 25, strike “$121,077,966” and insert “$123,445,491”.

        Page 109, line 42, strike “$13,457,013” and insert “$11,014,108”.

        Page 109, line 42, strike “$6,139,049” and insert “$3,771,524”.

        Page 119, line 40, strike “$53,203,694” and insert “$55,649,118”.

        Page 119, line 40, strike “$60,804,331" and insert “$63,169,718”.

        Page 119, line 41, strike “$13,457,013” and insert “$11,014,108”.

        Page 119, line 41, strike “$6,139,049” and insert “$3,771,524”.

        Page 123, line 11, strike “$120,826,766” and insert “$123,269,671”.

        Page 123, line 11, strike “$121,077,966” and insert “$123,445,491”.

Amendment 23)  Item 136 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 107, line 50, strike "$6,168,046,960" and insert "$6,173,436,014".

        Page 107, line 54, strike "$28,460,519" and insert "$33,849,573".

        Page 108, line 1, strike "$5,556,723,582" and insert "$5,562,112,636".

        Page 109, after line 2, insert, “Support COCA Incentive Payments” under “Strategic Compensation Grants Initiative”.

        Page 109, after line 2, insert, “$5,389,054” under the first “$7,500,000”.

        Page 109, after line 2, insert, “$0” under “the second “$7,500,000”.

        Page 109, line 3, strike “$28,460,518” and insert “$33,849,572”.

        Page 138, after line 4, insert:

        “37. Support COCA Incentive Payments

        Included in this appropriation is $5,389,054 the first year from the general fund for the payment of a partial cost of competing adjustment for support positions to the following localities:

        Arlington                      $150,748

        Clarke                            $7,655

        Culpeper                        $43,103

        Fairfax                       $1,784,824

        Fauquier                         $39,134

        Frederick                         $66,035

        Loudoun                         $990,913

        Prince William                $1,635,420

        Spotsylvania                    $122,360

        Stafford                          $143,108

        Warren                            $23,625

        Alexandria                        $88,416

        Falls Church                      $16,723

        Fredericksburg                   $10,759

        Winchester                        $21,669

        Fairfax City                        $20,603

        Manassas City                   $147,104

        Manassas Park                    $76,855”.

Amendment 24)  Item 136 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 107, line 50, strike "$6,168,046,960" and insert "$6,171,299,571".

        Page 108, line 1, strike "$5,556,723,582" and insert "$5,559,976,139".

Amendment 25)  Item 136 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 107, line 50, strike "$6,168,046,960" and insert "$6,171,678,005".

        Page 107, line 50, strike "$6,217,037,169" and insert "$6,220,816,077".

        Page 108, line 1, strike "$5,556,723,582" and insert "$5,560,354,627".

        Page 108, line 1, strike "$5,602,327,344" and insert "$5,606,106,252".

        Page 129, line 23, after "budget." insert "In no case shall a school division be eligible

        for fewer slots than they actually used for this program in FY 2014."

        Page 129, after line 36, insert:

        "c) Beginning with the FY 2016 budget year, Head Start count information shall be

        based on the most recent data available each fall, and shall be updated annually."

Amendment 26)  Item 136 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 108, line 1, strike $5,556,723,582" and insert "$5,546,723,582".

        Page 108, line 1, strike $5,602,327,344" and insert "$5,592,327,344".

        Page 108, line 4, strike "$608,255,378" and insert "$618,255,378".

        Page 108, line 4, strike "$611,641,825" and insert "$621,641,825".

        Page 108, line 29, strike "$53,203,694" and insert "$43,203,694".

        Page 108, line 29, strike "$60,804,331" and insert "$50,804,331".

        Page 108, line 29, after “textbooks”, insert “(split funded)”.

        Page 108, line 40, strike $5,582,642,932" and insert "$5,572,642,932".

        Page 108, line 40, strike "$5,630,768,185" and insert "$5,620,768,185".

        Page 109, line 42, strike "$13,457,013" and insert "$23,457,013".

        Page 109, line 42, strike "$6,139,049" and insert "$16,139,049".

        Page 109, line 43, strike the first "$500,000,000" and insert "$510,000,000".

        Page 109, line 43, strike the second "$500,000,000" and insert "$510,000,000".

        Page 117, line 30, strike "$500,000,000" and insert "$510,000,000".

        Page 117, line 31, strike "$500,000,000" and insert "$510,000,000".

        Page 119, line 40, strike "$53,203,694" and insert "$43,203,694".

        Page 119, line 40, strike "$60,804,331" and insert "$50,804,331".

        Page 119, line 41, strike "$13,457,013" and insert "$23,457,013".

        Page 119, line 41, strike "$6,139,049" and insert "$16,139,049".

Amendment 27)  Item 136 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 108, line 1, strike "$5,556,723,582" and insert "$5,521,723,582".

        Page 108, line 1, strike "$5,602,327,344" and insert "$5,607,327,344".

        Page 108, line 4, strike "$608,255,378" and insert "$643,255,378".

        Page 108, line 4, strike "$611,641,825" and insert "$606,641,825".

        Page 118, line 33, strike “$107,855,378” and insert “$142,855,378”.

        Page 118, line 33, strike "$111,241,825" and insert "$106,241,825".

        Page 118, line 35, strike “$10,000,000 the first year and up to $10,000,000” and insert “$15,000,000”.

Amendment 28)  Item 138 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 138, line 32, strike the first "$600,059" and insert "$150,059".

        Page 138, line 32, strike the second "$600,059" and insert "$150,059".

        Page 138, line 34, strike the first "$600,059" and insert "$150,059".

        Page 138, line 34, strike the second "$600,059" and insert "$150,059".

Amendment 29)  Item 210 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 178, line 8, strike "$893,335,790" and insert "$893,677,281".

        Page 178, line 8, strike "$893,514,879" and insert "$894,222,088".

        Page 178, line 15, strike "$367,325,746" and insert "$367,539,861".

        Page 178, line 15, strike "$367,340,542" and insert "$367,783,962".

        Page 178, line 16, strike "$526,010,044" and insert "$526,137,420".

        Page 178, line 16, strike "$526,174,337" and insert "$526,438,126".

Amendment 30)  Item 237 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 194, line 28, strike the first "$15,233,584" and insert "$15,733,584".

        Page 194, line 28, strike the second "$15,233,584" and insert "$15,733,584".

        Page 194, line 30, strike the first "$15,233,584" and insert "$15,733,584".

        Page 194, line 30, strike the second "$15,233,584" and insert "$15,733,584".

Amendment 31)  Item 262 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 208, line 16, strike "$59,885,846" and insert "$0".

        Page 208, line 17, strike "$59,885,846" and insert "$0".

        Page 208, line 18, strike "$59,885,846" and insert "$0".

        Page 208, strike line 32 through line 37.

        Page 208, line 38, strike "D." and insert "C.".

        Page 208, line 40, after "2015" strike "and FY 2016".

Amendment 32)  Item 270 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 215, line 30, strike “$57,715,734” and insert “$57,860,734”.

        Page 215, line 30, strike “$57,706,820” and insert “$57,851,820”.

        Page 215, line 33, strike "$21,242,285" and insert "$21,387,285".

        Page 215, line 33, strike "$21,233,371" and insert "$21,378,371".

        Page 215, line 35, strike "$45,257,787" and insert "$45,402,787".

        Page 215, line 35, strike "$45,248,873" and insert "$45,393,873".

Amendment 33)  Item 270 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 218, after line 4, insert:

        "R. The Department of Taxation is hereby appropriated revenues from the assessment for expenses pursuant to §§ 38.2-400 and 38.2-403, Code of Virginia, to recover any costs related to the Insurance Premiums License Tax that are incurred by the Department of Taxation, as provided in § 58.1-2533, Code of Virginia.”

Amendment 34)  Item 270 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 218, after line 4, insert:

        "R. The Department of Taxation is hereby appropriated revenues from the E-911 Wireless Tax to recover the direct cost of administration incurred by the department in implementing and collecting this tax as provided by § 56-484.17:1, Code of Virginia."

Amendment 35)  Item 276 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 221, line 20, strike “$739,313,902” and insert “$734,013,902”.

        Page 221, line 20, strike “$784,615,160” and insert “$776,615,160”.

        Page 221, line 22, strike “$98,071,877” and insert “$97,607,901”.

        Page 221, line 25, strike “$292,069,755” and insert “$290,325,755”.

        Page 221, line 25, strike “$302,366,355” and insert “$297,349,173”.

        Page 221, line 27, strike “$336,398,570” and insert “$333,306,546”.

        Page 221, line 27, strike “$382,121,108” and insert “$379,138,290”.

        Page 221, line 28, strike "$689,205,104" and insert "$683,905,104".

        Page 221, line 28, strike "$734,736,898" and insert "$726,736,898".

        Page 221, line 45, strike “$10,460,050” and insert “$9,996,074”.

        Page 222, line 12, strike "$97,548,934" and insert "$97,084,958".

        Page 222, line 37, strike the first “$2,000,000” and insert “$1,250,000”.

        Page 222, line 37, strike the second “$2,000,000” and insert “$1,250,000”.

        Page 223, line 3, strike “$5,933,366” and insert “$4,939,366”.

        Page 223, line 3, strike “$27,428,562” and insert “$23,161,380”.

        Page 223, line 4, strike "$283,049,436" and insert "$281,305,436".

        Page 223, line 4, strike "$293,345,887" and insert "$288,328,705".

        Page 223, line 29, strike “$9,557,200” and insert “$8,214,000”.

        Page 223, line 29, strike “$9,538,200” and insert “$8,284,500”.

        Page 223, line 40, after “2012 B” insert “&C”.

        Page 223, strike line 41.

        Page 223, line 45, strike "$274,383,888" and insert "$271,291,864".

        Page 223, line 45, strike "$318,383, 058" and insert "$315,400,240".

        Page 224, line 2, strike "$336,398,570" and insert "$333,306,546".

        Page 224, line 2, strike "$382,121,108" and insert "$379,138,290".

Amendment 36)  Item 298 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 244, line 27, strike "$12,291,117" and insert "$11,943,491".

        Page 244, line 27, strike "$14,289,674" and insert "$14,243,440".

        Page 244, line 30, strike "$12,291,117" and insert "$11,943,491".

        Page 244, line 30, strike "$14,289,674" and insert "$14,243,440".

Amendment 37)  Item 298 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 244, line 27, strike "$12,291,117" and insert "$11,765,005".

        Page 244, line 27, strike "$14,289,674" and insert "$12,987,388".

        Page 244, line 30, strike "$12,291,117" and insert "$11,765,005".

        Page 244, line 30, strike "$14,289,674" and insert "$12,987,388".

Amendment 38)  Item 300 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 245, line 3, strike "$192,631,620" and insert "$194,012,497".

        Page 245, line 3, strike "$200,847,567" and insert "$205,220,081".

        Page 245, line 7. strike "$53,355,440" and insert "$53,838,747".

        Page 245, line 7, strike  "$21,584,816" and insert "$22,360,937".

        Page 245, line 9, strike "$125,210,553" and insert "$126,108,123".

        Page 245, line 9, strike "$165,197,124" and insert "$168,793,517".

Amendment 39)  Item 301 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 245, line 42, strike "$8,495,724,272" and insert "$8,491,220,943".

        Page 245, line 42, strike "$8,761,183,102" and insert "$8,756,340,193".

        Page 245, line 49, strike "$3,924,798,676" and insert "$3,920,295,347".

        Page 245, line 49, strike "$4,112,768,821" and insert "$4,107,925,912".

Amendment 40)  Item 301 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 245, line 42, strike "$8,495,724,272" and insert "$8,471,278,387".

        Page 245, line 49, strike "$3,924,798,676" and insert "$3,900,352,791".

Amendment 41)  Item 301 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 245, line 42, strike "$8,495,724,272" and insert "$8,388,635,527".

        Page 245, line 42, strike "$8,761,183,102" and insert "$8,512,932,568".

        Page 245, line 49, strike "$3,924,798,676" and insert "$3,871,672,990".

        Page 245, line 49, strike "$4,112,768,821" and insert "$3,991,150,218".

        Page 245, line 51, strike "$4,199,689,943" and insert "$4,145,762,884".

        Page 245, line 51, strike "$4,289,222,643" and insert "$4,162,590,713".

Amendment 42)  Item 301 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 245, line 42, strike "$8,495,724,272" and insert "$9,018,704,882".

        Page 245, line 42, strike "$8,761,183,102" and insert "$10,455,596,975".

        Page 245, line 51, strike "$4,199,689,943" and insert "$4,722,670,553".

        Page 245, line 51, strike "$4,289,222,643" and insert "$5,983,636,516".

Amendment 43)  Item 301 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 245, line 49, strike "$3,924,798,676" and insert "$3,924,487,610".

        Page 245, line 49, strike "$4,112,768,821" and insert "$4,107,631,472".

        Page 245, line 50, strike "$371,235,653" and insert "$371,546,719".

        Page 245, line 50, strike "$359,191,638" and insert "$364,328,987".

        Page 246, line 39, strike "$371,235,653" and insert "$371,546,719".

        Page 246, line 40, strike "$359,191,638" and insert "$364,328,987".

Amendment 44)  Item 301 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 261, strike lines 15 through 25, and insert:

        “6.a. Having previously apprised the Medicaid Innovation and Reform Commission that the department has taken action to implement the reforms set forth in Item 301 TTT, the department is directed to amend the State Plan for Medical Assistance under Title XIX of the Social Security Act, and obtain any waivers thereof, to implement a statewide two-year pilot program to provide coverage for newly eligible individuals pursuant to 42 U.S.C. §1396d(y)(1)[2010] of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. This pilot may include contracts with private health plans.

        b. Any amendments to the State Plan for Medical Assistance, or any waivers thereof, necessary to implement coverage for individuals pursuant to 42 U.S C. §1396d(y)(1)[2010] of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act  shall be initiated immediately by the department coincident with the commencement of the requirements of the Administrative Process Act.  However, completion of the provisions of the Administrative Process Act shall not be required prior to implementing coverage for individuals pursuant to 42 U.S C. §1396d(y)(1)[2010] of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

        c. The Medicaid Innovation and Reform Commission shall monitor progress in obtaining federal approval of any amendments and waivers as set forth herein and monitor the effects of the reforms currently being implemented."

        Page 261, line 38, after "care.", strike the remainder of the line.

        Page 261, strike lines 39 through 40.

        Page 261, line 41, strike "programmatic requirements of the Department of Medical Assistance Services.".

        Page 262, line 8, after “Act.”, insert:

        “The Director of the Department of Planning and Budget is hereby authorized to transfer appropriations among agencies and programs as needed so as to implement coverage for newly eligible individuals pursuant to 42 U.S.C. §1396d(y)(1)[2010] of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act."

Amendment 45)  Item 303 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 264, line 43, strike "$133,368,229" and insert "$133,753,998".

        Page 264, line 43, strike "$135,189,402" and insert "$136,408,203".

        Page 264, line 47, strike "$46,678,880" and insert "$46,813,899".

        Page 264, line 47, strike "$23,996,119" and insert "$24,212,456".

        Page 264, line 48, strike "$86,689,349" and insert "$86,940,099".

        Page 264, line 48, strike "$111,193,283" and insert "$112,195,747".

Amendment 46)  Item 304 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 265, line 4, strike "$143,673,278" and insert "$189,683,961".

        Page 265, line 4, strike "$144,263,040" and insert "$183,693,489".

        Page 265, line 9, strike "$49,500,215" and insert "$65,039,672".

        Page 265, line 9, strike "$49,789,078" and insert "$62,952,685".

        Page 265, line 11, strike "$92,608,063" and insert "$124,644,289".

        Page 265, line 11, strike "$92,908,962" and insert "$120,740,804".

        Page 266, line 38, strike the first "210.37" and insert "221.37".

        Page 266, line 38, strike the second "210.37" and insert "221.37".

        Page 266, line 39, strike the first "216.63" and insert "227.63".

        Page 266, line 39, strike the second "216.63" and insert "227.63".

        Page 266, after line 36, insert:

        "L. Notwithstanding §§ 63.2-501 and 32.1-325, the department shall have authority to establish a centralized processing unit for the administration of the program to include responding to inquiries, distributing applications and program information, case management, and receiving and processing applications.  The department may contract with third-party administrators to provide any of these services in accordance with federal approval. This central processing unit may be utilized to administer these functions for all Title XIX and Title XXI program applicants/recipients, with proper coordination of similar functions administered by the State and local departments of social services for other public assistance programs pursuant to § 63.2-501. This does not preclude the Title XIX and Title XXI programs from the responsibilities of local social services agencies under § 63.2-501 in cooperatively exercising the eligibility functions in accordance with the established memorandum of understanding, as may be modified to reflect this centralized eligibility function."

        Page 266, line 40, strike the first "427.00" and insert "449.00".

        Page 266, line 40, strike the second "427.00" and insert "449.00".

Amendment 47)  Item 307 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 267, line 46, strike "$71,541,230" and insert "$71,787,095".

        Page 267, line 46, strike "$72,181,716" and insert "$72,446,132".

        Page 267, line 54, strike "$41,067,438" and insert "$41,313,303".

        Page 267, line 54, strike "$43,950,681" and insert "$44,215,097".

        Page 269, after line 48, insert:

        "N. Out of this appropriation, $30,030 the first year and $30,030 the second year from the general fund is included for reimbursement to local law enforcement agencies for costs incurred during the process of detaining an individual under an emergency custody order. The Director, Department of Planning and Budget, is authorized to transfer these funds to the appropriate state agency as necessary to effect the purposes of this appropriation."

        Page 269, line 51, strike the first "222.85" and insert "224.85".

        Page 269, line 51, strike the second "222.85" and insert "224.85".

Amendment 48)  Item 307 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 267, line 46, strike "$71,541,230” and insert "$72,868,730”.

        Page 267, line 54, strike "$41,067,438" and insert "$41,731,188".

        Page 267, line 55, strike "$19,611,359" and insert "$20,275,109".

Amendment 49)  Item 307 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 267, line 46, strike "$71,541,230" and insert "$71,652,945".

        Page 267, line 46, strike "$72,181,716" and insert "$72,303,587".

        Page 267, line 54, strike "$41,067,438" and insert "$41,179,153".

        Page 267, line 54, strike "$43,950,681" and insert "$44,072,552".

        Page 269, line 51, strike the first "222.85" and insert "223.85".

        Page 269, line 51, strike the second "222.85" and insert "223.85".

Amendment 50)  Item 308 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 270, line 5, strike "$353,662,156" and insert "$354,862,156".

        Page 270, line 5, strike "$361,349,536" and insert "$362,849,536".

        Page 272, line 19, strike "$3,300,000" and insert "$4,500,000".

        Page 272, line 19, strike "$5,100,000" and insert "$6,600,000".

        Page 272, line 50, strike "$291,982,709" and insert "$293,182,709".

        Page 272, line 50, strike "$299,670,089" and insert "$301,170,089".

Amendment 51)  Item 308 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 270, line 5, strike "$353,662,156" and insert "$345,161,746".

        Page 270, line 5, strike "$361,349,536" and insert "$332,205,274".

        Page 272, line 50, strike "$291,982,709" and insert "$283,482,299".

        Page 272, line 50, strike "$299,670,089" and insert "$270,525,827".

Amendment 52)  Item 312 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 273, line 20, strike "$205,422,650" and insert "$209,868,313".

        Page 273, line 20, strike "$207,239,648" and insert "$211,310,311".

        Page 273, line 24, strike "$143,669,712" and insert "$148,115,375".

        Page 273, line 24, strike "$145,486,710" and insert "$149,557,373".

        Page 273, line 27, before "Out", insert "A.".

        Page 273, line 27, after line 31, insert:

        "B.1. Out of this appropriation, $4,070,663 the first year and $4,070,663 the second year from the general fund shall be used to provide additional inpatient bed capacity at Southwestern Mental Health Institute, Northern Virginia Mental Health Institute, and Hiram Davis Medical Center.

        2. Out of this appropriation, $375,000 the first year from the general fund shall be used for capital costs at Hiram Davis Medical Center to ensure sufficient medical capacity is available to serve patients with medical needs when the state becomes the facility of last resort."

Amendment 53)  Item 325 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 277, line 11, strike the first "$97,610,241" and insert "$97,960,241".

        Page 277, line 11, strike the second "$97,610,241" and insert "$97,960,241".

        Page 277, line 14, strike the first "$29,006,176" and insert "$29,356,176".

        Page 277, line 14, strike the second "$29,006,176" and insert "$29,356,176".

        Page 277, line 41, strike the first "$4,308,981" and insert "$4,658,981".

        Page 277, line 41, strike the second "$4,308,981" and insert "$4,658,981".

        Page 277, line 44, strike the first "$1,830,000" and insert "$2,180,000".

        Page 277, line 44, strike the second "$1,830,000" and insert "$2,180,000".

Amendment 54)  Item 325 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 277, line 11, strike the first "$97,610,241" and insert "$98,110,241".

        Page 277, line 11, strike the second "$97,610,241" and insert "$98,110,241".

        Page 277, line 14, strike the first "$29,006,176" and insert "$29,506,176".

        Page 277, line 14, strike the second "$29,006,176" and insert "$29,506,176".

        Page 278, after line 44, insert:

        "M. Out of this appropriation, $500,000 the first year and $500,000 the second year from the general fund shall be used to increase funding for long-term employment support services to support individuals with disabilities who are working in supportive competitive employment and receiving at least the minimum wage."

Amendment 55)  Item 325 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 277, line 11, strike the first "$97,610,241" and insert "$97,917,107".

        Page 277, line 11, strike the second "$97,610,241" and insert "$97,917,107".

        Page 277, line 14, strike the first "$29,006,176" and insert "$29,313,042".

        Page 277, line 14, strike the second "$29,006,176" and insert "$29,313,042"

        Page 277, line 36, strike the first "$4,482,021" and insert "$4,788,887".

        Page 277, line 36, strike the second "$4,482,021" and insert "$4,788,887".

Amendment 56)  Item 338 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 287, line 25, strike the first "$37,961,169" and insert "$38,461,169".

        Page 287, line 25, strike the second "$37,961,169" and insert "$38,461,169".

        Page 287, line 31, strike the first "$23,256,141" and insert "$23,756,141".

        Page 287, line 31, strike the second "$23,256,141" and insert "$23,756,141".

        Page 288, line 8, strike the first "$248,750" and insert: "$748,750".

        Page 288, line 8, strike the second "$248,750" and insert: "$748,750".

Amendment 57)  Item 341 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 289, line 49, strike "$25,800,789" and insert "$26,550,789".

        Page 290, line 1, strike "$5,198,621" and insert "$5,948,621".

        Page 290, line 54, after "G." insert "1.".

        Page 291, after line 6, insert:

        "2. Out of this appropriation, $750,000 from the general fund the first year shall be provided to contract with Northern Virginia Family Services to assist the organization in providing emergency family shelter services, food distribution, emergency assistance, access to health care, and early childhood services. Funding is contingent upon the provision of an equal amount of private matching funds."

Amendment 58)  Item 341 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 289, line 49, strike "$25,800,789" and insert "$26,300,789".

        Page 289, line 49, strike "$25,550,789" and insert "$26,050,789".

        Page 290, line 1, strike "$4,948,621" and insert "$5,448,621".

        Page 290, line 2, strike the first "$20,602,168" and insert "$21,102,168".

        Page 290, line 24, after the first "$500,000" insert:

         "the second year from the general fund and $1,000,000".

Amendment 59)  Item 343 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 292, line 46, strike "$108,894,216" and insert "$109,894,216".

        Page 293, line 1, strike "$40,370,532" and insert "$41,220,532".

        Page 293, line 3, strike "$68,348,684" and insert "$68,498,684".

Amendment 60)  Item 343 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 292, line 46, strike "$108,894,216" and insert "$122,017,491".

        Page 292, line 46, strike "$98,693,850" and insert "$100,715,250".

        Page 293, line 1, strike "$40,370,532" and insert "$43,305,238".

        Page 293, line 1, strike "$40,713,111" and insert "$41,421,236".

        Page 293, line 3, strike "$68,348,684" and insert "$78,537,253".

        Page 293, line 3, strike "$57,805,739" and insert "$59,119,014".

        Page 295, line 18, strike the first "441.21" and insert "446.21".

        Page 295, line 18, strike the second "441.21" and insert "446.21".

Amendment 61)  Item 358 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 302, after line 48, insert:

        "3. There is hereby appropriated in the first year an amount not to exceed $7,127,200 from that portion of the general fund balance designated by the State Comptroller on June 30, 2014, for nonrecurring expenditures pursuant to § 2.2-1514B., Code of Virginia, to address the provisions of Chapter 798, 2013 Virginia Acts of Assembly. Of these funds, after Virginia Outdoors Foundation's Open-Space Lands Preservation Trust Fund statutory distribution obligations have been satisfied, no less than 50 percent of the remaining appropriations are to be used for grants for fee simple acquisitions with public access or acquisitions of easements with public access.  This appropriation and the appropriation in paragraph D.1. of this Item shall be deemed sufficient to meet the provisions of § 2.2-1509.4, Code of Virginia."

Amendment 62)  Item 361 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 303, line 42, strike "$40,074,373" and insert "$40,225,873".

        Page 303, line 42, strike "$40,135,831" and insert "$40,287,331".

        Page 303, line 49, strike "$19,050,054" and insert "$19,201,554".

        Page 303, line 49, strike "$19,111,512" and insert "$19,263,012".

        Page 304, strike lines 18 and 19.

        Page 304, after line 17, insert:

         "C. Out of this appropriation, $151,500 the first year and $151,500 the second year from the general fund is provided for annual membership dues for the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin."

Amendment 63)  Item 369 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 308, line 15, strike "$6,647,495" and insert "$7,647,495".

        Page 308, line 18, strike "$4,539,332" and insert "$5,539,332".

        Page 309, line 27, strike the first "$1,000,000" and insert "$2,000,000"

Amendment 64)  Item 384 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 317, line 27, strike "$898,889,331" and insert "$884,312,859".

        Page 317, line 27, strike "$904,531,704" and insert "$874,096,030".

        Page 317, line 33, strike "$156,987,549" and insert "$142,411,077".

        Page 317, line 33, strike "$161,804,267" and insert "$131,368,593".

        Page 317, line 37, strike "$839,395,548" and insert "$824,819,076".

        Page 317, line 37, strike "$845,037,921" and insert "$814,602,247".

Amendment 65)  Item 389 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 322, line 25, strike the first "$80,360,071" and insert "$80,460,071"

        Page 322, line 25, strike the second "$80,360,071" and insert "$80,460,071"

        Page 323, line 22, strike "$1,276,179" and insert "$1,376,179"

        Page 322, line 23, strike "$1,276,179" and insert "$1,376,179"

Amendment 66)  Item 389 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 322, line 25, strike "$80,360,071" and insert "$80,860,071"

        Page 322, line 25, strike "$80,360,071" and insert "$80,860,071"

        Page 322, line 28, strike "$37,272,292" and insert "$37,772,292"

        Page 322, line 28, strike "$37,272,292" and insert "$37,772,292"

        Page 323, strike lines 27-29 and insert:

        "4. Domestic and Sexual Violence Funds, including $882,500 the first year and $882,500 the second year from the general fund for grants to programs that provide services to victims of sexual and domestic violence, including grants to local sexual assault crisis centers (SACCs) to provide core and comprehensive services to victims of sexual violence, and $3,000,000 the first year and $3,000,000 the second year from the dedicated special revenue fund to provide grants to local programs and prosecutors that provide services to victims of domestic violence. The Department of Criminal Justice Services shall provide a report on the allocation of these funds to the Secretary of Public Safety, the Department of Planning and Budget, and the Chairmen of the Senate Finance and House Appropriations Committees by October 15, 2014."

        Page 324, strike lines 50-52

Amendment 67)  Item 391 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 325, after line 36, insert:

        "Notwithstanding the provisions of §§ 9.1-165 through 9.1-172, Code of Virginia, the amount to be distributed to localities shall be $179,481,763 the first year and $186,661,034 the second year. The amount to be distributed to each locality in each year shall be at least equal to the amount distributed in FY 2014."

Amendment 68)  Item 404 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 331, line 25, strike "$57,665,089" and insert "$58,465,089".

        Page 331, line 25, strike "$57,727,589" and insert "$58,527,589".

        Page 331, line 27, strike "$56,783,140" and insert "$57,583,140".

        Page 331, line 27, strike "$56,845,640" and insert "$57,645,640".

        Page 331, line 36, strike "B." and insert "B.1.".

        Page 331, following line 40, insert:

        "2. Included in the appropriation for this Item is $800,000 the first year and $800,000 the second year from the general fund to support up to one qualified mental health professional for selected court services units (CSU) for the purposes of conducting mental health, substance abuse, and/or trauma screenings, assessments, and evaluations, and providing treatment services. The CSUs shall be afforded the flexibility to hire for the position(s) or to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with their local Community Services Board (CSB). The Department of Juvenile Justice shall develop a plan to ensure continuation of mental health and substance abuse treatment services and to ensure that each qualified mental health professional has appropriate supervision requirements pursuant to licensing regulations. The Department shall work with the Department of Medical Assistance Services to encourage CSUs to apply for Medicaid reimbursement for eligible services and expenditures. Beginning November 1, 2014, the Department shall report program information and outcome data annually to the Virginia Commission on Youth, to the Secretary of Public Safety, the Department of Planning and Budget, and to the Chairmen of the Senate Finance and House Appropriations Committees."

Amendment 69)  Item 412 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 335, line 18, strike "$6,800,643" and insert "$7,040,643"

        Page 335, line 21, strike "$2,803,869" and insert "$3,043,869"

        Page 335, line 29, after "is", insert "$240,000 the first year from the general fund and "

Amendment 70)  Item 413 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 335, line 42, strike "49,270,214" and insert "49,810,424"

        Page 335, line 42, strike "49,475,521" and insert "50,015,731"

        Page 336, line 1, strike "41,707,473" and insert "42,247,683"

        Page 336, line 1, strike "41,912,780" and insert "42,452,990"

Amendment 71)  Item 414 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 337, line 1, strike "$240,358,547" and insert "$241,358,547".

        Page 337, line 1, strike "$238,811,684" and insert "$239,811,684".

        Page 337, line 13, strike "$187,523,855" and insert "$188,023,855".

        Page 337, line 13, strike "$187,576,992" and insert "$188,076,992".

        Page 337, line 14, strike "$28,288,474" and insert "$28,788,474".

        Page 337, line 14, strike "$26,688,474" and insert "$27,188,474".

        Page 338, after line 38, insert:

        "O.  Included in the appropriation for this Item is $500,000 the first year and $500,000 the second year from the general fund, and $500,000 the first year and $500,000 the second year from nongeneral funds for the purchase of gasoline for trooper vehicles.  The source of the nongeneral funds is the FY 2013 year-end balances in the Insurance Fraud Fund (fund 0916)."

Amendment 72)  Item 418 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 340, line 3, strike "$515,982" and insert "$1,515,982".

        Page 340, line 4, strike "$515,982" and insert "$1,515,982".

        Page 340, line 5, strike "$515,982" and insert "$1,515,982".

        Page 340, after line 6, insert:

        "A. The Secretaries of Technology, Transportation, Education, Public Safety, and Commerce and Trade shall convene a work group to consist of representatives from the Departments of Aviation, Motor Vehicles, and State Police as well as the Virginia Economic Development Partnership, Virginia Port Authority, the Virginia Commercial Spaceflight Authority, the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Investment Authority and institutions of higher education for the purpose of evaluating the current regulatory and economic environments related to the growth of the unmanned systems industry in the  Commonwealth. The purpose of the work group shall be to identify regulatory challenges related to the development, testing, and use of unmanned technologies across all modes of conveyance.  The work group shall suggest strategies and develop programs and collateral materials to attract and promote the development of unmanned technology applications and companies, federal research at facilities located in Virginia, venture and human capital, and applied research and technology that contribute to the growth and development of the unmanned systems sector in the Commonwealth.  The work group shall identify and participate in activities and projects that specifically align with the mission of enhancing the Commonwealth's position in the unmanned systems industry.  The work group shall provide a report of its activities and initial funding to the Governor and the Chairmen of Senate Finance and House Appropriations Committees by January 1, 2015.

        B. Out of this appropriation, $1,000,000 the first year from the general fund is provided for the purpose set forth in paragraph A."

Amendment 73)  Item 427 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 372, after line 43, insert:

        "K. No later than December 1, 2014, the Secretary of Transportation shall provide recommendations to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations, Senate Finance and House and Senate Transportation Committees on methods to provide additional assistance for local transportation projects.  The recommendations shall consider the need to achieve geographic equity, as well as the needs of local governments, transit agencies, and metropolitan planning organizations."

Amendment 74)  Item 444 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 381, after line 3, insert:

        "G. Out of the amounts provided for dedicated and statewide construction, the Commonwealth Transportation Board is hereby directed to utilize any balances remaining from amounts appropriated in Chapter 806, 2013 Session of the General Assembly, for an environmental study for the replacement of the I-64 High Rise Bridge in Chesapeake, Virginia to begin preliminary engineering on such project."

Amendment 75)  Item 454 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 387, line 14, strike "$80,827,638" and insert "$83,927,638".

        Page 387, line 14, strike "$85,625,159" and insert "$82,225,159".

        Page 387, strike line 19.

        Page 387, line 20, before "Special" insert "Fund Sources:".

        Page 387, line 21, strike the first "$32,106,419" and insert "$35,206,419".

        Page 387, line 21, strike the second "$32,106,419" and insert "$35,206,419".

        Page 389, after line 47, insert:

        "D. The Secretary of Transportation is hereby authorized to transfer up to $3,100,000 the first year and $3,100,000 the second year from revenues of the Transportation Trust Fund available for highway construction for advancing the planning and preliminary engineering requirements of dredging the Norfolk Harbor channel to the maximum authorized depth of 55 feet and the Southern Branch of the Elizabeth River to the maximum authorized depth of 45 feet."

Amendment 76)  Item 458 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 391, line 10, strike "$3,138,400" and insert "$4,138,400".

        Page 391, after line 12, insert "Fund Source:  General  $1,000,000".

        Page 392, after line 11, insert:

        "D. Out of this appropriation, $1,000,000 the first year from the general fund shall be available to be matched dollar-for-dollar from sources other than state funds, to assist any Virginia locality in which a U.S. Air Force Base is located to mitigate adverse impacts on military operations and employment levels caused by encroachment of incompatible uses, in advance of further actions by the federal Base Realignment and Closure Commission or any similar federal actions. Such funds shall only be used to purchase properties from willing sellers."

Amendment 77)  Item 461 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 392, line 31, strike "$9,135,015" and insert "$9,485,015".

        Page 392, line 31, strike "$9,130,642" and insert "$9,480,642".

        Page 392, line 36, strike "$7,956,715" and insert "$8,306,715".

        Page 392, line 36, strike "$7,952,342" and insert "$8,302,342".

Amendment 78)  Item 467 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 397, line 4, strike "$120,942,739" and insert "$157,377,992".

        Page 397, line 4, strike "$157,709,181" and insert "$320,779,542".

        Page 397, line 5, strike “$9,033,474” and insert “$45,468,727”.

        Page 397, line 5, strike “$11,123,966” and insert “$174,194,327”.

        Page 397, line 7, strike "$120,942,739" and insert "$157,377,992".

        Page 397, line 7, strike "$157,709,181" and insert "$320,779,542".

        Page 402, strike lines 33 through 57 and insert:

        “O.1.  The base salary of employees listed in paragraph O.2 shall be increased by two percent effective March 25, 2015.  The base salary of employees set out in paragraph O.6 shall be increased by two percent effective April 1, 2015.

        2.  Transfers from this item shall be used to effect this increase and related increases in employee benefits for all classified employees of the Executive Branch and other full-time employees of the Commonwealth, except elected officials.  This includes the following state employees:

        a.  Full-time and other classified employees of the Executive Department subject to the Virginia Personnel Act;

        b.  Full-time employees of the Executive Department not subject to the Virginia Personnel Act, except officials elected by popular vote;

        c.  Any official whose salary is listed in § 4-6.01 of this act, subject to the ranges specified in the agency head salary levels in § 4-6.01 c;

        d.  Full-time professional staff of the Governor's Office, the Lieutenant Governor's Office, the Attorney General's Office, Cabinet Secretaries Offices, including the Deputy Secretaries, the Virginia Liaison Office, and the Secretary of the Commonwealth's Office;

        e.  Heads of agencies in the Legislative Department;

        f.  Full-time employees in the Legislative Department, other than officials elected by popular vote;

        g.  Secretaries and administrative assistants as provided for in item 1 of this act;

        h.  Judges and Justices in the Judicial Department;

        i.  Heads of agencies in the Judicial Department;

        j.  Full-time employees in the Judicial Department;

        k.  Commissioners of the State Corporation Commission and the Virginia Workers' Compensation Commission, the Chief Executive Officer of the Virginia College Savings Plan, and the Directors of the State Lottery Department and the Virginia Retirement System; and

        l.  Full-time employees of the State Corporation Commission, the Virginia College Savings Plan, the State Lottery Department, Virginia Workers' Compensation Commission, and the Virginia Retirement System.

        3.a.  Employees in the Executive Department subject to the Virginia Personnel Act shall receive the salary increase authorized in this paragraph only if they have attained an equivalent rating of at least “contributor” on their most recent performance evaluation and had no written notices under the standards of conduct issued during the preceding review period.

        B.  Salary increases authorized in this paragraph for employees in the Judicial and Legislative Departments, employees of Independent agencies, and employees of the Executive Department not subject to the Virginia Personnel Act shall be consistent with the provisions of this paragraph, as determined by the appointing or governing authority.  However, notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the governing authorities of those state institutions of higher education with employees not subject to the Virginia Personnel Act may implement salary increases for such employees that may vary based on performance and other employment-related factors.  The appointing or governing authorities shall certify to the Department of Human Resource Management that employees receiving the salary adjustment are performing at levels at least comparable to the eligible employees as set out in paragraph O.2.

        4.  The base rates of pay, and related employee benefits, for wage employees may be increased by up to two percent no earlier than March 25, 2015.  The cost of such increases for wage employees shall be borne by existing funds appropriated to each agency.

        5.a.  The Department of Human Resource Management shall increase the minimum and maximum salary for each pay band within the Commonwealth's Classified Compensation Plan by two percent on March 25, 2015.  No salary increase shall be granted to any employee as a result of this action.  The department shall develop policies and procedures to be used in instances where employees fall below the entry level for a job classification due to poor performance.  Movement through the revised pay band shall be based on employee performance.

        B.  The two percent increase to the minimum and maximum salary for each band within the Classified Compensation Plan shall be in addition to any other adjustments to such pay bands authorized in this item.

        6.  Transfers from this item shall be used to effect this increase and related increases in employee benefits for all state supported local employees.  Employees eligible shall include:

        a.  Locally elected constitutional officers;

        b.  General Registrars and members of local electoral boards;

        c.  Full-time employees of locally elected constitutional officers;

        d.  Full-time employees of Community Services Boards, Centers for Independent Living, secure detention centers supported by Juvenile Block Grants, juvenile delinquency prevention and local court services units, local social services boards, local pretrial services act and comprehensive community corrections act employees, and local health departments where a memorandum of understanding exists with the Virginia Department of Health; and,

        e.  Funded SOQ instructional and support positions.  Funded SOQ instructional positions include the teacher, guidance counselor, librarian, instructional aide, principal, and assistant principal positions funded through the SOQ staffing standards for each school division in the biennium.

        7.a.  Out of the amounts for Adjustments to Employee Compensation is included $36,435,253 the first year and $163,070,361 the second year to support the general fund portion of costs associated with the salary increase provided in this paragraph for state employees, state supported local employees, and SOQ instructional and support positions.  In the event that the total of all funds provided for in this paragraph are insufficient to fully fund the general fund cost of the two percent base salary adjustment, such salary adjustment shall be prorated to a percent of base pay for the general fund payroll that equates to the amount of total general fund resources provided.

        B.1.  Out of the amounts in subparagraph 7.a of this paragraph, $20,113,131 the first year and $80,777,492 the second year from the general fund is included for the state share of a payment equivalent to a 2.0 percent salary increase, effective April 1, 2015, for funded SOQ instructional and support positions.

        2.  Sufficient funds are appropriated in this item to finance, on a statewide basis, the state share of a 2.0 percent salary increase for funded SOQ instructional and support positions, effective April 1, 2015, to school divisions which certify to the Department of Education that the state share of funding received by the locality as provided in this paragraph will be expended prior to June 30, 2015, solely for providing salary increases to instructional and support positions in the first year.  For purposes of receiving the state share of funding, school divisions may provide salary increases less than 2.0 percent as long as the funds expended by the school division implementing the salary increase provided in the first year is greater than or equal to the value of the state share of funding received by the locality.

        3.  Local governments are encouraged but not required to provide a local match based on the composite index of local ability-to-pay.  School divisions may, at their option, elect to defer the salary increase until July 1, 2015.  School divisions electing to defer the salary increase until July 1, 2015, shall certify such election to the Department of Education by October 1, 2014, and shall not receive the state share of funding for the salary increase in the first year.

        4.  This funding is not intended as a mandate to increase salaries.

        8.  The Director of the Department of Planning and Budget shall administratively increase nongeneral fund appropriations as required to implement the salary increase provided in this paragraph.”

        Page 403, strike lines 1 through 19.

Amendment 79)  Item 467 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 397, line 4, strike "$157,709,181" and insert "$234,025,306".

        Page 397, line 6, strike "$146,585,215" and insert "$222,901,340".

        Page 397, line 7, strike "$157,709,181" and insert "$234,025,306".

        Page 399, after line 19, insert:

        “7. The Governor is hereby authorized to allocate a sum of up to $76,316,125 from this appropriation to the extent necessary to offset any downward revisions of the general fund revenue estimates prepared for fiscal years 2015 and 2016 after the enactment by the General Assembly of the 2014 Appropriation Act.  If the general fund revenue estimates prepared subsequent to the 2014 General Assembly Session do not result in downward revisions and, if within five days of the preliminary close of the fiscal year ending on June 30, 2015, the Comptroller's analysis does not determine that a revenue re-forecast is required pursuant to § 2.2-1503.3, Code of Virginia, then such appropriation shall be used to increase the employer retirement contribution rates authorized in paragraph H.2 of this item up to the full Board certified rate for state employees (15.80 percent), state police officers (32.93 percent), members of the Virginia Law Officers Retirement System (21.74 percent), and members of the Judicial Retirement System (57.84 percent) effective July 1, 2015.”

Amendment 80)  Item 467 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 397, line 4, strike "$120,942,739" and insert "$117,073,901".

        Page 397, line 5, strike "$9,033,474" and insert "$5,164,636 ".

        Page 397, line 7, strike "$120,942,739" and insert "$117,073,901".

        Page 403, line 23, strike "July 25, 2014" and insert "December 10, 2014".

        Page 404, line 14, strike "July".

        Page 404, line 15, strike "25, 2014" and insert "December 10, 2014".

        Page 404, line 18, strike "$9,033,474" and insert "$5,164,636".

Amendment 81)  Item 467 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 400, line 15, strike "0.62 percent for the Virginia Sickness and Disability Program".

        Page 400, line 17, after "credit." insert:

        "The contribution rate paid on behalf of public employees for the Virginia Sickness and Disability Program shall be 0.73 percent of covered payroll. Funding for the Virginia Sickness and Disability Program is calculated on a rate of 0.62 percent of total payroll."

Amendment 82)  Item 467 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 400, line 18, strike $10,567,637" and insert "$10,568,637".

Amendment 83)  Item 467.10 shall be created as follows:

        Page 404, after line 38, insert, “467.10. Medicaid Program Services (45600) First Year FY 2015 $50,000,000”.

        Page 404, after line 38, insert, “467.10. Medicaid Program Services (45600) Second Year FY 2016 $50,000,000”.

        Page 404, after line 38, insert, “Reimbursements for Medical Services (45609) First Year FY 2015 $50,000,000”.

        Page 404, after line 38, insert, “Reimbursements for Medical Services (45609) Second Year FY 2016 $50,000,000”.

        Page 404, after line 38, insert, “Fund Sources: General, First Year FY 2015 $50,000,000”.

        Page 404, after line 38, insert, “Fund Sources: General, Second Year FY 2016 $50,000,000”.

        Out of this appropriation, $50,000,000 the first year and $50,000,000 the second year from the general fund shall be transferred to the Virginia Health Reform and Innovation Fund."

Amendment 84)  Item 468 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 404, line 41, strike "$14,750,000" and insert "$15,350,000".

        Page 404, line 41, strike "$2,750,000" and insert "$3,350,000".

        Page 404, line 44, strike "$12,000,000" and insert "$12,600,000".

        Page 404, line 44, strike"$0" and insert "$600,000".

        Page 405, line 1, strike "$14,750,000" and insert "$15,350,000".

        Page 405, line 1, strike "$2,750,000" and insert "$3,350,000".

        Page 407, after line 44 insert:

        "J. Out of this appropriation, $600,000 and $600,000 the second year from the general fund is provided for an anticipated shortfall in the budgets of various cabinet offices.  The Director, Department of Planning and Budget is authorized to make transfers from this item to the impacted cabinet agencies.  In addition, the Director, Department of Planning and Budget is authorized to transfer one authorized position from this item to the applicable agency."

        Page 412, after line 32, insert, "General Fund Positions, First Year FY 2015 1.00”.

        Page 412, after line 32, insert, "General Fund Positions, Second Year FY 2016 1.00”.

        Page 412, after line 32, insert, "Position Level, First Year FY 2015 1.00”.

        Page 412, after line 32, insert, "Position Level, Second Year FY 2016 1.00”.

Amendment 85)  Item 468 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 404, line 41, strike “$2,750,000” and insert “$19,750,000”.

        Page 405, line 1, strike “$2,750,000” and insert “$19,750,000”.

        Page 407, after line 44, insert:

        “J.1. Out of the appropriation in this item, $17,000,000 in the second year from the general fund is provided to implement the funding and allocation recommendations of the Line of Duty Act working group described in this paragraph.

        2.  The Governor's Deputy Chief of Staff shall lead a working group composed of the Secretaries of Finance and Public Safety, one member appointed by the Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, one member appointed by the Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, the Executive Director of the Virginia Retirement System or his designee, the State Comptroller, three local government officials appointed by the Governor, and three members appointed by the Governor who represent various groups of beneficiaries covered by the Line of Duty Act to review the current administration of the Line of Duty Act program for qualified local recipients and the funding responsibility between the Commonwealth and its localities. As part of this review, the working group shall determine a fair and equitable division of financial responsibility for the Line of Duty Act program costs, and the means of administering and providing benefits prescribed by and administered under the Line of Duty Act, including any alternatives to achieve cost efficiencies in the program. The work group review shall include, but it is not limited to, consideration of full or partial state subsidies for the Line of Duty Act program, adjustments to the existing state program, and ensuring flexibility of local coverage options.

        3. Contingent upon a recommendation by the work group to permit localities who, in prior fiscal years opted out of participating in the state Line of Duty Act Fund, to opt into the state program, localities may adopt a resolution describing their intent to join the state program during fiscal year 2016. Localities electing to opt into the state program shall submit their approved resolutions to the Virginia Retirement System no later than June 1, 2015.

        4.  The working group shall review and make recommendations on the structure and management of the Line of Duty Act program and the allocation methodology for the second year funding consistent with the program recommendations set out in this paragraph.

        5.  The group shall complete its review and make its recommendations to the Governor and the Chairmen of the Senate Finance Committee and the House Appropriations Committee no later than October 15, 2014.”

Amendment 86)  Item 470 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 408, line 30, strike the first "$0" and insert "($1,738,071)".

        Page 408, line 30, strike the second "$0" and insert "($3,562,457)".

        Page 408, line 32, insert "A."

        Page 409, line 21, insert:

        "B. The Director, Department of Planning and Budget shall withhold and transfer to this item, amounts estimated at $1,738,071 the first year and $3,562,457 the second year, from the general fund appropriations of state agencies and institutions of higher education, representing savings resulting from the estimated usage of technology services provided by the Virginia Information Technologies Agency."

Amendment 87)  Item 471 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 409, line 22, strike "($3,422,799)" and insert "($3,361,799)".

        Page 409, line 22, strike "($3,699,749)" and insert "($3,638,749)".

        Page 409, line 24, strike "($3,422,799)" and insert "($3,361,799)".

        Page 409, line 24, strike "($3,699,749)" and insert "($3,638,749)".

        Page 410, strike lines 55 through 58.

Amendment 88)  Item 471 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 409, line 22, strike "($3,422,799)" and insert "($3,352,799)".

        Page 409, line 22, strike "($3,699,749)" and insert "($3,629,749)".

        Page 409, line 24, strike "($3,422,799)" and insert "($3,352,799)".

        Page 409, line 24, strike "($3,699,749)" and insert "($3,629,749)".

        Page 410, strike lines 22 through 27.

Amendment 89)  Item 479 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 415, line 24, after "B.", insert "1.".

        Page 415, after line 28, insert:

        "2. Any moneys collected, distributed or held for the benefit of participants under the Virginia Education Savings Trust and other higher education savings programs, including any income from such funds, are not subject to the provisions of §§ 2.2-1800 through 2.2-1825, inclusive, or § 23-38.76 (A) of the Code of Virginia requiring deposit in the State Treasury. This provision does not apply to the Virginia Prepaid Education Program, or Plan administrative fee revenue."

Amendment 90)  Item C-26.10 shall be created as follows:

        Page 429, after line 37, insert:

        "C-26.10.  A. There is hereby established a capital project for the Department of Corrections entitled, “Equipment:  Equip correctional facility in Culpeper County (18136).”  Furthermore, it is hereby authorized that unutilized Virginia Public Building Authority bond authorization and appropriation be transferred to this project from the following capital projects in the amounts listed:

        Project No.                      Amount

        15203                          $750,204

        16991                          $235,000

        B.  The Director, Department of Planning and Budget, is authorized to transfer general fund appropriation from the following project in the amount shown to this new project:  17868--$40,000."

Amendment 91)  Item C-41 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 434, after line 30, insert:

        “J.  The Department of Corrections may use up to $1,500,000 of its annual maintenance reserve allocations to retrofit the correctional facility in Culpeper County that has been used in the past by the Department of Juvenile Justice to house juvenile offenders, but will, effective July 1, 2014, be used to house adult offenders.”

Amendment 92)  Item C-46.10 shall be created as follows:

        Page 438, after line 29 insert, "C-46.10  Comprehensive Capital Outlay Program (18049) First Year FY 2015 $21,000,000”.

        Page 438, after line 29 insert, "C-46.10  Comprehensive Capital Outlay Program (18049) Second Year FY 2016 $0”.

        Page 438, after line 29 insert, " Fund Sources: Bond Proceeds, First Year FY 2015 $21,000,000”.

        Page 438, after line 29 insert, " Fund Sources: Bond Proceeds, Second Year FY 2016 $0”.

        A.  In addition to amounts previously authorized for this program, the Virginia College Building Authority, pursuant to § 23-30.24 et seq., Code of Virginia, and the Virginia Public Building Authority, pursuant to § 2.2-2263, Code of Virginia, are authorized to issue bonds to finance projects listed in this Item.  The aggregate principal amounts shall not exceed $21,000,000 plus amounts to fund related issuance costs, and other financing expenses, in accordance with § 2.2-2263, Code of Virginia.

        B.  The General Assembly hereby appropriates $21,000,000 in the first year from bond proceeds for the projects listed in this Item.

        C.  Out of the appropriation for this Item, $20,000,000 in bond proceeds issued by the Virginia College Building Authority is designated for a previously authorized project of George Mason University in Item C-39.40, Chapter 806, 2013 Acts of Assembly.  This funding may be used in lieu of other nongeneral fund support for this project.

        D.  Out of the appropriation for this Item, $1,000,000 in bond proceeds issued by the Virginia Public Building Authority shall be provided to the Department of Environmental Quality for the Combined Sewer Overflow Matching Fund, established pursuant to § 62.1-241.12, Code of Virginia.  These bond proceeds shall be used by the Virginia Resources Authority and the State Water Control Board to make a grant to the city of Alexandria of up to $1,000,000 to pay a portion of the capital costs of the city's combined sewer overflow control project.  Disbursement of these proceeds shall be authorized by the State Water Control Board, under the authority of the Department of Environmental Quality, and administered by the Virginia Resources Authority through the Combined Sewer Overflow Matching Fund.  No such net proceeds shall be used to pay debt service on obligations of the city or any other localities or regional or local authorities."

Amendment 93)  Item  3-1.01 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 440, line 49, strike "$70,800,000" and insert "$74,300,000".

        Page 440, line 49, strike "$71,000,000" and insert "$77,600,000".

Amendment 94)  Item  3-1.01 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 442, line 5, strike the first "$500,000,000" and insert  "$510,000,000".

        Page 442, line 5, strike the second "$500,000,000" and insert  "$510,000,000".

Amendment 95)  Item  3-1.01 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 444, after line 17, insert:

        "DD. On or before June 30, 2015 and June 30, 2016, the State Comptroller shall transfer amounts estimated at $3,000,000 the first year and $3,000,000 the second year to the general fund from unobligated nongeneral fund balances at the State Corporation Commission."

Amendment 96)  Item  3-1.02 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 444, line 19, strike the first "$362,854" and insert "$388,254".

        Page 444, line 19, strike the second “$362,854” and insert "$388,254".

Amendment 97)  Item  3-5.03 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 450, line 42, strike "$348,900,000" and insert "$350,460,000".

        Page 450, line 42, strike "$361,100,000" and insert "$362,860,000".

Amendment 98)  Item  4-2.02 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 465, after line 13, insert:


        1.  There is hereby created the Disbursement Review Committee (the "Committee"), the members of which are the Attorney General, who shall serve as chairman; the Chairman of the House Committee on Appropriations and one Delegate appointed by him, or their designees; the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance and one Senator appointed by him, or their designees; and two individuals appointed by the Governor.  Whenever the Attorney General reasonably expects that there will be money or any real, tangible, or intangible property ("money or property"), or both, other than criminal fines (which would go to the Literary Fund) or attorney's fees (i) due or available to the Commonwealth as a result of any civil or criminal dispute or (ii) available to the Commonwealth or to any state or local governmental entity in the Commonwealth from any federal entity pursuant to an asset forfeiture equitable sharing agreement or other legal action, including a compromise, settlement, or agreement in a multistate action in which the Attorney General has participated on behalf of the Commonwealth or an agency of the Commonwealth, he shall forthwith notify all members of the Committee of the pertinent facts, and may convene a meeting of the Committee, but shall convene a meeting of the Committee at the request of any member.

        2.  For a compromise, settlement, or agreement under subdivision 1(i) above, the Attorney General shall prepare and recommend to the Committee a proposed Distribution Plan (the "Plan") regarding the distribution and use of money or property, or both, to be received by the Commonwealth as a result of any  such compromise, settlement, or agreement.   The Committee may propose the same or a modified Plan to the General Assembly for the distribution or use, or both, of such money or property, or both.

        3.  For a compromise, settlement, or agreement under subdivision 1(ii) above, if the distribution or use, or both, of any money or property, or both, to be received by the Commonwealth is determined by a court order, federal law, or by a federal entity pursuant to federal law (such as a federal asset forfeiture sharing agreement), the Attorney General shall prepare and provide to the Committee a proposed Plan for the distribution and use  of any such money or property, or both, that is consistent with such court order, federal law, or regulations or policies of such federal agency.   If the permissible purpose(s) for the distribution or use, or both, of such money or property, or both, is described in general terms (for example, it must be used for "law enforcement purposes" or for "consumer education"), the Committee may propose a modified Plan with a more particular distribution  or use, or both, that falls within such general permissible purpose(s).  If a federal entity must approve the final Plan for such distribution or use, or both, and does not approve the Plan submitted to it by the Attorney General, he shall so inform the Committee, and the Plan may be revised if deemed appropriate and resubmitted to the federal entity for approval.  If the federal entity approves the original Plan or a revised Plan, the Attorney General shall so inform the Committee, and the  Committee shall recommend to the General Assembly distribution or use, or both, of such money or property, or both, that is consistent with the Plan approved by the federal entity.

        4.  The Attorney General shall not enter into any compromise, settlement, or agreement for the distribution of money or property, or both, to be received by the Commonwealth under subdivision 1(i) or (1(ii) unless the compromise, settlement, or agreement provides that such money or property, or both, is to be deposited into the state treasury.  No such distribution shall occur without a specific appropriation by the General Assembly that is consistent with the permissible purpose(s) set forth in the court order or federal law or by the federal entity.  If a federal entity must approve the final Plan for such distribution or use, or both, and the General Assembly's appropriation in an appropriation act differs from the Plan approved by the federal entity, the appropriation shall be submitted to the federal entity for approval.  The distribution of any money or property, or both, shall be done in a manner as prescribed by the State Comptroller in order to ensure proper accounting on the books of the Commonwealth.

        5.  The provisions of subdivisions 1 through 4 shall not apply to any negotiation, compromise, settlement, or agreement involving money or property, or both (a) where the distribution and use of such money or property, or both, is governed specifically by this act or by other law of the Commonwealth, or  (b) in which the total value of such moneys or property does not exceed $250,000, or (c) in which the entire amount of the settlement is for services provided, or for property sold or provided, under a contract with a governmental entity.  “Governmental entity” shall include, without limitation, public institutions of higher education.  The General Assembly hereby appropriates a sum sufficient amount for any settlement or agreement authorized solely by virtue of this subdivision 5."

Amendment 99)  Item  4-5.03 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 478, line 5, after "shall" strike "sunset" and insert "be implemented as a statewide two-year pilot program set to expire".

        Page 478, line 7, after "progress toward implementation of" strike "a 42 U.S.C. § 1035".

        Page 478, line 8, before "established" strike "waiver" and insert "provisions".

        Page 478, line 8, after "improved" strike "patients" and insert "patient".

        Page 478, line 10, after "considered" insert "may".

Amendment 100)  Item  4-5.06 shall be created as follows:

        Page 482, after line 28, insert:


        a. The designation in this act of an officer or agency head to perform a specified duty shall not be deemed to supersede the authority of the Governor to delegate powers under the provisions of § 2.2-104 , Code of Virginia.

        b. The nongeneral fund capital outlay decentralization programs initiated pursuant to § 4-5.08b of Chapter 912, 1996 Acts of Assembly as continued in subsequent appropriation acts are hereby made permanent.  Decentralization programs for which institutions have executed memoranda of understanding with the Secretary of Administration pursuant to the provisions of § 4-5.08b of Chapter 912, 1996 Acts of Assembly shall no longer be considered pilot projects, and shall remain in effect until revoked.

        c. Institutions wishing to participate in a nongeneral fund capital outlay decentralization program for the first time shall submit a letter of interest to the appropriate Cabinet Secretary. Within 90 calendar days of the receipt of the institution's request to participate, the responsible Cabinet Secretary shall determine whether the institution meets the eligibility criteria and, if appropriate, establish a decentralization program at the institution. The Cabinet Secretary shall report to the Governor and Chairmen of the Senate Finance and House Appropriations Committees by December 1 of each year all institutions that have applied for inclusion in a decentralization program and whether the institutions have been granted authority to participate in the decentralization program.

        d. The provisions identified in § 4-5.08 f and § 4-5.08 h of Chapter 1042 of the Acts of Assembly of 2003 pertaining to pilot programs for selected capital outlay projects and memoranda of understanding in institutions of higher education are hereby continued. Notwithstanding these provisions, those projects shall be insured through the state's risk management liability program.

        e. If during an independent audit conducted by the Auditor of Public Accounts, the audit discloses that an institution is not performing within the terms of the memoranda of understanding or their addenda, the Auditor shall report this information to the Governor, the responsible Cabinet Secretary, and the Chairmen of the Senate Finance and House Appropriations Committees.

        f. Institutions that have executed memoranda of understanding with the Secretary of Administration for nongeneral fund capital outlay decentralization programs are hereby granted a waiver from the provisions of § 2.2-4301, Competitive Negotiation, subdivision 3a, Code of Virginia, regarding the not to exceed amount of $100,000 for a single project, the not to exceed sum of $500,000 for all projects performed, and the option to renew for two additional one-year terms.

        g. Notwithstanding any contrary provision of law or this act, delegations of authority in this act to the Governor shall apply only to agencies and personnel within the Executive Department, unless specifically stated otherwise.

        h. This section shall not apply to public institutions of higher education governed by Chapters 933 and 943 of the 2006 Acts of Assembly."

Amendment 101)  Item  4-5.11 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 484, strike lines 1 through 7.

Amendment 102)  Item  4-6.01 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 493, line 3, after "authorized in", insert "Item 467 and".

Amendment 103)  Item  4-7.01 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 496, line 27, strike "State employees" and insert "All state employees, including those".

        Page 496, line 27, after "of government," insert "and".

        Page 496, line 28, strike "or an agency administering their own health plan".

        Page 496, line 28, strike "the" and insert "a".

        Page 496, line 30, before "may", insert "or by an agency administering its own health care plan,".

        Page 496, line 31, strike "(a)".

        Page 496, line 32, strike ";" and insert ".".

        Page 496, strike lines 33 through 34.

        Page 496, line 35, strike "development, and".

        Page 496, line 36, after "employees", insert "." and strike ", prior to the effective date of the Act and any associated regulations.".

        Page 496, line 38, strike "Act" and insert "Affordable Care Act (the "Act")".

        Page 496, line 45, after "appropriations." insert "Subject to approval of the Governor,".

        Page 496, line 45, strike "for purposes of making it compatible" and insert "consistent".

        Page 496, line 46, strike "subject to approval of the Governor".

Amendment 104)  Item  4-13.00 shall be amended as follows:

        Page 504, line 25, strike "2014" and insert "2016".

Upon passage of this Act, the Keeper of the Rolls shall merge the amendments contained in this enactment with the applicable items in the first enactment during the enrollment of the bill prior to transmitting it to the Governor for his action.  The contents of this enactment shall expire at midnight on June 30, 2016, consistent with the expiration date for the first enactment.