Authority: Discretionary Inclusion.
A.1. The Director, Department of Planning and Budget shall withhold and transfer to this Item an amount estimated at $186,355 the first year from the general fund appropriations of state agencies and institutions of higher education, representing savings resulting from a reduction in the rate charged to agencies for purchases made under the statewide purchase and supply system administered by the Department of General Services.
2. Pursuant to § 3-1.01 of this act, an amount estimated at $164,885 the first year shall be transferred from eligible nongeneral fund accounts to the general fund, representing nongeneral fund savings associated with the reduction in the rate charged to agencies for purchases made under the statewide purchase and supply system administered by the Department of General Services.
B. The Director, Department of Planning and Budget, shall withhold and transfer to this Item an amount estimated at $1,145,775 the first year from the general fund appropriations of state agencies, boards, and commissions representing savings resulting from the elimination or consolidation of such state agencies, boards, and commissions.
C.1. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Director, Department of Planning and Budget, shall withhold and transfer to this Item amounts estimated at $93,500 the first year and $185,300 the second year from the general fund appropriations of state agencies and institutions of higher education representing savings realized through the elimination of organizational memberships held by state agencies and institutions of higher education as detailed below.
Agency Name / Organization | General Fund Amount |
Department of Motor Vehicles (154) | |
Governor's Highway Safety Representatives | $0 |
Federation of Tax Administrators | $0 |
Department of Education (201) | |
Marketing Education Resource Center | $0 |
Council of Chief State School Officers State Consortium on Educator Effectiveness | $0 |
Education Commission of the States (Second Year Only) | $91,800 |
State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (245) | |
Southern Regional Education Board – Educational Technology Cooperative | $8,000 |
Southern Regional Education Board – Go Alliance | $8,000 |
Department of Rehabilitative Services (262) | |
Council of State Administrators of Vocational Rehabilitation | $0 |
Virginia Tourism Authority (320) | |
Virginia Hospitality and Travel Association | $10,000 |
Department of Transportation (501) | |
Appraisal Institute | $0 |
Intelligent Transportation Society of Virginia | $0 |
Virginia Tech Foundation | $0 |
Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (720) | |
National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors | $0 |
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Investment Authority (934) | |
Rich Tech | $7,500 |
Fredericksburg Regional Technology Council | $7,500 |
Technology Hampton Roads | $7,500 |
Roanoke-Blacksburg Technology Council | $7,500 |
Region 2000 Technology Council | $7,500 |
Shenandoah Valley Technology Council | $7,500 |
Southwestern Virginia Technology Council | $7,500 |
Southern Piedmont Technology Council | $7,500 |
Charlottesville Business Innovation Council | $7,500 |
2. After June 30, 2012, no Executive Branch agency may use appropriations in Part 1 of this act to pay dues to any of the organizations listed in subparagraph 1 subject to consultation with legal counsel regarding any legal requirements involved or to pay dues or fees to new trade or other membership organizations without prior authorization of the Governor's Chief of Staff.
E. The Director, Department of Planning and Budget shall withhold and transfer to this Item an amount estimated at $415,616 the first year from the general fund appropriations of state agencies and institutions of higher education, representing savings resulting from a reduction in information technology overhead costs.
F. The Director, Department of Planning and Budget shall withhold and transfer to this Item an amount estimated at $107,050 the first year from the general fund appropriations of state agencies and institutions of higher education, representing savings from a contract agreement with the Commonwealth's information technology infrastructure provider negotiated by the Virginia Information Technologies Agency for computer service outages in August of 2010.
G. The Director, Department of Planning and Budget, shall withhold and transfer to this item amounts estimated at $13,033,020 the first year and $7,316,709 the second year from the general fund appropriations of state agencies representing savings from administrative efficiencies. These savings shall be implemented as an across-the-board reduction based upon general fund salaries in Executive Department agencies. Agencies shall be encouraged to maximize savings that can be realized through the electronic distribution of information, through email or internet, in place of printed materials. The Secretary of Finance shall establish the procedures to be used in determining the amounts to be reverted from impacted agencies. The amounts to be reverted in the second year shall not include higher education institutions and affiliated agencies.