2014 Session

Budget Bill - HB29 (Introduced)

Direct Aid to Public Education

Item 138

Item 138

First Year - FY2013Second Year - FY2014
Financial Assistance for Educational, Cultural, Community, and Artistic Affairs (14300)$9,982,652$11,330,677
Financial Assistance for Supplemental Education (14304)FY2013 $9,982,652FY2014 $11,330,677
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2013 $9,982,652FY2014 $11,330,677

Authority: Discretionary Inclusion.

A. Out of this appropriation, the Department of Education shall provide $373,776 the first year and $373,776 the second year from the general fund for the Jobs for Virginia Graduates initiative.

B. Out of this appropriation, the Department of Education shall provide $124,011 the first year and $124,011 the second year from the general fund for the Southwest Virginia Public Education Consortium at the University of Virginia's College at Wise.  An additional $71,849 the first year and $71,849 the second year from the general fund is provided to the Consortium to continue the Van Gogh Outreach program with Lee and Wise County Public Schools and expand the program to the twelve school divisions in Southwest Virginia.

C. This appropriation includes $58,905 the first year and $58,905 the second year from the general fund for the Southside Virginia Regional Technology Consortium to expand the research and development phase of a technology linkage.

D. An additional state payment of $145,896 the first year and $145,896 the second year from the general fund is provided as a Small School Division Assistance grant for the City of Norton.  To receive these funds, the local school board shall certify to the Superintendent of Public Instruction that its division has entered into one or more educational, administrative or support service cost-sharing arrangements with another local school division.

E. Out of this appropriation, $298,021 the first year and $298,021 the second year from the general fund shall be allocated for the Career and Technical Education Resource Center to provide vocational curriculum and resource instructional materials free of charge to all school divisions.

F. It is the intent of the General Assembly that the Department of Education provide bonuses from state funds to classroom teachers in Virginia's public schools who hold certification from the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards.  Such bonuses shall be $5,000 the first year of the certificate and $2,500 annually thereafter for the life of the certificate.  This appropriation includes an amount estimated at $5,100,000 the first year and $5,310,000 the second year from the general fund for the purpose of paying these bonuses.  By October 15 of each year, school divisions shall notify the Department of Education of the number of classroom teachers under contract for that school year that hold such certification.

G.1.a. This appropriation includes $708,000 the first year from the general fund for the Virginia Teaching Scholarship Loan Program. These scholarships shall be for undergraduate students at or beyond the sophomore year in college with a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.7 who are nominated by their college and students at the graduate level and who meet the criteria and qualifications, pursuant to § 22.1-290.01, Code of Virginia.  Awards shall be made to students who are enrolled full-time or part-time in approved undergraduate or graduate teacher education programs for (i) critical teacher shortage disciplines, such as special education, chemistry, physics, earth and space science, foreign languages, or technology education or (ii) as students meeting the qualifications in § 22.1-290.01, Code of Virginia, who have been identified by a local school board to teach in any discipline or at any grade level in which the school board has determined that a shortage of teachers exists; however, such persons shall meet the qualifications for awards granted pursuant to this item; or (iii) those students seeking degrees in Career and Technical education. Minority students may be enrolled in any content area for teacher preparation and male students may be enrolled in any approved elementary or middle school teacher preparation program; therefore, this provision shall satisfy the requirements for the Diversity in Teaching Initiative and Fund, pursuant to Chapters 570, 597, 623, 645, and 719 of the Acts of Assembly of 2000.  Scholarship recipients may fulfill the teaching obligation by accepting a teaching position (i) in one of the critical teacher shortage disciplines; or (ii) regardless of teaching discipline, in a school with a high concentration of students eligible for free or reduced price lunch; or (iii) in any discipline or at grade levels with a shortage of teachers; or (iv) in a rural or urban region of the state with a teacher shortage.  For the purposes of this item, "critical teacher shortage area and discipline" means subject areas and grade levels identified by the Board of Education in which the demand for classroom teachers exceeds the supply of teachers, as defined in the Board of Education's Regulations Governing the Determination of Critical Teacher Shortage Areas.  Scholarship amounts are based on $3,720 per year for full-time students, and shall be prorated for part-time students based on the number of credit hours.  The Board of Education is authorized to recover total funds awarded as scholarships or the appropriate proportion thereof in the event that scholarship recipients fail to honor the stipulated teaching obligation.  The Department of Education shall report annually on the critical shortage teaching areas in Virginia.

b. This appropriation includes $708,000 the second year from the general fund for the Virginia Teaching Scholarship Loan Program. These scholarships shall be for undergraduate students at or beyond the sophomore year in college with a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.7, who were in the top 10 percent of their high school class, who are nominated by their college and students at the graduate level, and who meet the criteria and qualifications, pursuant to § 22.1-290.01, Code of Virginia.  Awards shall be made to students who are enrolled full-time or part-time in approved undergraduate or graduate teacher education programs for (i) critical teacher shortage disciplines, such as special education, chemistry, physics, earth and space science, foreign languages, or technology education or (ii) as students meeting the qualifications in § 22.1-290.01, Code of Virginia, who have been identified by a local school board to teach in any discipline or at any grade level in which the school board has determined that a shortage of teachers exists; however, such persons shall meet the qualifications for awards granted pursuant to this item; or (iii) those students seeking degrees in Career and Technical education. Minority students may be enrolled in any content area for teacher preparation and male students may be enrolled in any approved elementary or middle school teacher preparation program; therefore, this provision shall satisfy the requirements for the Diversity in Teaching Initiative and Fund, pursuant to Chapters 570, 597, 623, 645, and 719 of the Acts of Assembly of 2000.  Scholarship recipients may fulfill the teaching obligation by accepting a teaching position (i) in one of the critical teacher shortage disciplines; or (ii) regardless of teaching discipline, in a school with a high concentration of students eligible for free or reduced price lunch; or (iii) in any discipline or at grade levels with a shortage of teachers; or (iv) in a rural or urban region of the state with a teacher shortage.  For the purposes of this item, "critical teacher shortage area and discipline" means subject areas and grade levels identified by the Board of Education in which the demand for classroom teachers exceeds the supply of teachers, as defined in the Board of Education's Regulations Governing the Determination of Critical Teacher Shortage Areas.  Scholarship amounts are based on $10,000 per year for full-time students, and shall be prorated for part-time students based on the number of credit hours.  The Board of Education is authorized to recover total funds awarded as scholarships or the appropriate proportion thereof in the event that scholarship recipients fail to honor the stipulated teaching obligation.  The Department of Education shall report annually on the critical shortage teaching areas in Virginia.

2. The Department of Education shall make payments on behalf of the scholarship recipients directly to the Virginia institution of higher education where the scholarship recipient is enrolled full-time or part-time in an approved undergraduate or graduate teacher education program.

3. The Board of Education is authorized to recover total funds awarded as scholarships, or the appropriate portion thereof, in the event that scholarship recipients fail to honor the stipulated teaching obligation.  Any funds collected by the Board on behalf of this program shall revert to the general fund on June 30 each year. Such reversion shall be the net of any administrative or legal fees associated with the collection of these funds.

H. Out of the amounts for this Item, shall be provided $31,003 the first year and $31,003 the second year from the general fund for the Virginia Career Education Foundation.

I. Out of this appropriation, $212,500 the first year and $212,500 the second year from the general fund shall be distributed to the Greater Richmond Area Scholarship Program, Incorporated (GRASP) to provide students and families in need access to financial aid, scholarships, and counseling to maximize educational opportunities for students.

J. Out of this appropriation, the Department of Education shall provide $525,000 the first year and $525,000 the second year from the general fund to Communities in Schools.

K. This appropriation includes $100,000 the first year and $100,000 the second year from the general fund for the Superintendent of Public Education to award supplemental grants to charter schools.

L. Out of this appropriation, $80,000 the first year from the general fund is provided for one-time planning and implementation grants to support the establishment of Governor's Health Sciences Academies.  In spring 2012, the Department of Education will solicit competitive proposals for funding from school divisions in each of the eight superintendents' planning regions.  The Department of Education will award eight planning grants of $5,000 each during the first semester of the 2012-2013 school year to support the program development process.  Upon approval by the Board of Education to implement an Academy in the second half of FY 2013, the Department of Education will award eight implementation grants of $5,000 to each of the approved Academies.

M. This appropriation includes $203,691 the first year and $543,176 the second year from the general fund to support implementation of the Youth Development Academy pilot program for rising 9th and 10th grade students.  The local applicant(s) selected to conduct a pilot academy, in consultation with the Department of Education, will develop the curriculum and content for the pilot academy to include a focus on civics education, financial literacy, community service, preventive health, character education, and leadership skills.  Each of the eight superintendents' planning regions will be invited to apply to host a pilot academy the first year and each of the eight regional superintendent regions will host an academy the second year.  The Department of Education will make the final determination on which regions will implement a pilot academy based on the proposals received the first year and which division or divisions in the case of a joint application, in each of the eight regions will host an academy the second year.

N. Out of this appropriation, $500,000 the first year and $808,000 the second year from the general fund is provided to fund a pilot initiative to attract, recruit, and retain high-quality diverse individuals to teach science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) subjects in Virginia's middle and high schools.  A teacher with up to three years of teaching experience employed full-time in a Virginia school division who has been issued a five-year Virginia teaching license with an endorsement in Middle Education 6-8: Mathematic, Mathematics-Algebra-I, mathematics, Middle Education 6-8: Science, Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Space Science, physics, or technology education and assigned to a teaching position in a corresponding STEM subject area is eligible to receive a $5,000 initial incentive award after the completion of the first, second, or third year of teaching with a satisfactory performance evaluation and a signed contract in the same school division for the following school year.  A teacher, holding one or more of the aforementioned endorsements and assigned to a teaching position in a corresponding STEM subject area and regardless of teaching experience, who is reassigned from a fully accredited school in a Virginia school division to a hard-to-staff school or a school that is not fully accredited and receives a satisfactory performance evaluation and a signed contract in the same school division for the following year is also eligible to receive an initial incentive award of $5,000.  An additional $1,000 incentive award may be granted for each year the eligible teacher receives a satisfactory evaluation and teaches a qualifying STEM subject in which the teacher has an endorsement for up to three years in a Virginia school division following the year in which the teacher receives the initial incentive award. The maximum incentive award for each eligible teacher is $8,000.  Funding will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis with preference to teachers assigned to teach in hard-to-staff schools or low-performing schools not fully accredited.

O. This appropriation includes $200,000 the first year from the general fund to support the feasibility of establishing the Virginia Science, Technology, Engineering, and Applied Mathematics (STEAM) Academy.

P. Out of this appropriation, the Department of Education shall provide $350,000 the first year and $425,000 the second year from the general fund for Project Discovery.  These funds are towards the cost of the program in Abingdon, Accomack/Northampton, Alexandria, Amherst, Appomattox, Arlington, Bedford, Bland, Campbell, Charlottesville, Cumberland, Danville/Pittsylvania, Fairfax, Franklin/Patrick, Goochland/Powhatan, Lynchburg, Newport News, Norfolk, Richmond City, Roanoke City, Smyth, Surry/Sussex, Tazewell, Williamsburg/James City, and Wythe and the salary of a fiscal officer for Project Discovery.  The Department of Education shall determine the Project Discovery funding distributions to each community action agency.  The contract with Project Discovery should specify the allocations to each local program and require the submission of a financial and budget report and program evaluation performance measures.  Allocations shall be on a per pupil basis.

Q. Out of this appropriation, $175,000 the first year and $87,500 the second year from the general fund is provided for a pilot program in one public local school division for a College Readiness Center as selected by the Superintendent of Public Instruction from submitted proposals.  The Center would provide an extended school calendar in grades six through eight for selected students.  The goals of the program shall be to increase the number of students who attain a college degree without the need for remedial services at the college level.  The local school division shall provide an evaluation of initial outcomes related to the Center by June 30, 2013.

R. Out of this appropriation, the Department of Education shall provide $425,000 the first year and $225,000 the second year from the general fund for the Virginia Student Training and Refurbishment Program.

S. Out of this appropriation, $300,000 the first year and $400,000 the second year from the general fund is provided to establish a comprehensive pilot initiative to recruit students to major in the fields of mathematics and science to help alleviate the shortage of qualified teachers in these fields.

T. Out of this appropriation, $341,040 the second year from the general fund is provided to expand the number of schools implementing an effective school-wide discipline system a positive behavioral interventions and supports program that reduces disruptive behavior in the classroom.  Any school division which desires to apply for this competitive grant must submit a proposal to the Department of Education by August 1, 2013.  The proposal must define student outcome objectives including, but not limited to, reductions in disciplinary referrals and out-of-school suspension rates. In making the competitive grant awards, the Department of Education shall give priority to school divisions proposing to serve schools identified by the Department as having high suspension rates.  School divisions currently implementing Effective School-wide Discipline in one or more schools shall be eligible to apply for grants to support expansion of the program to additional schools. No funds awarded to a school division under this grant may be used to supplant funding for schools already implementing the program.

U. Out of this appropriation, $412,500 the second year from the general fund is provided for planning grants of no more than $50,000 each for local school divisions pursuing the creation of new year-round school programs for divisions or individual schools in support of the findings from the 2012 JLARC review.  School divisions must submit applications to the Department of Education by August 1, 2013.  Applications shall include evidence of commitment to pursue implementation in the 2014-15 school year.  If balances exist, existing extended school year programs may be eligible to apply for remaining funds.

V. Out of this appropriation, $129,500 the second year from the general fund is provided for the Fairfax and Loudoun school divisions to support the development of a STEM model program for pre-kindergarten and kindergarten students.  Each developed model will focus on enhancing the children's learning experiences through the arts.