2009 Session

Budget Bill - HB1600 (Introduced)

Department of Health

Item 299

Item 299

First Year - FY2009Second Year - FY2010
Environmental Health Hazards Control (56500)$7,848,724$7,848,724
State Office of Environmental Health Services (56501)FY2009 $4,058,290FY2010 $4,058,290
Shellfish Sanitation (56502)FY2009 $2,177,972FY2010 $2,177,972
Bedding and Upholstery Inspection (56503)FY2009 $260,872FY2010 $260,872
Radiological Health and Safety Regulation (56504)FY2009 $1,351,590FY2010 $1,351,590
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2009 $5,938,973FY2010 $5,938,973
SpecialFY2009 $628,430FY2010 $628,430
Federal TrustFY2009 $1,281,321FY2010 $1,281,321

Authority: §§ 2.2-4002 B 16; 28.2-800 through 28.2-825; and 32.1-212 through 32.1-245, Code of Virginia.

A. Out of this appropriation, $12,500 the first year and $12,500 the second year shall be provided from the general fund for the activities of the Sewage Appeals Review Board.

B. The Department of Health shall conduct a study which will examine the potential general fund savings of establishing and implementing a fee structure within the Shellfish Sanitation and Marina Program.  The proposed fee structure would include new fees on shellfish packers, shippers, and crab meat processors, marina application, plan review, and permit renewals.  The department shall present their findings and recommendations to the Secretary of Health and Human Resources and the Director, Department of Planning and Budget no later than August 1, 2008.

C. Notwithstanding §32.1-218, Code of Virginia, excess bedding fee revenues from the second year, not to exceed $60,000, shall be deposited into the general fund.