2009 Session

Budget Bill - HB1600 (Introduced)

University of Virginia

Item 200

Item 200

First Year - FY2009Second Year - FY2010
Higher Education Auxiliary Enterprises (80900)
     a sum sufficient, estimated at
Residential Services (80930)FY2009 $22,308,536FY2010 $24,208,536
Parking and Transportation Systems and Services (80940)FY2009 $14,443,667FY2010 $14,443,667
Telecommunications Systems and Services (80950)FY2009 $13,954,457FY2010 $13,954,457
Student Health Services (80960)FY2009 $8,927,128FY2010 $9,327,128
Recreational and Intramural Programs (80980)FY2009 $4,622,549FY2010 $4,922,549
Other Enterprise Functions (80990)FY2009 $59,482,025FY2010 $61,282,025
Intercollegiate Athletics (80995)FY2009 $29,796,736FY2010 $31,796,736
Fund Sources:  
Higher Education OperatingFY2009 $130,375,098FY2010 $136,775,098
Debt ServiceFY2009 $23,160,000FY2010 $23,160,000

Authority: Title 23, Chapter 9, Code of Virginia.