Authority: Title 2.2, Chapter 2; Article 6, and § 2.2-201A, Code of Virginia.
A. Out of this appropriation, $1,000,000 the first year and $1,000,000 the second year from the general fund shall be used to expand statewide services provided through child advocacy centers. The Secretary, with assistance from relevant Health and Human Resources agencies, shall develop a request for proposals to distribute one-third of the funding for each of the three categories of child advocacy centers including: (i) fully accredited members, (ii) associate centers, and (iii) other centers that are currently operating, developing, or exploring development based on standards set by the National Children's Alliance with input from the Children's Advocacy Centers of Virginia.
B.1. The Secretary of Health and Human Resources, in collaboration with the Office of the Attorney General and the Secretary of Public Safety, shall present a six-year forecast of the adult offender population presently incarcerated in the Department of Corrections and approaching release who meet the criteria set forth in Chapter 863 and Chapter 914 of the 2006 Acts of Assembly, and who may be eligible for evaluation as sexually violent predators (SVPs) for each fiscal year within the six-year forecasting period. As part of the forecast, the Secretary shall report on: (i) the number of Commitment Review Committee (CRC) evaluations to be completed; (ii) the number of eligible inmates recommended by the CRC for civil commitment, conditional release, and full release; (iii) the number of civilly committed residents of the Virginia Center for Behavioral Rehabilitation who are eligible for annual review; and (iv) the number of individuals civilly committed to the Virginia Center for Behavioral Rehabilitation and granted conditional release from civil commitment in a state SVP facility. The Secretary shall complete a summary report of current SVP cases and a forecast of SVP eligibility, civil commitments, and SVP conditional releases, including projected bed space requirements, to the Governor and Senate Finance and House Appropriations Committees by October 1 of each year.
2. As part of the forecast process, the Department of Corrections shall administer a STATIC-99 screening to all potential Sexually Violent Predators eligible for civil commitment pursuant to § 37.2-900 et seq., Code of Virginia, within 6 months of admission to the Department of Corrections. The results of such screenings shall be provided to the Commissioner of the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services (DMHMRSAS) on a monthly basis and used for the SVP population forecast process.
3. The Office of the Attorney General shall also provide to the Commissioner of DMHMRSAS, on a monthly basis, the status of all SVP cases pending before their office for purposes of forecasting the SVP population.
C. The Secretary of Health and Human Resources shall report on the feasibility of restructuring auxiliary grants to pay for housing of consumers who receive case management services from a community services board or behavioral health authority and who are found eligible for or are currently receiving auxiliary grants. The feasibility report shall include an assessment of how an auxiliary grant could be used to meet the needs of consumers who would benefit from choosing alternative living arrangements that promote more focused recovery and independence, an estimate of the number of consumers that could be eligible for an auxiliary grant under a restructured program, and an estimate of the potential cost of the restructured program. In developing the feasibility report, the Secretary shall consult with representatives of the assisted living industry, mental health organizations, community services boards, behavioral health authorities, and consumers. The feasibility report shall be provided to the Governor, and the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees, and the Joint Commission on Health Care, by December 1, 2007.
D. The Secretary of Health and Human Resources shall work with the Virginia Information Technologies Agency, and the Departments of Medical Assistance Services, Health, Social Services and Motor Vehicles, to develop methods to streamline the verification of citizenship and the identity of applicants for medical assistance services and to enable caseworkers to access necessary information for eligibility purposes.
E. The Secretary of Health and Human Resources, in cooperation with the Commissioners of the Departments for the Aging and Social Services, local service delivery agencies, and affected consumer and provider organizations, shall examine the feasibility of transferring adult services and adult services licensing from the Department of Social Services to the Department for the Aging, including an estimate of the potential cost impacts on state and local agencies and services, and the organizational changes necessary to implement such a transfer. The Secretary shall report on the feasibility of this transfer and make recommendations to the Governor and the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees by December 1, 2007.
F. The Secretary of Health and Human Resources, in coordination with the Department of Social Services, shall review and report on the strategic plan for Healthy Families Virginia. The review shall examine Prevent Child Abuse Virginia's survey of site capacity and sites that would be appropriate for expansion. As part of the report, the Secretary shall review the findings of the Hampton Healthy Families Partnership Benchmark Study and recommend strategies that other communities may adopt to further reduce child abuse and neglect. The Secretary shall provide this report, no later than October 1, 2007, to the Governor, and the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees.