2004 2

Budget Bill - SB5001 (Introduced)

Item 362 Amendments

First Year - FY2005Second Year - FY2006
Committee Approved
362#2sSupplant TANF Support for At-risk Child Care$8,600,000$4,300,000
362#3sDedicate TANF for Domestic Violence Grants (Language Only)
362#8sFoster Care and Adoption Workers (Language Only)
362#9sFoster Care Services Improvement Plan (Language Only)
362#12sDomestic Violence Grant Services (SB 237)$650,000$650,000
Conference Report
362#1cRestore TANF - Domestic Violence Grants (Language Only)
362#2cRestore TANF - Foster Care and Adoption Workers (Language Only)
362#3cSupplant TANF Support for At-risk Child Care Subsidies$2,000,000$2,000,000
362#4cDomestic Violence Services Marriage License Tax$108,422$108,422
362#5cChild Day Care Resource & Referral-$150,000-$150,000