Committee Approved | | |
3-1.01#1s | Transfer ABC property sale revenue to general fund (Language Only) |
3-1.01#1s | UVA - Interest Earnings for Medical Center (Language Only) |
3-1.01#3s | Virginia Wine Board (Language Only) |
3-1.01#4s | VA Racing Commission (Language Only) |
3-1.01#5s | Fund Detail Switch (Language Only) |
3-1.01#6s | Transfer VIA to VNHRF (Language Only) |
3-1.01#7s | Special Fund Transfers (Language Only) |
Conference Report | | |
3-1.01#1c | Gov's Proposed Transfer -- VEC (Language Only) |
3-1.01#2c | Transfer Vital Record Fee Increase for Health Care Services (Language Only) |
3-1.01#3c | Virginia Wine Board (Language Only) |
3-1.01#4c | Fund Detail Switch (Language Only) |
3-1.01#5c | VRS Retiree Health Credit Employer Contribution Rate (Language Only) |
3-1.01#6c | Uninsured Motorists Fee Transfer (Language Only) |
3-1.01#7c | Part 3 Transfers Contingent on Tax Package (Language Only) |
3-1.01#8c | UVA - Interest Earnings for Medical Center (Language Only) |
3-1.01#9c | ABC Sunday Store Hours (Language Only) |
3-1.01#10c | VA Racing Commission (Language Only) |
3-1.01#11c | Transfer ABC Property Sale Revenue to General Fund (Language Only) |
3-1.01#12c | ABC Product Markup (Language Only) |
3-1.01#13c | ABC License & Permit Fees (Language Only) |
3-1.01#14c | Nongeneral Fund Transfer (Language Only) |
3-1.01#15c | Distribution of ABC Profits (Language Only) |